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Adams J.F. — Infinite Loop Spaces - Hermann Weyl Lectures the Institute for Advanced Study, Vol. 90 |
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-spaces 33—36
spaces 30—35
, 28 144
, , , 28 145—146
, 28 146
, 45 47 50
space 44 48
ring space 72
ring spectrum 73
space 46 69
ring spectrum 73
26 132 134 136—137 192
, 26 132 192
-topology 186
-space 63
-space 64
-spectrum 15
44—45 48—49
22—26 47 49 142—43 146—147 149—155 158 184 186—187
-topology 185—186
11 15 17 20 22 100—101 103—107 124—127
, KO, 132 134—137 145 154 192
, 152
, 10—11 19
Adams conjecture 132—141
Adams conjecture, infinite-loop versions of 195—196
Adams, J.F. and Priddy, S.B. (their theorem) 145—148
Algebra-functor 53 55—56 59
Algebraic K-theory 25 28 70 86—87 91 140 196
Approximation theorem 49 56
Araki see “Kudo”
Associativity conditions 30—34
Axioms for machines 196
B (classifying space) 34—36 50 61 64—65 67—68
Bar construction 51—59
Becker, J.C. and Gottlieb, D.H. (on Adams conjecture) 140—141
Becker, J.C. and Gottlieb, D.H. (on transfer) 106—108
BF 25—26 136 192—193 195 see
BO 16 19 28 132 141 192
Boardman, J.M. and Vogt, R.M. 25 37 46 47 50—51 60
Boardman, J.M., (his category) 11
Boardman, J.M., (on transfer) 100 see
Bounded below 21
BPL 25—26 192
bso 145
bsu, BSU 154
BTop 25—26 192
BU 16 19 28
Classifying spaces see entries from “B” to “BU”
Coefficient groups 20—21
Coefficients in generalized homology theories and spectra 74—76 153
Coherence conditions 67
Coker, J. 193
Completion 146 153
Connective 21
Connective tissue 60
Coordinate-free spectra 72—73
Cup-products 27—28 70—71
CW-spectra 11—12
Discrete models 143 192
Double coset formulae 128—131
Double loop-space 13 36
Dyer, E. and Lashof, R.K. 37
Dyer, E. and Lashof, R.K., their operations 24 36 144—145
E-space 46
Eilenberg — MacLane spaces 15—16
Eilenberg — MacLane spectra 19
f 25 see
Filtration topology 183 186
Friedlander, E.M. 195
Generalized cohomology theories 16—17 20
Generalized homology theories 20
Geometrical realization 58—59 61 68
Gottlieb see “Becker”
Group completion theorem 90
Grouplike (H-spaces) 88
H-space 12—13
H-space structure 33 see
Higher homotopies 34 36 46 65 72 123
Homotopy groups, (of spaces) 5 7
Homotopy groups, (of spectra) 20—21
Homotopy-invariant structures 50—51
Im J 193
J-homomorphism 133 137 193
| James, I.M. (his model) 8 49
jokes vii 66 200 204
K-theory 16 19 26 27 28 98—99 132—137 142—191
Kahn, D.S. and Priddy, S.B., (on transfer) 104—105 119
Kahn, D.S. and Priddy, S.B., (their theorem) 24 105
Kan, D.M. and Thurston, W.P. 84
Kudo, T. and Araki, S. 24 36 37
Lashof see “Dyer”
Limit topology 184
Little cubes operad 46 119
Little n-cubes operad 42—44 119
localization 74—82 135—136 148 151 153
Loop-spaces 3 12
Machinery 30 36—37 196
Madsen, I., Snaith, V.P. and Tornehave, J. 194
Madsen, I., Snaith, V.P. and Tornehave, J., their theorem 148—191
Madsen, I., Snaith, V.P. and Tornehave, J., their theorem, global version 149—151
Madsen, I., Snaith, V.P. and Tornehave, J., their theorem, local version 153—155
May, J.P. 26 37 41 46 50—51 56 59 155 194 196
Module-functor 55—56 59
Monad 53 56 59
Monoidal category 66 67
Moore, J.C, (his loops) 31
Moore, J.C,(his space) 74—75
Morse, M. 3—4
Multiplicative structures 27—28 70—73
Nerve (of a category) 68
Operad 41—44 56 59 see “Little
Orientations 26 194
p-adic topology 184
Parameter spaces 33 37 41 60
Permutative category 67 88 143 196
PL 25—26 192
Plus construction 84—88 91 105 140
Pontryagin product 13
Pre theorems 45
Pretransfer 119
Priddy, S.B., (his theorem on ) 83—84 see “Kahn”
Products see “Cup—products” “Pontryagin “Multiplicative
PROP 37—42 51
Quillen, D.G. 82—83 84—87 91 138—140
Realization see “Geometrical realization”
Recognition principle 49
Representing spectrum 17—19 21
Ring-object, ring-space, ring-spectrum 71—73
Segal, G.B. 27
Segal, G.B. and his machine 59—65 196
Series topology 185
Serre, J.-P. 4-5 74
Seymour, R.F. 195
Simplicial sets and spaces 57—58
Smash product, (of spaces) 20
Smash product, (of spectra) 71 73 127
Snaith see “Madsen”
Spanier — Whitehead duality 9—10
Special -spaces 63
Special -spaces 64
Spectrum, spectra 11 see “Coordinate-free “ “Eilenberg “ “ “Representing “Ring-spectrum” “Sphere “Suspension “Thom
Sphere spectrum 19 28
Spherical fibrations 25 133—134 136 195 see
Stable homotopy groups 17
Stable homotopy theory 7—12
Stasheff, J.D. 33 35 37 41
Strict (monoidal category) 66 69
Structure maps 31—34 37 108—123
Sugawara, M. 33 35
Sullivan, D. 74 78 137—138 147 194
Suspension 6;
Suspension spectrum 11 see
Suspension-theory 8
Symmetric (monoidal category) 67 see
T-functor 55
T-object 54
Thom complexes 11
Thom spectra 11 19 71
Thurston see “Kan”
Top 25-26 192
Topological category 70
Tornehave see “Madsen”
TRANSFER 96—131 145 172—183
Trees 51
Triple 53
Uniqueness of machines 196
Universal coefficient theorem 76 167—168
Vogt see “Boardman”
Weak equivalence 14
Whitehead, G.W. 19 165
Whitney sum 26
Zabrodsky mixing 79
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