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Tarski A. — Undecidable theories |
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Abelian group 19 85
Abstract projective geometry 33
Addition [+] 41. See also: Symbol of addition
Ajdukiewicz, K. 10
Antinomy of the liar 48
Arithmetic 35ff and passim
Arithmetic of integers 32ff. 39 41 67f. 77ff. 84.
Arithmetic of integers, natural numbers 30ff. 39 41 51 66.
Arithmetic of integers, positive integers 67
Arithmetic of integers, rational numbers 33. See also: Peano's arithmetic
Arithmetization of metamathematics 12
Associative system [groupoid] 86
Atomic (formula, sentence, symbol, term) 7 13 63
Axiom scheme 52f 67. Logical Non-logical
Axiom, system 10 13
Axiomatic, axiomatically built (system, theory) 10ff. 35
Axiomatizable (theory) 13ff. 19 25 31 49 60f.;
Beknays, P. 5 13 23 32 52 89
Binary operation symbol 6 20 see Symbol Symbol
Binary predicate 6 18ff. 29 34 see Symbol Symbol Symbol
Bound occurrence of a variable, binary variable 6f.
Brouwerian algebra 33
Cartesian product [ ] 41
Center less group 85
Characteristic function [ ] 46
Church, A. 4 17 19 31 35 61f. 89
Closure algebra 33
Commutative law 85
Commutative ring 70f.
Compatible (theories) 12 18f. 32 62
Complemented lattice, complemented modular lattice 33
Complete (theory) 12 14f. 19 31 61
Concatenation [operation of concatenating, ] 6 13 48
Conjunction sign [ ] 6
Consistent (theory) 12 15f 34 46 49f. and
Consistently interpretable 22
Constant 6 13 20ff. 41 and Logical Non-logical
Correspondence between expressions and natural numbers 12f. 46 48
Decidable (theory), decidability 3 14f. 19 31 34 62ff. 85f.
Decision problem 3f. 30 32 34f. 39f. 86;
Decision procedure 3 14 63
Deduction Theorem 6 9f. 12
Definable (function, relation, set), definability 31 40ff. 44ff. 49f. 55f. 60f
Defining, (formula) 44ff. 56
Definition see: Possible definition Recursive
Derivable [logically derivable] (sentence), derivability 7ff. 11ff. and
Detachment [modus ponens] see: Operation of detachment
Diagonal function [D] 40 46
Direct method (in proofs of undecidability) 3 5 39f.
Disjunction sign [ ] 6
Distributive lattice 33
Divisibility relation [ ] 78 ff.; see also: Symbol of the divisibility relation
Element relation [ ] 41; see also: Symbol of the element relation
Elementary theory 33
Elementary theory of Abelian groups 19 85
Elementary theory of abstract projective geometries 33
Elementary theory of Brouwerian algebras 33
Elementary theory of closure algebras 33
Elementary theory of fields 5 33 71
Elementary theory of groupoids, semigroups, etc. 86f.
Elementary theory of groups [Theory G], centerless groups, etc. 5 33 75 77 80 84ff.
Elementary theory of integral domains 70f.
Elementary theory of lattices, complemented lattices, etc. 5 33
Elementary theory of non-densely ordered rings 33 39 70ff.
Elementary theory of rings, commutative rings, etc. 5 33 39 41 70f.
Eliminating quantifiers see: Method of eliminating quantifiers
Elimination procedure 23
equation 42 63
Equivalence sign [ ] 6
Essentially undecidable (theory) 4f. 12 14ff. 22ff. 27 30ff. 37ff. 49f. 60ff. 66ff. 71 79f. 85ff.
Existential quantifier [ ] 6
Expression 6 12f. 43f. 46 48; Quantifier
Extension (of a theory) 4 11f. 14ff. and Inessential
Field 5 33 71
Finite extension (of a theory) 11 17 24
Finite group 86
Finitely axiomatizable (theory) 14 18f 22ff. 27 30ff. 39ff. 61f. 67ff. 79f. 85ff.
