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Stoll W. — Value Distribution on Parabolic Spaces
Stoll W. — Value Distribution on Parabolic Spaces

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Название: Value Distribution on Parabolic Spaces

Автор: Stoll W.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 216

Добавлена в каталог: 19.09.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Adapted      4 42 46
Adapted, almost      44 46
Adapted, strictly      45 46
Adapted, truly      42 46
Affine algebraic precycle      164
Affine algebraic variety      163
Affine plane      167
Algebraic variety      163
Almost adapted      44 46
ample      24
Amplification      24
Analytic cycle      87
Analytic precycle      3 87
Average compensation function      66
Average deficit      64
b-multiplicity      48
Base point set      1 26
Branching divisor      112
Bundle, canonical      22 110
Bundle, determinant      22 110
Bundle, holomorphic cotangent      21
Bundle, holomorphic tangent      21
Bundle, hyperplane section      23
Bundle, Jacobian      6 110
Bundle, line      20
Bundle, line, non-negative      21
Bundle, line, positive      21
Bundle, tautological bundle      23
Canonical bundle      22 110
Carlson — Griffith form      8 126
Casorati — Weierstrass      5 92 108
Center      73
Central exhaustion      73
Characteristic function      4 64 96
Chern form      20
Chern Levine form      2 16 18 34
Chern Levine form, dual      18
Class $\mathcal{O}_{g}$      3 79
Classification map      28
Classification map, dual      28
Classification sequence      23
Closed graph      27
Compensation function, average      66
Compensention function      4 65 98 99
Complex projective space      14
Condensor      63
Consistent sign      186
Constant section      24
Cotangent bundle, holomorphic      21
Counting function      4 64 79 88 97
Covering exhaustion      79
Crofton formula      70
Cycle, analytic      87
Defect      10 65 97 98 155
Defect relation      10 155
Defect, deviation      159
Defect, dominator      10 155
Defect, ramification      6 155
Defect, Ricci      6 155
Deficit      4 65 97
Deficit, average      64
Determinant bundle      22 110
Deviate      160
Deviation      2 31
Deviation defect      159
Distance      31
Distinguished hermitian metric      2 31
Distinguished neighborhood      47
Divisor, branching      112
Divisor, multiplicity      51
Divisor, ramification      110
Dominated form      141
Dominated Jacobian section      8 138
Dominator      9 138 141
Dominator defect      10 155
Dual Chern — Levine forms      18
Dual classification map      28
Dualism      14
Effective field      114
Effective form      112
Effective Jacobian section      6 110
Evaluation map      24
Evans — Selberg potential      80
Evans-kernel      80
Exhaustion      73
Exhaustion, central      73
Exhaustion, covering      79
Exhaustion, logarithmic pseudo-convex      73
Exhaustion, parabolic      3 73
Exhaustion, pseudo-convex      73
Exhaustion, simple parabolic      80
Exhaustion, strict parabolic      74
Exhaustion, strictly pseudo-convex      73
Exhaustion, strong      73
Extension      20 55
Exterior derivative      15
Field, effective      114
First Main Theorem      5 66 99
Form, Chern      20
Form, Chern — Levine      2 16 18 34
Form, dominated      141
Form, dual Chern — Levine      18
Form, effective      112
Form, non-negative      20 55
Form, positive      20 55
Form, Ricci      5 22
Fubini — Study Kaehler metric      16
General assumptions      203—206
General position      7 123 124
General type      11 168
Grassmann cone      1 13
Grassmann manifold      1 14
Growth, rational      93 156
Growth, transcentental      93 156
Hausdorff measure      56
Hausdorff measure, locally finite      56
Hausdorff measure, zero      56
Hermitian metric      14
Hermitian metric along the fibers      19
Hermitian metric, distinguished      2 31
Hermitian vector bundle      19
Hermitian vector space      14
Holomorphic cotangent bundle      21
Holomorphic field      113
Holomorphic frame      19
Holomorphic tangent bundle      21
Holomorphic vector field      109
Holomorphic volume homomorphism      111
Hyperplane section bundle      23
Incidence space      38 40
Indeterminacy      27
Indeterminacy, strong      27
Inner product      13
Integral average      18
Interior product      13
Irreducible representation      28
Jacobian bundle      6 110
Jacobian section      6 109 110
Jacobian section, dominated      8 138
Jacobian section, effective      6 110
Line bundle      20
Line bundle, non-negative      21
Line bundle, positive      21
Liouville      92
Locally finite Hausdorff measure      56
Logarithmic pseudo-convex exhaustion      73
Main Theorem, First      5 66 99
Main Theorem, Second      8 133
Main Theorem, Third      9 149 153 166
Meromorphic map      27
Minimal slicing map      48
Multiplicity      47 48 52 53
Multiplicity, divisor      51
Neighborhood, distinguished      47
Non-negative form      20 55
Non-negative line bundle      21
Normal crossings      7 173
Order      10 171 172
Order of a map      11 172
Order of a precycle      11 171
Order of an exhaustion      11 171
Parabolic exhaustion      3 73
Parabolic exhaustion, simple      80
Parabolic exhaustion, strict      74
Parabolic kernel      81
Parabolic space      3 74
Patch      20 55
Patch, smooth      20 55
Picard      92
Picard — Borel theorem      10 167
Positive form      20 55
Positive line bundle      21
Precycle      3 87
Precycle, affine algebraic      164
Product, inner      13
Product, inner, interior      13
Projection from a center      163
Projective closure      161
Projective plane      14
Projective space, complex      14
Proper support      87
Pseudo-ball      73
Pseudo-convex exhaustion      73
Pseudo-convex exhaustion, logarithmic      73
Pseudo-convex exhaustion, strictly      73
Pseudo-sphere      73
Quotient metric      20
Ramification defect      6 155
Ramification divisor      110
Rational growth      93 156
Regular slicing map      47
Relative product      19
Representation      28
Representation, irreducible      28
Representation, simple      28
Ricci defect      6 155
Ricci form      5 22
Ricci function      5 118 122
Ricci function of an exhaustion      6 119
SAFE      36 38
Safe of order p      37 38
Second Main Theorem      8 133
Section bundle, hyperplane      23
Section, constant      24
Section, Jacobian      6 109 110
Section, Jacobian, dominated      8 138
Section, Jacobian, effective      6 110
Semi-ample      24
Semi-ample of order p      26
Semi-amplification      24
Semi-amplification of order p      126
Separate signs      57 186
Signs, consistent      186
Simple parabolic exhaustion      80
Simple point      35
Simple representation      28
simplification      24
Slicing map      47
Slicing map, minimal      48
Slicing map, regular      47
Smooth patch      20 55
Spherical image      4 64 94 95
Stokes admissible      56
Stokes domain      56
Stokes domain, weak      56
Strictly adapted      45 46
Strictly parabolic exhaustion      74
Strictly pseudo-convex exhaustion      73
Strong exhaustion      73
Strong indeterminacy      27
Support, proper      87
Tangent bundle, holomorphic      21
Tautological bundle      23
Test family      185
Third Main Theorem      9 149 153 166
Transcendental growth      93 156
Truly adapted      42 46
Valence function      4 64 89 97
Variety, affine algebraic      163
Variety, projective algebraic      163
Volume homomorphism, holomorphic      111
Weak Stokes domain      56
Zero Hausdorff measure      56
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