-adic cohomology groups 47
Base change 48
Borel subgroup 5
Bruhat decomposition 5
Centralizer algebras 144
Character formula 72
Classification of tori 15
Cohomology with compact support 43-44
Cuspidal representation 25
Direct and inverse images of sheaves, tale 46
Direct and inverse images of sheaves, classical 31
Discrete series 25
Dual group 141
Etal cohomology 43
Etal morphism 42
Fibres of a morphism 38
Frobenius morphism 9 55
Functoriality of cohomology 41 51
Generic algebra 145
Geometric conjugacy 77
Geometric fibres 39
Green functions 72
Harish — Chandra's Theorem 28
K nneth Formula 52
Kazhdan's Theorem 125
Lang covering 61
Lang's Theorem 11
Lefchetz number 64
| Long Exact Sequence 52
Lusztig — Deligne virtual representation 61
Minisotropic torus 93
Orthogonality of Green functions 82
Point, geometric 39
Principal series 21
Reductive group 4
Regular character 22
Regular subgroup 131
Roots 6
Scheme 36
Semisimple group 4
Semisimple rnak 5
Sheaf cohomology 34
Sheaf, -adic 46
Sheaf, classical 31
Sheaf, etale 43
Spectral sequences of Leray and Grothendieck 50
Springer representation of 107
Steinberg representation 88
Strong orthogonality (of the ) 79
Symbol 151
The torus and the pair ( , ) 15
The variety 165
Trace formula of Grothendieck 56
Trigonometric sums 99
Trigonometric sums , cohomological interpretation of 108
Unipotent representation 128
Weak orthogonality (of the ) 82