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Bhagavantam S., Venkatarayudu T. — Theory of Groups and Its Application to Physical Problems |
Предметный указатель |
Angular momentum operators 184
Angular momentum, quantization of 87
Angular momentum, vector addition of 187
Associative law 1
Bhagavantam 96 100
Birch 166
Cady 166
Calcite 144
Cayley — Klein parameters 185
Central force 110
Cocker 162
Conjugate elements 35
Cookson 166
cross 80
Crystal classes 128
Crystal optics 160
Crystal system 125
Decius 80
Degenerate modes 69 155
diamond 156
Dirac 204
Displacement of rigid body 3
Eckart 192
Eigenfunctions 57
Eigenfunctions of hydrogen-like atoms 62
Eigenvalues 57
Elasticity 161
Electric double refraction 166
Enantiomorphism 167
Eulerian angles 177
Filon 161
Fumi 165
Gel'fand 182
group characters 231
Group postulates 1
Groups, Abelian 2 247
Groups, abstract 34
Groups, cyclic 2
Groups, direct product 42 233
Groups, factor 37
Groups, finite 2
Groups, infinite 2
Groups, isomorphous 42
Groups, linear transformation 45
Groups, matrix 44
Groups, permutation 39
Groups, point 6
Groups, rotation 171
Groups, self-conjugate sub 37
Groups, solvable 252
Groups, space 8 130
Groups, sub 34
Groups, unitary substitution 174
Gyration tensor 167
Hamiltonian 57
harmonic oscillator 61
Hearmon 165
Hermann — Mauguin notation 138
Hermite polynomials 62 255
Hermitian matrix 44
Herzberg 123
Holohedral symmetry 128
Hydrogen, molecule 200
Hydrogen, rotational specific heat 203
Identity element 1
Interatomic forces 110
Interchange 41
Invariant manifolds 59
Invariant subspaces 218
Inverse element 1
Ions, Carbonate 103
Ions, Nitrate 103
Irreducible representations 48
Jahn 107
Kramers — Heisenberg 242
Kronecker direct product 53
Lagherre polynomials 65
Lagrangian equations 67
Lagrangian function 67
Laplacean operator 260
Lattice, Symmetry of 10 19
Lattices, Bravais 125
Lattices, one dimensional 10
| Lattices, three dimensional 124
Lattices, two dimensional 19
Legendre polynomials 64 256
Linear operators 58
Linear transformations 45
Love 162
Matrices 44
Matrices F and G 80
Matrices, equivalent 48
Matrix unit 47
Matrix, Real orthogonal 237
Molecules, diatomic 104
Molecules, Linear 104
Molecules, Pyramidal 100
Molecules, triatomic 99
Motives, one-dimensional 11
Motives, three-dimensional 15 26
Motives, two-dimensional 12 23
Movements 4
Multiplication of conjugate classes 225
Normal co-ordinates 70 78
Normal frequencies 69
Normal modes 67
Normal modes, symmetry properties of 71
Nuclear spin 205
Optical activity 167
Order of a group 2
Order of an element 2
Organic crystals 149
Orthogonality relations 70 221
Overtone and combination lines 93
Pauli 195
Pauli, exclusion principle 196
Permutation 39
Phosphorus 118
Photoelasticity 161
Piezo-electricity 166
Placzeck 213
Pockels 162
Product manifold 189
Pyramidal molecules 100
Pyroelectricity 166
Rahman 170
Raman 140
Representations, characters of 226
Representations, irreducible 221 229
Representations, reducible 227
Representations, regular 224
Representations, square 51
Representations, unitary 222
Rigid body 3
Rigid rotator 65
Rotational Raman lines 207
Rotational specific heat 203
Sapiro 182
Schonflies 129
Schur's lemma 220
Selection rules 88 97 192
Sodium nitrate 144
Solids, isotropic 169
Spur 47
Strip decoration 10
Sulphur 107
Surface decoration 19
Symmetry operation 3
Szievessy 162
Teller 213
Thermal expansion 166
Tisza 94
Unitary matrix 235
Valance force 110
Vector spaces 217
Venkatarayudu 249
Vibrations of a string 55
Voigt 164
Water 110
Wave equation 56
Wave Equation, solutions of 183
Whittaker 3 67
Wigner 170 190
Wilson 80
Wooster 152
Zachariasen 139
Zassenhaus 252
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