First-order predicate logic see: Predicate logic
Formalized (system, theory), formalization 3ff. 33 40 44 48 66f.
Formula 7 II 13 24 42ff. and Defining Relativized
Free group 86
Free occurrence of a variable, free variable 6f. 20 43 45
Free semigroup 87
Function 41 and passim; see also: Characteristic function Diagonal Recursive
General recursive see: Recursive
Goedel, K. 3 9 12 48 56 61 89
Group 78 85ff. Centerless Finite Free
Group operation [ ] 78 see group see:
Groupoid [associative system] 86
Grzeqobczyk, A. 33 89
Hereditarily undecidable (theory) 18 32
Hilbert, D. 5 13 23 35 62 89
hold see: Satisfaction
Identical theories 11
Identity [ = ] 5ff. 22 42 44;
Implication, implication sign [ ] 6 42
Incompleteness theorem 3
Inconsistent [not consistent] (theory) 28 47 50
Indirect method [interpretation method] (in proofs of undecidability) 4 30 39f.
Individual constant 6 11 20; 27;
Induction, induction principle, induction scheme 31 52f.
Inessential extension (of a theory) 11 16 22f 80 84 87
INTEGER see: Arithmetic of integers Positive Set Symbols
Integral domain 70f.
Interpretable (theory), interpretability 4 20ff. 29ff. 34 66ff. 78; Relatively Weakly
Interpretation 4 22 30
Interpretation method see: Indirect method
Irreducibility (of an axiom system) 40f.
Jantczax, A, 14» 89
Jaskowski, S. 33 77 89
Kalmar, L. 19 89
Kleene, S.C. 14 90
Lattice 5 33
Less-than relation [ ] 41; see also: Symbol of the less-than relation
Logical axiom 6 7 9ff. 18
Logical consequence 8f.
Logical constant 6 8 11 22
Logically derivable see: Derivable
Logically equivalent 25
Logically provable (sentence) 7
Logically true (sentence) 8f.
| Logically valid (sentence) 7ff. 43f.
McKinsey, J.C.C. 86 90
Metamathematical dsignation (of expressions, symbols) 6 42
Metamathematical induction 53
Metamathematical symbolism 42ff.
Metamathematical variable 6
Metamathematics 3 12
Method (in proofs of undecidability) see: Direct method Indirect Method 19 63
Model 11f. 25 66 61 63f. 72
Modular lattice 33
Mostowski, A. 13 31ff. 37 39f. 44 48 51 60f. 84 90
Multiplication [ ] 41; see also: Symbol of multiplication
Natural number passim see Set
Negation sign [~] 6
Non-densely ordered ring, non-densely commutative ring 33 39 70ff.
Non-logical axiom 10 12ff. 18 35 41 62
Non-logical constant 6 8 llf. 18ff. 41 and
Numeral 52
Open [universal] (sentence) 86
Operation 8 41
Operation of inference 6 7 9f. 13
Operation of squaring 67 78 see
Operation symbol 6f. 20 22f. 25 27 see Unary
Operation, of concatenating, see: Concatenation; Operation of detachment [modus ponens] 7 9
Ordered commutative ring 70f.
Ordered couple [ ] 41
Ordered field 33
Ordered field of real numbers 71
Ordered integral domain 70f.
Ordered n-tuple [ ] 41
Ordered ring 70f. see
Peano, G., Peano's arithmetic [Theory P] 4 31f. 40 61 52f. 55f. 60ff. 66
Positive integer 77
Possible definition 20ff.
Possible realization see: Realization
Predicate logic [first-order predicate logic] 4f. 18f. 29 31 33f. 44 62 84
Predicate [relation symbol] 5 6f 20 23ff. 29 see unary
Presburger, M. 64f 90
PRODUCT see: Cartesian product
Provable (sentence) 10
Quantifier 6f. 19 22 24 29 42 86 see Relativization Universal
Quantifier expression [ ] 7
Quine, W.V.O. 7 87 90
Range (of a variable) 8 32f.
