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Ore O., Wilson R.J. — Graphs and Their Uses
Ore O., Wilson R.J. — Graphs and Their Uses

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Название: Graphs and Their Uses

Авторы: Ore O., Wilson R.J.


Classic text on graph theory, brought up to date by Robin Wilson, himself a best-selling maths author.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 153

Добавлена в каталог: 17.10.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Alternating path      75
Anti-symmetnc relation      99
Appel, K.      126
Archaeology      22
Assignment problem      53
Associated real numbers      105
Asymmetric relation      99
Basis graph      107
Binary relation      96
Bipartite graph      54 149
Bndge      66 148
Bracing frameworks      46
Chess      35
Circular path      25 75
Coloring      125
Complement      9 148
Complete graph      7 149
Complete order      108
Completely regular graph      117 149
Completeness      107
Component      25 148
Congruence      101
Connected      24 148
Connected graph      25 149
Connector problem      41
Contracting a graph      111
CONVERSE      98
cube      119
Curve      16
CYCLE      25 114 148
Cycle edge      66 148
Cycle rank      40 148
Cyclic path      25 150
De Morgan, A.      125
Degree      19 70 148
Digital addition      89
Digraph      63 149
Directed graph      63 149
Disjoint      103
Distribution problem      83
Diversity condition      54
dodecahedron      31 119 148
draw      87
Dual graph      116 149
Economy rule      42
Economy tree      42
EDGE      5 148 149
Equivalence classes      102
Equivalence relation      101
Euclid's Elements      121
Eulenan graph      27 149
Eulenan trail      27 148
Euler, I.      19 26 114
Euler’s polyhedral formula      114
Even vertex      19 150
Expanding a graph      111
Face      114 148
Ferryman's puzzle      34
Five color theorem      132 133
Forest      37 149
Four color theorem      125 126 133
Framework      46
Game theory      84
Genetic graph      72
Genetics      23
Graph      5 149
Graph matching      56
Greedy algorithm      42
Guthne, F      125
Haken, W.      126
Hall, P      57
Hamilton, W.      31 125
Hamiltonian cycle      32 149
Hamiltonian graph      149
Handshaking lemma      19
Heawood problem      133
Heawood's formula      135
Heawood, P.      135
icosahedron      119
Inclusion relation      105
Indegree      70 148
Infinite face      114 148
Interval graph      21
Isolated vertex      7 100
Isomorphic graphs      10 149
Jealous husband’s puzzle      34
Jordan curve theorem      16
Knight's tour problem      35
Komgsberg bridges problem      26
Kuratowski's theorem      111
Kuratowski, K      110
Label      79
Literary analysis      22
Losing position      87
Marriage problem      57
Matching      53 56
Maximal cycle      114 148
Minimal cycle      114 148
Minimum bracing      48
Mixed graph      64 149
Mosaic      121
Multiple edges      18 148
Multiplicity      18
Null graph      7 149
octahedron      119
Odd vertex      19 150
One-way traffic      65
Order relation      107
Outclassed group      92
Outdegree      70 148
Partial order      105
Partition      103
Path      24 150
Permanent label      79
Phyllotaxis      121
Planar graph      13 109 149
Plato's Timaeus      121
Platonic solid      32 121
Polygonal graph      113 149
Polygonal net      113 150
Polyhedral formula      114
Polyhedron      121
Projection      112
Proper subset      105
Reduction procedure      133
Reflexive relation      98
Regular graph      20 71 149
Regular polyhedron      121 150
Regular position      90
Relation      95 96
Residue class      103
Resultant edge      99
Root      37 150
Round-robin tournament      59
Seven color theorem      134
Sex condition      75
Shortest route problem      78
Spanning tree      48
Sportswnter’s paradox      90
Stereographic projection      112
Stnct order relation      107
Streets and squares      49
Strict partial order      106
Symmetric relation      99
Temporary label      79
Terminal edge      37 66
Terminal vertex      37
tetrahedron      119
Theory of games      84
Three jealous husbands puzzle      34
Torus      133
Tournament      59 91
Trail      25 150
Transitive closure      100
Transitive relation      99
Travelling salesman problem      33 44
TREE      37 149
Unavoidable set      132
Utilities problem      15
Vertex      5 149 150
Wine distribution problem      83
Winning position      87
Zero position      90
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