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Shiffer M.M., Bowden L. — Role of Mathematics in Science |
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Linear map 113 121
Linear non- 115
Linear transformations 112 118 144 192 193
Lorentz 153 189 196
Lorentz contraction 148
Lorentz group 194
Lorentz matrix 153 159
Lorentz transformation 190 195 197
Mach, Ernst 199
Magnetic field 196
Mailer 189
Malthus 45
Map(s) 112—115
Map(s), composition of 123
Map(s), distance-preserving 124 144
Map(s), identity 115
Map(s), linear 112
Map(s), non-linear 118
Map(s), one-Io-one 115
Map(s), onto 115
Map(s), origin-preserving 126
Mapping see map
Mass 183 190
Mass and energy 173
Mass, relativistic 194
Mass, rest- 173 174
Mathematical induction 28 70
Matrix (matrices) 104 113 114 117 118 122 123
Matrix (matrices), algebra of 119
Matrix (matrices), group of 155
Matrix (matrices), Lorentz 153 154 159
Matrix (matrices), multiplication 117 124 158
Matrix (matrices), orthogonal 127 130 156
Matrix (matrices), representation 115 121 123 126
Maxwell 1 35 42
Maxwell equations 196 197
Maxwell law of errors 34
Mean 25
Mean, arithmetic 44 69—74
Mean, geometric 69—74
Measurement(s) 34
Mechanics 197
Mechanics, classical 94 181
Mechanics, equatons of 197
Mechanics, laws of 169
Mechanics, Newlon's 91
Median of a triangle 10
Method of exhaustion 15
Michelson — Morley expenment 132 ff. 140 147 189 196
Michelson, A.A. 132 135
Minimum 44 79 87
Minimum length 78
Minimum path 78
Minimum principle in optics 102
Minimum principle of Heron 85
Mirror 76 91 97 98 122
Mirror, elliptical 97
Mirror, image 78 80 125
Mirror, paraboloidal 99 100
Mirror, plane 76
Mirror, reflecting hyperbolic 102
Molecules 35
moment 3 18
Moment of a force 18
Moment, turning- 3 17
Momentum 172 181 183—186 192
Momentum, -energy vector 190 194
Momentum, function 184
Momentum, Newtonian 183
Momentum, relativistic 183
Morley, E.W. 132 136
Motion(s) of the earth 133 134
Motion(s), euclidean 124
Motion(s), rigid 124
Multiplicalion of matrices 118
Muons 150
Napier 32
Natural logarithms 32
Natural selection 46
Newton, Isaac 1 16 44 91—95 101 136 170 184 197
Newton, Isaac, laws 91
Newton, Isaac, mechanistic theory of light 91
Newtonian energy 181
Newtonian mechanics 94 183 186
Newtonian momentum 183
Newtonian reflector 103
Non-linear 115
Non-linear mappings 118
Nuclear energy 190
Nuclear physics 190
Nuclear weapons 190
One-Io-one 115
Onto 115
Optics 75 ff 81 94 95 102
Orbit 82
Orthogonal 110
orthogonal matrices 127 128 130 131 156
Orthogonal transformations 131
Orthogonal unit vectors 127
Orthogonal vectors 110 127
parabola 12 15
Parabolic mirror 99
Paraboloidal accumulator 100
Paraboloidal mirror 103
Paraboloidal reflector 100
Parallelogram properly of displacements 106
particle of light 94
Perpetual motion machine 21
Pholons 95
Planck, Max 94
Planel 82 83 84
Polya, George 199
Population 29 45—47 50 57
Population, competitive 47
| Population, cooperative 47
Population, decreasing 29
Population, estimate 57
Population, growth 29 45
Population, over- 46
Population, size 47—49 53 56
Pre-image 115
Principia Mathematica 170
probability 35—41 43
probability density 41
Proper lime 148—150
Ptolemy 81 82 136
Pythagoras 66
Pythagoras theorem 41 88 135
quantum mechanics 95
Quantum theory 94 181
Quickest path principle 84 ff. 91
Radar listening devices 100
Radiation 99 150
Radio 100
Radio telescope 100
Radioactive atoms 29 150
Radioactive atoms, decay 29 190
Radium 29 30 190
Rambow 91
Random process 29
Ray of light 76 91 97 99
Ray of light, incident 76 91
Ray of light, reflected 76 80 93 97—99
Ray of light, refracted 85
Recursive equation 25 59 61
Reflection 93 98 99 120—128 130
Reflection, angle of 76 77 80
Reflection, law of 77 80 95 97
Refracting lenses 100
Refraction 81 85 93 94
Refraction, index of 90
Refraction, law of 95
Regular polygon 25 59 62 64 65
Relativistic addition of velocities 152 ff 161 163 166
Relativistic energy 175 181
Relativistic mass 187
Relativistic mechanics 186 197
Relativistic transformation 193
Relativistic velocity 187
Relativity theory 94 132 135 163 173 192 196
Relativity theory, special 144 168
Relativity theory, two-dimensional 192
Rescaled velocities 160 163 174 182 185 190
Rigid motions 124
Rotation 114 120 122 124—130 144 156 196
Rotation, angle of 145 156
Rotation, euclidean 195
Rotation, matix 164
Shortest path 76 77 79 85 90
Snell 91
Space dimension 192
Space-lime dimensions 193
Space-lime vectors 153 155
Special theory of relativity 144 147 168 169
Spencer, Herbert 2
Stable fixed point 54 55
Standard clock 139
Standard measuring rod 139
Steady cycle 52
Steady state 50—52 58
Stevin, Simon 1 21 23 24
Symmetry 4 79 80 120 169 171 196
Symmetry principle 143 178
Synchronized clocks 137—139
Taylor expansion 182
Telescope, Cassegram's 100
Telescope, Mount Palomar 103
Telescope, radio 100
Telescope, reflecting 100
Telescope, refracting 100
Theory of evolution 46
Time 132 ff
Time, -scale 150
Time, proper 148 150
Transformation(s) 104 118 130
Transformation(s), composite 115
Transformation(s), coordinate 128
Transformation(s), distance-preserving 124 125 144
Transformation(s), Galilean 196 197
Transformation(s), linear 112 118 144 192 193
Transformation(s), Lorentz 190 193 195 197 198
Transformation(s), origin-preserving 130
Transformation(s), orthogonal 130 131
Trigonometry 77 87 104 119
Trigonometry, addition formulas of 119 123
Uranium 150
Vector(s) 104—107 110 112—116 118 127—129 152
Vector(s), addition 106 108
Vector(s), algebra of 107
Vector(s), column 108
Vector(s), functions 196 197
Vector(s), momentum-energy 190 192 194 195
Vector(s), orthogonal 127
Vector(s), row 108
Vector(s), space-time 153
Vector(s), unit 108 121
Vector(s), velocity 194
Vector(s), zero 106 117 128
Velocity of light 85 94 133 136 138 139 169
Velocity of light, invariance of 147
Velocity of the earth 133 135
Velocity, relativistic addition of 152 155
Velocity, rescaling 156 160 163 174 190
Verhulst 46—48 55 57 58
Wave equation 197 198
Wave motion 94 95
Whispering points 99
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