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Palmer C.I., Leigh C.W. — Plane and Spherical Trigonometry |
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Abscissa 15
Accuracy 90
Accuracy, tests of 91
Amplitude of curve 81
Angle, addition and subtraction 3
Angle, construction 20 31
Angle, definition of 2
Angle, depression 50
Angle, elevation 56
Angle, functions of 18
Angle, general 12
Angle, generation of 2
Angle, measurement of 4
Angle, negative 2
Angle, of reflection 102
Angle, of refraction 102
Angle, positive 2
Area of spherical triangle 215
Astronomical triangle 220
Bearings 57 218
Celestial equator 219
Celestial sphere 219
Centesimal system 4
Circular measure 4
Complex number 165
Complex number, amplitude of 172
Complex number, division of 170 176
Complex number, evolution of 179
Complex number, graphical representation of 107
Complex number, involution of 177
Complex number, modulus of 172
Complex number, multiplication of 109 170
Complex number, polar form of 172
Coordinates, polar 15
Coordinates, rectangular 14
Corresponding angles 71
Cosine Theorem 132 202—204
Cycle of curve 81
DeMoivre's theorem 177
Equations, trigonometric 43 71 158
Exponential values of sin and cos 184
Forces, composition of 93 189
Forces, resultant of 93
Formulas, addition and subtraction 108
Formulas, derivation of, for differences 109
Formulas, derivation of, for differences, for expansion of sin and cos 182
Formulas, derivation of, for differences, for sums 108
Formulas, for exponential values of sin , cos , and tan 181
Formulas, for powers of trigonometric functions 185
Formulas, for products to sums 122
Formulas, for sums to products 119
Formulas, list of 222
Functions, changes in value of 78
Functions, changes in value of, hyperbolic, definition 187
Functions, changes in value of, inverse 42 87
Functions, changes in value of, multiple-valued 87
Functions, changes in value of, of angles greater than 90° 62
Functions, changes in value of, of double angles 114
Functions, changes in value of, of half angles 117
Functions, changes in value of, period of 81
Functions, periodic 80
Functions, periodic, principal value of 88
Functions, periodic, relations between 34
Functions, periodic, single-valued 87
Functions, periodic, trigonometric 18 28
Gauss's equations 208
Graph 79
Graph, mechanical construction of 82
Horizon, dip of 95
Hour circle 219
Hyperbolic functions, definition 187
Hyperbolic functions, relations between 188
Identity 40
Index of refraction 103
infinity 23
| Inverse functions 42 87
Inverse functions, principal values of 88
L'Huilier's Formula 216
Light, reflection of 102
Light, refraction of 102
Lines, directed 13
Lines, segments of 13
Logarithms 54
Meridian 217
Meridian, celestial 219
Meridian, principal 217
Mollweide's equations 133
nadir 219
Napier's analogies 206
Napier's analogies, rules 197
Oblique triangles 130
Ordinate 15
Periodic curve 81
Polar triangles 194
Projection, orthogonal 92
Quadrantal triangles 201
Quadrants 3
Radian, definition of 4
Radius of circumscribed circle 131
Radius of inscribed circle 146
Radius vector 15
Reflection of light 102
Refraction of light 102
right triangles 47
Sector, area of 10 96
Segment, area of 96
Segment, value of line 13
Series for powers of trigonometric functions 185
Sexagesimal system 4
simple harmonic motion 86
Sine Theorem 130 202
Solution, of oblique spherical triangles 210
Solution, of oblique triangles 132
Solution, of right spherical triangles 198
Solution, of right triangles 47 49 54
Species 198 209
Spherical triangle 193
Spherical triangle, oblique 202
Spherical triangle, right 195
Tangent Theorem 140
Terrestrial triangle 217
Trigonometric curves 79
Trigonometric functions, applied by measurement 20
Trigonometric functions, applied calculation by computation 20
Trigonometric functions, applied changes in value of 78
Trigonometric functions, applied computation of 20 184
Trigonometric functions, applied definition of 18
Trigonometric functions, applied exponents of 25
Trigonometric functions, applied graph of 79
Trigonometric functions, applied inverse 42 87
Trigonometric functions, applied line representation of 76
Trigonometric functions, applied logarithmic 19
Trigonometric functions, applied natural 19
Trigonometric functions, applied of angles greater than 90A° 62
Trigonometric functions, applied of complementary angles 30
Trigonometric functions, applied of double angles 114
Trigonometric functions, applied of half angles 117
Trigonometric functions, applied to right triangles 28
Trigonometric functions, natural, of sums and differences of angles 108
Trigonometric functions, natural, principal values of 88
Trigonometric functions, natural, relations between 34 36
Trigonometric functions, natural, signs of 19
Trigonometric functions, natural, table of 24
Trigonometric functions, natural, transformation of 38
Trigonometric ratios 17
Trigonometric series 182
Vectors 93 171
Vectors, Composition of 93
Zenith 219
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