Rank (of a symbol) 6f. 20
Rational number 33
Real number 63 f.
Realization [possible realization] 8 10f. 18 20 61
Recursive (definition, procedure) 25 31 52 67
Recursive [general recursive] (function, relation, set) 3 13f. 19 21 31 35 40 44 48ff. 55f. 60f.
Recursively enumerable (set) 51 61
Regular substitution 43f.
Relation 8 41 see Element Less-than
Relation symbol see: Predicate
Relatively interpretable (theory) 29ff. 33 87
Relatively weakly interpretable (theory) 29f. 84
Relativization of quantifiers 24 80
Relativized (formula, sentence) [ ] 25
Relativized (theory) [ ] 24f. 29 33
Restricted decision problem 35
Ring see: Elementary theory of rings Commutative Ordered
Ring with unit 70f
Robinson, J. 33 39f. 57 67 71 79 90
Robinson, R.M. 32f. 37 40 71 79 90
Rosser, B. 4 61 90
Ryll-Nardzewski, C. 31 55 90
Satisfaction, (to be) satisfied [(to) hold] 8 10 12 20 31
Semantical antinomies 48
Semantical notions 7f. 79
Semigroup 86f.
Sentence 7ff. 11ff. 43 and Provable Tautological True Valid
Sentential calculus 9f. 63
Sentential connectives 6f. 42
Set of integers [I] 41
Set of natural numbers [N] 41
Set theory 4 31 34
Square (of a number) [ ] 56 78f.
Standard formalization see: Theory with standard formalization
Subformula 24 26
Substitution 43f.
Subtheory 11 18f. 22 24 51ff. 60ff. and
Successor function, successor operation [S] 41; see also: Symbol of the successor operation
Symbol passim
Symbol of addition [+] 20 30ff. 42 51f. 66f. 77f.
Symbol of identity [=] 6f. 22 42
Symbol of multiplication [ ] 30ff. 42 51f. 66f. 77
Symbol of the divisibility relation [|] 78f.
Symbol of the element relation [ ] 34
Symbol of the group operation [ ] 77 86
Symbol of the less-than relation [ ] 30 68
Symbol of the squaring operation [K] 67 78
Symbol of the successor operation [S] 51 66
Symbols of integers [0, 1] 30 51f. 66f. 78. Metamathematical Operation Rank Relation Technical
Szmielew, W. 19 34 40 77 85f. 90f.
Tarsxi, A. 1 3 7f. 10 12 19 22 31ff. 37 39f. 44 60f. 63 75 77 84f. 90f.
Tautological (sentence) 9f.
Technical symbol 6
Tenth problem of Hilbert 36
Term 7 42f? 52;
Theory passim
Theory , , , 68ff. 77ff. 84 see
Theory , , 30ff. 35 40 51 63 55f. 60ff. 66f. see
Theory , , , , , 32ff. 3ff. 51 53f. 60ff. 66f. 87
Theory , 40f. 61 52ff. 60f. 66f.
Theory F 86f.
Theory G see: Elementary theory of groups
Theory P see: Peano's arithmetic
Theory S 34f.
Theory with standard formalization 5 9 11 30 32 36 41 44 77. Axiomatizablo Complete Elementary Extension Formalized Inconsistent Set Undecidable
True (sentence), truth 8 30;
Unary operation symbol 6 see Symbol
Unary predicate 6 8 24f. 27 34 80
Undecidable (theory), undecidability 3ff. 14 17ff. 24 29ff 37 39 60ff. 67ff. 71 75 77 86 Essentially Hereditarily Indirect
Union (of theories) 12
Universal quantifier [ ] 6
Universal [open] (sentence) 86
Universe 8 18 63
Valid (sentence), validity 10ff. 40 46ff. 60 and
Variable 5 6ff. 11 13 20 32 44; Free Metamathematical Range
Weakly interpretable (theory) 20 21ff. 29f. 80 84;
Word problem (for groups) 36 86
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