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Gleick J. — Chaos. Making a new science
Gleick J. — Chaos. Making a new science

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Íàçâàíèå: Chaos. Making a new science

Àâòîð: Gleick J.

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Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.11.2008

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Fractals, in wildness      117 (see also “Mandelbrot set” “Strange
Fractals, Koch curve      98—100 99 102—103 237
Fractals, Menger sponge      101
Fractals, Sierpinski carpet and gasket      100 101 237
France      88 90 127 144 191 197 217 258
Franceschini, Valter      209
Franklin, Benjamin      36
Free will      5
Frequency spectrum      205—206 206 207
Friction      24—25 50 63 122 134 144 204 209
Functions, iteration of      61—64 69—71 73 167—168 170—172 174—175 222
Gaia hypothesis      279 307
Galaxies      7 114 116
Galaxies, modeling, on computers      146
Galileo      39—42 53
Geli-Mann, Murray      66 126
General Electric Corporation      114
Geodynamo      see “Earth magnetic
Geometry, classical vs. fractal      94 226 238
Geometry, dimension in      97
Geometry, of surfaces      104—106
Georgia Institute of Technology      38 216 252 304
Germany      191 229
Giglio, Marzio      127
Glass, Leon      281 290—291
Global Atmosphere Research Program      18
God      8 12 121 168 185 314
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, color theory of      163—165
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, on plants      197
Goldberger, Ary L.      281—282 293
Gollub, Jerry P.      127—128 150 152 194 209
Gonorrhea      65
Gould, Stephen Jay      200
Gout      277
Grand Unified Theory of      7
Grand Unified Theory of, and turbulence      121—125 137
Grand Unified Theory of, laws of      6 12 14
Grand Unified Theory of, mentors and prot6g6s in      244 249
Grand Unified Theory of, Newtonian      6
Grand Unified Theory of, particle      6—7 115
Grand Unified Theory of, radios vs. chemistry sets      132
Grand Unified Theory of, reductionism in      185
Grand Unified Theory of, teaching of      42 56 67—68 244 250
Grand Unified Theory of, without chaos      67
Gravity      15
Guckenheimer, John      182
Guevara, Michael      290—291
Gulf Stream      55
Gypsy moths      4 61 171
Halley, Edmond      14—15
Hao Bai-Lin      306
Harvard University      69 83 164 222—223 243—244 290
Harvard University, Medical School      281 293
Haverford College      128
Hawking, Stephen      6—7
Hawking, Stephen, “Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?”      6
Heart      3—4 8 109 280—283
Heart, arrhythmia in      281 283—284 288—289 291
Heart, defibrillating devices for      284 289 292
Heart, valves      122 282—283
Heiles, Carl      147
Heisenberg      14 121
Henon attractor      see “Strange attractors”
Henon, Michel      44 144—149 303
Henon, Michel, on galactic orbits      146—147 148
Hiroshima      2
Hohenberg, Pierre      208 314
Holmes, Philip      306
Hooke, Robert      53
Hoppensteadt, Frank      77
Horseshoe      see “Smale”
Houthakker, Hendrik      83—84
Hubbard, John      217—219 226—229 240 306
Huberman, Bernardo      269—270 275—278 307
Hudson’s Bay Company      79
Huygens, Christian      40 292
Ice ages      170
Ideker, Raymond E.      288—289
imaginary numbers      see “Complex numbers”
Immune system      263 272 280 314
information      222 239 255—257 261 293
Information theory      255—262 268
Information, creation of      258 260—262
Insects      4 61 171 285—286
Insomnia      286 298
Instability      18 169 198 299
Instability, in pattern formation      309
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scienti-fiques      132 134
Institute for Advanced Study      14 37 69 132 272
Institute for Physical Science and Technology (University of Maryland)      65
Intelligence      5
Intermittency      209 290
International Business Machines Corporation      83—84 86—87 90 222—223 249
International Congress of Mathematicians      45—46 139
Italy      127 209
Iteration      see “Feedback” “Functions”
Jacot, Louis      258
Jellyfish      199 200
Jensen, Roderick V.      306
Jet lag      286
Johns Hopkins University      126 285
Josephson junctions      42 271
