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Brillouin L. — Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures |
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Absorption 174
Acoustic waves 158
Acoustic waves along a pipe of elliptic cross section 173
Acoustical branch 15 55 63 67 128 158 161
Acoustics 194
Adiabatic elastic coefficient 2
Admittance 203
Ambiguity in wave length 6 7
Ambiguity, in the value of and 104
Amplitude A (r), as a periodic function in the direct lattice 111
Analogies 43
Analogies between electrical and mechanical systems 40
Anisotropic medium 163
Anisotropic medium oscillator 21
Antiresonance 219
Asymmetric cells 82 84
Atomic planes 136 138
Atomic rows 136 138
Attenuation 9 33 38 57 76 174 212 216
Average perturbation 112
Baden-Powell 4 6 11 17 31
Bands, absorption 174
Bands, four-terminal 225
Bands, N particles per cell, meaning N 130
Bands, pass 19
Bands, pass-filter 11 13 43
Bands, passing 16 25 49 55 115 122 174 177 183 216 218—221 225
Bands, stopping 11 16 24 55 56 60 115 122 174 177 183 218 225 226
Bands, structure 220—223 225
Bands, two-terminal 220—223
Basis vectors 131
Bernoulli, Daniel 2
Bloch, F. 140 171
Body-centered cubic lattice 135 148 153 159
Boltzmann, L. 164
Born, M. 14 16 44 49 155 159 162 171
Bouckaert, L.P., Smoluchowski, R. and Wigner, E. 171
boundary conditions 30 35 69 127 159
Bragg's theory 123
Bragg's theory of reflection 113 115 118 120 122 136 138 191
Branch, acoustical 15 55 63 67 128 158 161
Branch, optical 15 55 63 67
Bravais hexagonal lattice 149 154
Bravais hexagonal lattice, notation for crystal planes 99
Brillouin, L. 97 167 171 178 192
Cable 3 194
Campbell 13 193 194
Canonical form of the line equations 214
Capacity 188 228
Carrier wave 75
Cauchy, A.L. 3—10
Cell (cells) 97
Cell (cells) of the lattice 15 65
Cell (cells), asymmetric 82 84
Cell (cells), direct and reciprocal 132
Cell (cells), elementary 97 131
Change in periodicity 59
Characteristic impedance 49 69 80 81 83 85 86 88 91 92 194 196 20&—211 213 214 217 218 224 226 229 231 232
Characteristic temperatures 164 166 171
Chodorov, M.I., and Manning M.F. 171
Clairaut, A.C. 3
Classical thermodynamics 166
Close-packed hexagonal lattice 154
Close-packed spheres 149 150
Cloud of electrons 121
Co variant unit vectors 97
Cohesive forces 168
Complete row or plane system 130
Complex amplitude 147
Complex variables 70
Conductance 228
Continuity across the boundary 127
Continuous medium 32
Continuous medium with periodic variations 106 108
Continuous periodic structure 130
Continuous string 19
Continuous string with periodic structure 67 68
Contravariant unit vectors 97
Coupled harmonic oscillators 58
Critical frequency 9 13 14 18
Cross section 127
Crystals 121 122 193
Cubic lattice 152 153
Cubic lattice, body-centered 135 148 153 159
Cubic lattice, face-centered 134 135 148 150 153 159
Cutoff 9 10 33
Cutoff frequencies, for longitudinal and transverse waves 164
Cutoff frequency 19 32 38 162 164 230 231
Cutoff wave length 162
Cyclic conditions 159 161
Davisson 123
de Broglie, M. 64 123 158
Debye 162 164—166 167 171
Dense spacing 31
density 85
Density of points in the lattice planes 133
Determinant 202 204 206 212 226 228 230 232 237
Determinant, infinite 141 142 179
Diagonal elements 212
Differential operator 235
Dirac method 236 239
Direct and reciprocal cells, having reciprocal volumes 132
Direct and reciprocal lattice 94 95 107 123 131
Direct or reversed pendulum 190
Discontinuities 130
Discontinuities in the vs. (a) curve 106
Discontinuous string 13 193
dispersion 10 69 70
Distance between lattice rows or planes 117 133
Distance, of interaction 33
Distortion 70 76
Double line 39
Doubly and triply periodic functions 99
Dulong P.L., and Petit, A.T. 166
Elastic force 81
Elastic waves 158 191 193
Elasticity modulus 85
Electric lines 69 193—196
Electric lines, continuous 227
Electric lines, loaded 40 84
Electric-circuit theory 194
Electrical analogue of the one-dimensional diatomic lattice 47
Electrical analogue of the one-dimensional diatomic lattice, glossary 195
Electromagnetic energy 40
Electromagnetic waves 158 193 194
Electron cloud 127
Electron spin 194 196 206 236
Electronic density 102 121 125 127 192
Electronic waves 190 191 193
Electrostatic energy 40
Elementary cell 131
Elementary cell in the direct or reciprocal lattice 97
Elementary lattice 160
Energy (energies) density 72 73 89
Energy (energies) of a solid 164
Energy (energies) velocity 69 70 72 74 81 91
Energy (energies), average potential and kinetic 92
Energy (energies), equipartition of 166
Energy (energies), flow of 69 72 73 85 86 89 90
entropy 168
Entropy of a solid body 167
Equidistant coupled oscillators 21
Equipartition of energy 166
Euler, L. 2
Ewald, P.P. 136 138
expansion 168
Exponential horn 229
Exponential line 229 230
Extension modulus 31
External pressure 168
| Face-centered cubic lattice 134 135 148 150 153 159
