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Brillouin L. — Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures |
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Mosaic 125 129 130
Mott, N.F. 171
Mutual inductance 195 196
NaCl crystal lattice 16 44 49 52 55 154
Newton, I. 1 3 31 32
Normalization condition 236
Number of degrees of freedom 11 15
Oblique coordinate system and lattice 97 102 125
Oil films on water 10
One-dimensional diatomic lattice 44
One-dimensional diatomic lattice, lattice of polyatomic molecules 65
One-dimensional diatomic lattice, lattices 2 3 4 17 44
One-dimensional diatomic lattice, mechanical lattice 69
One-dimensional diatomic lattice, NaCl lattice 44
Operator 235
Optical branch 15 55 63 67
Optical branch, medium 193
Optical branch, type 128 158
Orthogonality condition 110 112 114
Oscillations of an elliptic lake 173
Oscillator harmonic 21 164 166 169
Output impedance 209
Particles interacting at large distances 30
Passing bands 11 16 25 49 55 174 177 183
Pauli matrices 234 236 239
Peierls, R. 171
Pendulum 190
Penney, W.G. 184 192
Periodic functions 99
Periodic perturbation 68 154 189
Periodic structure, continuous string with 67 68 195
Periodic structure, continuum with 106 107 108
Perpendicular bisector 105 106 116 121 137 156 158
Perturbation 35 68 108 115 119 121 154 188 189
Perturbation of the lattice 35
Perturbation, small 64 186 191
phase velocity 6 69 70 75 85 108 160
Planck, M. 164 169 190 191
Planes, atomic 136 138
Polyatomic lattice 128
Polyphase lines 236
Potential-energy density 89
Poynting's vector 93 194
Principle of superposition 2
Propagation of a signal 74
Propagation of waves 70 175 193
Propagation of waves in a continuous two-dimensional medium with a periodic perturbation 107
Propagation vector 109 131
Proper frequencies, functions, values, and vibrations of 2 3 11 212 229
Pupin, M.I. 3 13 193 194
quantum mechanics 196
Quantum mechanics, theory of 164 169
Radiation pressure 167 168
Rayleigh 167
Reciprocal lattice 94 95 108 123 130 136 139 142 151
Reciprocity 77
Rectangular lattice 125
rectifiers 196
Reducing all vectors a inside the first zone 154
Reflection 30 64 86—88 91 207 213
Reflection at a junction 217 218
Reflection from lattice row 117
Reflection of waves, connection between passing or stopping bands and 64
Reflection, Bragg's 113 115 118 120 122 136 138 191
Reflection, partial 217 218
Reflection, prevented 81 86 92
Reflection, total 218
Refractive dispersion 11
Relativistic quantum mechanics 206
Resistance 38 217 225 228
Resistance, negative 196
Resonance 12 219
Restricted interval for the wave number 7 18
Row of diatomic molecules 22
Row of diatomic molecules, harmonic oscillators 58
Row of diatomic molecules, lattice points 28 123 136 138
Schelkunoff, S.A. 93
Schroedinger, E. 190
Seitz F. 171
Self-consistent field 192
Self-excited oscillator 186 187
Self-inductance 228
Semiinfinite row of particles 34
signal 78 80
Signal with a finite spectrum 78
Signal with an infinite spectrum 80
Six-terminal 237 238
Six-terminal, matrix for 238
| Size of atoms 10
Skinne, H.W.B. 171
Slater, J.C. 171
Smoluchowski, R. 171
Space charge, electronic 121
Specific heat 45 158 167
Spectrum 78 80
Spherical first zone 162 164
Square-centered lattice 126 129
Stable oscillations 187
Standing wave 9 80
Statistical computation of entropy 169
Stopping band 11 16 24 56 174 177 183
Straight line in the plane 98
strain 32
Stratton, J.A. 97 192
String, discontinuous 13 193
String, loaded 12
Strutt, M.J.O. 180 192
Superlattice 29 35
Surface layer 35
Surface tension 30
Surge impedance 209 216
Symmetric cells 82 84
Symmetry considerations 121
Symmetry considerations of the perturbation function 126
Taylor, B. 2
Telegraphic cable 228
Temperatures, characteristic 164 166 171
Tensors 97 171
Thermal expansion 167
Three-dimensional lattices 131
Three-dimensional wave equation 235
Three-phase line 236
Tides in an elliptic sea 173
Transformer ratio 86 88
Transition from a continuous medium to a discontinuous lattice 153
Transition from a diatomic to a monatomic lattice 57 62
Transition near the discontinuity 118
Transmission 88
Transmission bands see “Bands”
Transverse vibrations 20 158 162 164
Triple Fourier series 136 139
Triply periodic functions 136
Two-dimensional homogeneous isotropic continuum 108
Two-dimensional lattice 94
Two-terminal 219 220
Unperturbed wave 115
Unstable oscillations 187 189
Van der Pol, B. 173 182 183 190 192
Vaschy 13
Velocity energy 69 70 72 74 81 91
Velocity group 70 74 80 91 160
Velocity of propagation 1 4 6 19 20 31 32 35 38
Velocity phase 9 69 70 75 85 108 160
Vibrating strings 2 3
Vibrations with an elliptic boundary 173
Vincent 12 13 193
Viscous force 81
Watson 177 178 192
Wave equation for a two-dimensional continuum 108 109
Wave in a discontinuous lattice 147
Wave in a periodic continuous medium 172
Wave in crystals 14
Wave in electric filters 194
Wave longitudinal and transverse acoustical 20 158 162 163 164
Wave mechanics 190 193 194
wave number 17
Wave packet 70
Wave propagating, in a three-dimensional periodic medium 139
Wave propagation 5 70 175 193 194 196 212 214 224 228 230 232
Wave propagation through the lattice 137
Wave, elastic 158 191 193
Wave, electron 191 193
Wave, modulated 75
Whittaker 143 173 177 179 184 192
Wigner, E. 155 171
X rays 64 123 191 193
X-ray reflection from crystal lattices 102 115 118 120 121 158
Zone 121 137 152 155
Zone, boundary 142
Zone, first 105 126 129 137 138 154 158
Zone, second 106 129
Zone, structure of 146 190
Zones for a hexagonal lattice 124
Zones for a square lattice 126
Zones in one dimension 102
Zones in three dimensions 136 148
Zones in two dimensions 102 121
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