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Dowling L.W. — Projective Geometry
Dowling L.W. — Projective Geometry

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Название: Projective Geometry

Автор: Dowling L.W.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1917

Количество страниц: 240

Добавлена в каталог: 28.10.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Affinity      170
Affinity, corresponding conies in      172
Affinity, fundamental property of      170
Algebraic equations of conies      100
Anti-polarity      190
Apollonius      36
Apollonius, circle of      34
Apollonius, theorem of      174
Area, of ellipse      175
Area, of parabolic segment      173
Assumption, fundamental      5
Asymptotes      66
Asymptotic cone      110
Axis, of a cone      200
Axis, of a conic      97
Axis, of a cylinder      104
Axis, of perspectivity      22 166
Bellavitis      209
Brianchon      80
Brianchon, theorem of      68
Bundle of lines, of planes      2
Center, of conies      94
Center, of perspectivity      22 166
Center, of projectivity      118
Center, of surfaces      110
Chains, of perspectivity      37 114 160
Chord of contact      83
Circle, auxiliary      156
Circle, director      158
Circle, of Apollonius      34
Circular involution      132
Circular involution, transformations      207
Circumscribing tetrahedrons      109
Classification, of conies      66
Classification, of polarities      187
Classification, of projectivities      120
Classification, of surfaces      109
Coaxial planes      22
Collinear points      22
Collineation      161
Collineation, limiting lines of      168
Collineation, self-corresponding elements      179
Complete, n-edge      13
Complete, n-face      13
Complete, n-plane      14
Complete, n-point      12 14
Complete, n-side      13
Concurrent lines      22
cones      79 199
Configuration, of Desargues      15
Configuration, of Pappus      70
Confocal, conies      157
Confocal, elements      196
Conform transformations      206
Congruence      178
Conic sections      66
Conjugate, diameters      94
Conjugate, diametral planes      104
Conjugate, of an ideal point      30
Conjugate, points and lines      86
Construction of confocal elements      196
Construction of curves and envelopes      62
Construction of cyclic projectivities      121
Construction of foci      146
Construction of harmonic ranges      27
Construction of perspectivity      166
Construction of polarity      184
Construction of poles and polar lines      84
Continuity, principle of      77
Continuity, theorem of      43
Converse theorems      22 40 69 122
Coplanar figures      22
Correlation of geometric figures      16
Cremona      209
Cross-ratio      31
Cross-ratio of harmonic range      32
Curves, classification of      66
Curves, of second order      56
Cyclic planes      201
Cyclic planes, projectivities      121
cylinders      79
Dandelin      209
Dedekind postulate      42
Desargues      15
Desargues, configuration of      15 22
Desargues, theorem of      20 134
Determination of projective relationship      50 163
Diagonal pyramid      92
Diagonal pyramid, triangle      91
Diameters      94
Diametral planes      104
Dimensions of primitive forms      19
Directrices      149
Duality      161
Duality in a plane      8
Duality in space      9
Duality, principle of      10
Elementary forms      55
Elementary forms, relations among      64
Elementary forms, totality of      66
Elements, the      1
Elements, the, common, of double polarity      193
Elements, the, confocal, of double polarity      196
Elements, the, double conjugate, of double polarity      194
Elements, the, double, of projectivity      119
Elements, the, dual      8
Elements, the, fundamental      202
Elements, the, homologous      16
Elements, the, ideal      5
Elements, the, reciprocal      8
Elements, the, self-corresponding      44 116
Elements, the, separated      39 40
ellipse      66
Envelope      56
Equation, of circle      102
Equation, of ellipse      100
Equation, of hyperbola      100
Equation, of parabola      103
Fermat      209
Field of points, of lines      2
Figures, complete      12
Figures, coplanar      22
Figures, geometric      16
Figures, in space      13
Figures, simple      10
Focal radii      150
Focal radii, axes      201
Focus      146
Forms, elementary      55