Filter, band-pass 193
Filter, high-pass 13 14 19 36 42 230
Filter, low-pass 9 13 19 36 37 40 42 84
Filters 12 193 194
finite 81
Finite lattice 28 34 69
Finite piece of crystal 159
first zone 137 138 154
First-order correction on the frequency 115
Floquet 140 173 175 181 232
Flow of energy 69 72 73 85 86 89 90
Four-terminals 195 200 203 205 208 213 214 225 227 237
Four-terminals in cascade 211 231
Four-terminals representation of continuous lines 229
Four-terminals, infinitesimal 234
Four-terminals, infinitesimal, nonreversible 228
Four-terminals, inverse 204
Four-terminals, nonreversible 217 228 232
Four-terminals, reversed 204 205 207 210
Four-terminals, reversible 205 211 214 216 217 226 228 229 232 234 239
Fourier series 2 3 35 143 184 185 191
Fourier series, multiple 101 109 121
Fourier, J.B.J. 77 130
French, N.R. 49
Frequency as a periodic function of the wave vector 104 142
Frequency distribution for waves 157
Frequency, cutoff 128
Fundamental interval 25
Generalized Lagrange coordinates 196
Geometrical representation of matrices 206 207
Germer 123
Goodwin, T.H. 122
Group 206
Group of waves 70
Group , velocity 70 74 75 80 91 160
Hardy, R. 122
Harmonic content of oscillations 189
Harmonic content of oscillations, oscillator 21 164 169
Hartree 192
Heaviside, O. 13
Hermitian matrices 236 239
Herring, C. 171
Hexagonal lattice 123 149 150 153 154 158
Hexagonal lattice, close-packed 150
Hexagonal lattice, first and second zone of 154
High-pass filter 13 14 19 36 42 230
Hill's equation 143 178—180 232 234
Hill's equation with a rectangular curve 180
Historical background, eighteenth century 1
Historical background, nineteenth century 3
Homogeneous isotropic medium with a small periodic perturbation 137 139 143
Hooke, R. 167
Horizontal tangent 127
Humbert, J. 173 192
Hund, F. 171
Ideal isotropic solid body 161
Impedances 203
Impedances of electric lines 84 209
Impedances, image 215 216
Impedances, iterative 209
Impedances, mechanical 209
Index of refraction 9 12
Inductance mutual 195 196
Infinite determinant 141 142 179
Infinite line 81
Infinite number of branches 130
Infinite set of lattice planes 132
Infinitesimal portion of the line 227
Infinitesimal transformation 227
Inhomogeneous differential equation 109
Input impedance 210
Instability and self-excitation 189
Interaction between molecules 23
Interaction between molecules, nearest neighbors only 31 72 80
Interatomic distances 10
Internal pressure 168
Ions 192
Isotropic solid 158
Jones, H. 171
Junction of an aerial telephonic line with a city cable 49
Junction of two lattices 30 85 87
Kelvin, W.T. 5 10 11 33 193
Kronecker, L. 67 141 143
Kronig, R.de L. 184 192
Lagrange, J.L. 3 13 193
Laplace, P.S. 1 108 140
Lattice of identical particles 19 26
Lattice with basis 128 129 147 149 158
Lattice, body-centered cubic 135 148 153 159
Lattice, crystal 121 122 193
Lattice, cubic 152 153
Lattice, direct 72 80 94 95 107 123 128 131 159
Lattice, elementary cell in the direct or reciprocal 15 65 97 131 159
Lattice, finite 28 34 69
Lattice, hexagonal 123 149 150 153 154 158
Lattice, NaCl 44 49 52 55 154
Lattice, oblique 97 102 125
Lattice, one-dimensional 2 3 4 17 44 65 69
Lattice, polyatomic 128
Lattice, reciprocal 101 116 125 132 134 159
Lattice, rows and planes 98 102 116 117 133 135 151
Line 81
Line of four-terminals 211 216
Line with constants coefficients 232
Line, electric 69 193 194 195 196 227 236
Line, impedance of an electrical 209
Linear combinations of plane waves 64
Linear combinations of two exponentials 113
Linearization of the relativistic wave equation 236
Loaded line 3 13 221
Loaded line with condensers 222
Loaded line with four-terminals 224
Loaded line with inductances 222
Loaded line with two-terminals 218
Loaded line, string 12 19 68
Longitudinal vibrations 20 158 162 163 164
Lorentz, formula of 11
Loud-speaker 229
Low-pass filter 9 13 19 37
Low-pass filter, electrical 13 37 40 84
Low-pass filter, mechanical 36 38 40 42
magnetic moment 236
Manning, M.F. 171
Mathieu, P. 140 142 172—182 187 192 233
Matrices 96 193 194 196 201 206 207 213 218 220 226 227 232 237
Matrices unit 96 204 206 227
Matrices, commutative 209 218
Matrices, complex 206
Matrices, Hermitian symmetrical 236 239
Matrices, inverse 202 206
Matrices, multiplication of 203 207 209 231
Matrices, Pauli 234 236 239
Matrices, principal axes of 207 208 210 213
Matrices, proper values of 208 212 229
Matrices, reversible 236
Matrices, six-terminal 238
Maximum frequencies 162
Maxwell's equations of electro-magnetism 70
Mead, S.P. 49
Mechanical filter 12 36 38 40 42 193
Mechanical filter, oscillators 189
Medium with periodic structure 158
Metals, free electrons in 190
Mixtures of tiny crystals in 161
Modes of vibration 2
Modulation 75
Molecular structure of matter 10
Monatomic lattice 72 80 128 159
Morse, P.M. 171 192
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