Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ore O. — Invitation to Number Theory |
Предметный указатель |
abacus 73 97
aliquot parts 33
Amicable numbers 35ff
Arithmetica 4 60
Babylonian sexagesimal system 65 66 69
Babylonians 3
Base 64
Bible 2
Binomial coefficients 93
Binomial law 92 93
bits 75
calculations 1
Calculus 1
Cambridge 70
Casting out nines 98
Characteristic 20
Checks on computations 97ff
Coded decimals 77
Common divisor 39ff
Common divisor, greatest 40
Compasses 21ff
Composite numbers 15ff 110
Computations, checks on 97ff
Computers 19 23 36 60 63 75 81 110
Computing boards 97
Congruences 83ff
Congruent 83
Cooper 70
Cross-bone checks 100
Cube numbers 4
Danish 65
Decadic system 63
Decimal system 63
Digit sum 98
Diophantine analysis 4
Diophantos of Alexandria 3 4 60
Disquisitiones Arithmetics 22 97
Division 43
divisors 15 30ff
Divisors, common 39
Divisors, trivial 15
Duerer, Albrecht 8 13
Duodecimal Society of America 68
Egyptian surveyors 3
English 65
Equilateral triangle 22
Eratosthenes 23
Eratosthenes, sieve of 23ff
Euclid 18 24 46
Euclid’s algorithm 46
Euclid’s Elements 46
Euler 18 21
Even-primes 29
Factor table 24
Factors 15
Fermat 20 55 60
Fermat numbers 20ff 78 92
Fermat primes 20ff 78
Fermat’s congruence 94 95
Fermat’s conjecture 60
Fermat’s theorem 94 95
Franklin, Benjamin 11ff
French 65
Fundamental factorization theorem 27ff
Gauss, C.F. 22 83 97
Geometric series 34
German 65
Germanic folklore 2
Germanic peoples 65
Gillies 19
Greatest common divisor 40
Greatest integer contained in a/b 44
Greek number theory 6
Greek numerology 35
Greeks 4 5 6 22 33 34 35
Gregorian rules 103
Gregory XIII, Pope 103
Harpedonapts 3
Heaslet, M.A. 12
Heron 59
Heronian triangles 59
Heron’s formula 59
Hexagonal numbers 6
Highly composite integers 33
Hindu mythology 2
Hindu-Arabic number system 64
Hurwitz 19
Incongruent 87
Judas 2
Julian calendar 103
| Julius Caesar 103 106
k-gonal numbers 6 7
leap years 102
Least common multiple 47
Lehmer, D.H. 19 111 112
Lehmer, D.N. 16 24
Logan 11
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 24
Lucas 19
Lucky numbers 2
Machine computation 72
Magic square 8ff
Magic sum 8
Mayan 20-system 64 65 70
Mersenne primes 18ff 34
Mersenne, Marin 18
Modulus 83 84
Natural numbers 1
NIM 75
Norwegian Parliament 65
Numbers, amicable 35ff
Numbers, composite 15ff 110
Numbers, cube 4
Numbers, Fermat 20ff 78 92
Numbers, hexagonal 6
Numbers, highly composite 33
Numbers, k-gonal 6 7
Numbers, lucky 2
Numbers, natural 1
Numbers, pentagonal 5ff
Numbers, perfect 18 33ff
Numbers, polygonal 5ff
Numbers, prime 5 15ff 110ff
Numbers, rectangular 5
Numbers, relatively prime 41
Numbers, square 4
Numbers, triangular 5 7
Numerology 1 2 33 35
Octal system 76
Pennsylvania Assembly 11
Pentagon 22
Pentagonal numbers 5ff
Pepys, Samuel 70 71
Perfect numbers 18 33ff
Perfect numbers, even perfect numbers 18 33ff 78
Perimeter of a triangle 59
Plato 2
Polygonal numbers 5ff
Positional system 64
Positive integers 1
Poulet 111
Prime numbers 5 15ff 110ff
Primitive triangles 49ff
Pseudo-primes 111
Pythagoras 3
Pythagorean equation 2 3
Pythagorean problem 2ff 49ff
Pythagorean table 70
Pythagorean triangles 49ff 95
Pythagorean triple 49
Pythagoreans 63
Quotient 43
Rectangular numbers 5
Reductio ad absurdum 28
Regular n-gon 21ff
Regular polygons 21ff
Relatively prime numbers 41
Remainder 43
Renaissance 6
Riesel 19
Round-robin schedules 107ff
Royal Society 71
Royall Charles 70
Sexagesimal system 65 66 69
Sieve of Eratosthenes 23ff
Square 22
Square numbers 4
Stiefel, Michael 12
Straightedge 21ff
Sum of two squares 55
Superstitions 1
Table of primes 16 17
Talismans 8
Triangular numbers 5 7
Trivial divisors 15
Trivial factorization 15
Uspensky, J.V. 12
Vernal equinox 103
Vigesimal systems 64 65
Western Europe 6
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