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences      31
Journal of the Institute of Water Engineers      197
Julia sets      216 221—222 222 228—229 236—237
Julia, Gaston      216 221 226—227
Jupiter      53—56 insert
Kac, Mark      183—184
Kadanoff, Leo      160—161 329
Koch curve      98—100 99 102—103 237 insert
Koch, Helge von      99 118
Kolmogorov, A. N.      76 123 182 261
Kuhn, Thomas S.      35—39 262 315
Kuhn, Thomas S., concept of paradigms      37 39 42 52 107 269
Kuhn, Thomas S., problem-solving vs. scientific revolutions      36—37
Lamont — Doherty Geophysical Observatory (Columbia University)      103
Landau, Lev D.      123—124 130—132 137 152 194
Lanford, Oscar E.      183 268
Language      256
Laplace, Pierre Simon      14 144
Lasers      42 271 130—131
Leaves      196 202 238
Lehrer, Tom      243
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm      115—116
Leontief, Wassily      84
Libchaber, Albert      191—197 202—211 314
Libchaber, Albert, conception of “flow”      195—202
Libchaber, Albert, life      7 198—202 251 279
Libchaber, Albert, light      164—165
Libchaber, Albert, lightning      4
Libchaber, Albert, measures period-doubling      205—206
Libchaber, Albert, “Helium in a Small Box”      192—195 202—206 208—211
Linguistics      90
Littlewood, J. E.      325
Logistic difference equation      63—64 69—70 79 166—168 170—172 174—175
Lorenz attractor      28 30 140 149 218 245—247 269 insert
Lorenz attractor, as music      244—245
Lorenz attractor, infinite complex of surfaces      139—141
Lorenz, Edward      11—31 44 48 52—53 55—56 65 71 76 116 135 144 149 168—169 182 194 244 246 253 259 264 303 314 316—317
Lorenz, Edward, and aperiodicity      22
Lorenz, Edward, and climate      168—169
Lorenz, Edward, and coffee cup      25
Lorenz, Edward, and mathematics      13
Lorenz, Edward, and weather modeling      15
Lorenz, Edward, Butterfly Effect      8 20—23 246—247 261
Lorenz, Edward, childhood      13
Lorenz, Edward, discovered by physicists      67
Lorenz, Edward, discovers sensitive dependence on initial conditions      16 17
Lorenz, Edward, waterwheel      27 29 31
Lorenz, Edward, “Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow”      30 66—67 139—141
Los Alamos National Laboratory      1—4 157 160 178
Los Alamos National laboratory, Center for Nonlinear Studies      4
Los Alamos National laboratory, Theoretical Division      1 158 179 248 272
Lovelock, James E.      279 307 308
Lyapunov exponent      247 253 255 268 316
Lynx      79
Mac Arthur, Robert      315
Magellan, Ferdinand      226
Mahler, Gustav      163
Malkus, Willem      31
Malthusian growth      62—63
Mandelbrojt, Szolem      87 88
Mandelbrot set      221—232 224—225 306 inserts
Mandelbrot set, defined      227
Mandelbrot set, discovered      222—223 224—225
Mandelbrot set, programming      231—232
Mandelbrot, Benoit      4 83—118 161—162 182 191 216 219—221 223 226—228 237—238 240 303
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and biology      108—110
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and cotton prices      84—86
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and dimension      96—98
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and economics      83
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and fractal constructions      100
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and mathematicians      111 114
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and physicists      87
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and randomness      84
Mandelbrot, Benoit, and self-similarity      103
Mandelbrot, Benoit, childhood      87
Mandelbrot, Benoit, geometric intuition      88
Mandelbrot, Benoit, Merchant of Venice syndrome      108
Mandelbrot, Benoit, Noah and Joseph effects      92—94
Mandelbrot, Benoit, The Fractal Geometry of Nature      104 111—113
Mandelbrot, Benoit, “How Long Is the Coast of Britain?”      94—96
Mandell, Arnold      278 293 298—299
Marat, Jean-Paul      111
Marcus, Philip      54—56
Marcuse, Herbert      243
Margulis, Lynn      279
Maryland, University of      65
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      11 13 21 31 103 159 163 290
Mathematics, and hermeticism      89