Forms, primitive      2
Generation of elementary "forms of particular conies and envelopes      78
Generation of elementary forms      55
Generator of ruled surface      105
Geometric figures      16
Geometric figures, mean      33
Gergonne      15
Harmonic elements      112
Harmonic elements, conjugates      27
Harmonic elements, mean      32
Harmonic elements, pencils      28
Harmonic elements, ranges      25
Harmonic elements, scales      38
Hyperbola      66
Hyperboloids      110
Imaginary elements      141
Imaginary elements, lines      138 141
Imaginary elements, planes      139
Imaginary elements, points      137
Infinitely distant      6
Invariant of perspectivity      167
inversion      204
Involution      127 168
Involution, circular      132
Involution, determined by quadrangle      133
Involution, determined by quadrilateral      133
Involution, elliptic      128
Involution, hyperbolic      128
Involution, on a sheaf of rays      132
Involution, on a straight line      130
Involution, parabolic      129
Kreis — Verwandshaft      209
Limiting lines of a collineation      168
Linear complex, special      3
Magnus      209
Moebius      54 209
Normal conjugate rays      30
Notation      2 19
Order, effect of      26
orthocenter      137
Orthogonal circles      34
Orthogonally correlated bundles      160
Pappus      36
Pappus, configuration of      70
parabola      66
parallel      5
Pascal      80
Pascal, theorem of      68
Pencil, harmonic      28
Pentagon theorem      73
Perspective position      16 113 159
Perspectivity      165
Perspectivity, harmonic      168
Perspectivity, invariant of      167
Planes, cyclic      201
Planes, diametral      200
Planes, of symmetry      104
Planes, principal      104
Pluecker      209
Point of contact      58
Point-row      2
Polar figures      89
Polar figures, planes      108
Polarity, absolute      192
Polarity, double      192
Polarity, in a bundle      189
Polarity, in a plane      183
Polarity, orthogonal      190
Polarity, self-conjugate elements of      185
Pole-rays and polar planes      91
Poles and polar lines      81
Poles and polar lines, special positions of      83
Poncelet      15
Postulate, Dedekind      42
Primitive forms, of the first kind      37
Primitive forms, of the second kind      159
Principle of continuity      77
Principle of duality      10
Projection and section      3
Projection, central      1
Projective relationship      38 114 160
Projective relationship, determination of      50 115 163
Projectivity      38 165
Projectivity, cyclic      121
Projectivity, elliptic      120
Projectivity, hyperbolic      120
Projectivity, parabolic      120
Projector      3
Projector of regulus      65
Properties of curves and envelopes      57
Properties of the similitude      176
Properties, reflection      154
Quadrangle, complete      12
Quadrangle, theorem      76
Quadrangles in perspective position      23
Quadric transformations      202
Quadric transformations, perspective      203
Quadrilateral, complete      13
Radical axis      177
Ranges, harmonic      25
Reflection properties      154
Regulus      57
Section      3
Section of regulus      65
Section of surface      106
Self-conjugate elements      185 190
Self-corresponding elements      44 179*
Self-polar figures      91
Seydewitz      209
Sheaf, of lines or planes      2
Sheaf, of planes of second class      56
Similarly projective      79
Similitude      176
Similitude, inverse points      177.
Similitude, properties of      176
Simple n-edge      13
Simple n-face      13
Simple n-point      11
Simple n-side      11
Space, of points, of rays, of planes      3
Steiner      93 209
Superposition      44 116
Surfaces, classification of      109
Surfaces, ruled      105
Tangent cones      108
Tangent cones, line      58
Tangent cones, lines and planes      107
Theorem, of Apollonius      174
Theorem, of Brianchon      08
Theorem, of continuity      43
Theorem, of Desargues      20 134
Theorem, of Pascal      68
Theorem, of Von Staudt      46
Theory of involution      127
Trace      3
Transformation, birational      207
Transformation, circular      207
Transformation, conform      206
Transformation, Cremona      209
Transformation, quadric      202
Vertices of a conic      99
Vieta      209
Von Staudt      54
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