Mathematics, and Mandelbrot      111
Mathematics, and numbers      178
Mathematics, and turbulence      121—125 137
Mathematics, complex analysis      227
Mathematics, experimentation in      38 112 218—219 229
Mathematics, in biology      60 69 198—200 282 290
Mathematics, rigor in      89 183 218 230—231
Mathematics, vs. physics      47 52 66 69 113 118 178
Maurer, Jean      192 203
Maxwell, James Clerk      181
May, Robert      4 69—80 135 171 172 182 208 259 303
May, Robert, and epidemiology      78
May, Robert, and period-doubling      70—71 172
May, Robert, “messianic” plea      79 245
McGill University      281 288 290
Measles      61 78—79 315
Medawar, Sir Peter      200
Menger sponge      101
Message to physicists      69 73
Meterology      3 11—13 21—22 55
Meterorites      29 314
Metropolis, Nicholas      167—168 173 182
Mines, George      288
Mixing      122 255
Mode locking      290 293 294—295
Models, approximation in      15
Models, borrowed from physics      60 282
Models, detail vs. generalization in      278—279
Models, for convection      25—26 29—30
Models, for earthquakes      107
Models, for ecology      59—63 69
Models, for epidemics      316
Models, for galactic orbits      146—147 149
Models, for heart motion      281—283
Models, for schizophrenia      276—278
Models, for weather      11—14 16—17 19—21 55
Models, in economics      20
Models, stability in      48
Models, “daisy world”      279
Morse code      258
Moscow University      46
Mosquitoes      285—286
Myrberg, P. J.      183 329
Mysticism      195
National Aeronautics and Space Administration      54
National Center for Atmospheric Research      250
National Institute of Mental Health      275
National Institutes of Health      275
National Meterological Center      19
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration      21
National Science Foundation      46 131 249 317
Nature      49 79—80 245
Navier — Stokes equation      24
Navy (United States)      249 275
Nazis      87 191
Neumann, John von      14 18—19 21
Neumann, John von, on nonlinearity in fluids      24
New York Academy of Sciences      258—259 269 275
New York City, public schools      159 (see also “City College of New York”)
New York University      77 283
Newton, Sir Isaac      12—13 15 41 55 144—145 217
Newton, Sir Isaac, and color      164—166
Newton’s method      217—220 220 227 insert
Nice Observatory      144 149
Nobel prize      3 7 160
Nobel Symposium      182
Noise      see “Errors”
Nonlinear dynamics      see “Chaos”
Nonlinearity      23—24 56 63 73 80 162 326
Nonlinearity, and problem-solving      153 162 166 250—251
Nonlinearity, as agent of stability      193—194
Nonlinearity, in dripping faucet      264
Nonlinearity, in fluid models      283
Nonlinearity, in pendulum      41—43
Nonlinearity, in schizophrenia      277
Nonlinearity, in textbooks      67 250—251
Nonlinearity, teaching of      42
Normal distribution      84
Office of Naval Research      see “Navy”
Oppenheimer, J. Robert      1
oscillators      see “Pendulums”
Oxford University      215
Packard, Norman      248—251 258—259 270 272
parabola      166—167 176
Paris Opera      117
Particle Physics      6—7 115
Patterns      5 196 261 308
Patterns, across scale      86
Patterns, formation of      272 308 310 314
Patterns, generated by fractal processes      236—239
Patterns, in biology      299
Patterns, in weather      12 15
Patterns, universality of      195
Peitgen, Heinz-Otto      229—231 236 240
Pendulums      39 41—44 49 60 169—170 174 234 292—293 315
Pendulums, and schizophrenia      276
Pendulums, Aristotle and Galileo on      40—42
Pendulums, double      230
Pendulums, in phase space      50 136—137
Pendulums, nonlinearity in      42—43
Pendulums, spherical      43
Pendulums, strange attractor of      143
Perception      163
Period-doubling      71 73 76 171—172 176—177 204 206 211 215
Period-doubling, found in experiment      204—206 207
Period-doubling, in heart cells      290
Period-doubling, in schizophrenia      276
Phase space      49—52 50 134—139 136—137 144 149 206 227 230 246 261 269 299
Phase space, folding in      51—52 149 253
Phase space, infinite dimensional      136—137 271
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