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Scheunert M. — The Theory of Lie Superalgebras: An Introduction
Scheunert M. — The Theory of Lie Superalgebras: An Introduction

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Название: The Theory of Lie Superalgebras: An Introduction

Автор: Scheunert M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1979

Количество страниц: 271

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2008

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Предметный указатель
$Z_{2}$-gradation induced by a Z - gradation      7 11 169
$\Gamma$-gradation of a vector space      6
(f,d) algebras of Gell — Mann, Michel, Radicati      133 134
Adjoint operation in a Lie superalgebra      244
Adjoint operation, generalized, in a Lie superalgebra      246 247
Ado, theorem by      54
Algebra, enveloping, of a Lie superalgebra      19 33 35 40
Algebra, r - graded      8
Algebra, supersymmetric, of a $Z_{2}$-graded vector space      23 24 26 60
Antipode      21 32 40 41 56
Automorphism of a Lie superalgebra      13 109 110 126 128 129 131 132 184
Blattner, theorem by      63
Cartan Lie superalgebras      169 207
Cartan subalgebra of a Lie superalgebra, definition      110
Casimir element, generalized, for a Lie superalgebra      49 50
Coassociativity of the coproduct      31 58
Commutator algebra      13 127 133 197 232
Component, homogeneous      6
Coproduct of the enveloping algebra      31 39 57 58
Counit of the enveloping algebra      32 59
Djokovic, Hochschild, theorem by      239
Element, even, of a $Z_{2}$-graded vector space      6
Element, homogeneous, of a graded vector space      6
Element, invariant with respect to a representation      45 50 240
Element, odd, of a $Z_{2}$-graded vector space      6
Engel, theorem by      236
Enveloping algebra of a Lie superalgebra      19 33 35 40
Even with respect to a $Z_{2}$-gradation      6
Extension of the base field, case of a Lie superalgebra      13 23 74 102
Extension of the base field, case of a module over a Lie superalgebra      37 38
Filtration of a Lie superalgebra      86—90
Filtration, associated with a Z-gradation of a Lie superalgebra      89 181
Filtration, canonical, of a produced module      56—58
Filtration, canonical, of the enveloping algebra      25 33 56
Filtration, canonical, of W(V)      181
Filtration, transitive, of a Lie superalgebra      87 89 229
Form, invariant bilinear      47 94 95 112 113 117 120 123 126 136 138
Form, n-linear, associated with a graded L-module      48 112
Form, skew-supersymmetric bilinear      47 129 130 132
Form, superhermitean, on a $Z_{2}$- graded vector space      245
Form, supersymmetric bilinear      47 112 113 129 133
Guillemin, Sternberg, theorem by      71 182
Hilbert space, $Z_{2}$-graded      244 245
Homogeneous with respect to a gradation      6
Homomorphism of coalgebras      33 60
Homomorphism of graded algebras      8
Homomorphism of graded modules      10
Homomorphism of graded modules over a Lie superalgebra      36 42 44
Homomorphism of graded vector spaces      7
Homomorphism of Lie superalgebras      13 15 231 233
Hopf superalgebra, the enveloping algebra as a      31—33
Ideal, graded      8 117
Index of a representation of a simple Lie algebra      160 258 261
Invariant with respect to a representation      45—50
Inversion of the Z - gradation      9 126 128 131 133 209
Isomorphism of Lie superalgebras, classification theorems      117 119 140 141 148 149 208 209 222 228 239
Isomorphism of Lie superalgebras, definition      13
Isomorphism of Lie superalgebras, embedding theorems      54 63 71 163 180 181 198
Isomorphism of Lie superalgebras, special cases      18 126 128 133 135 140 142 173 181 188 190 196 198 208 223 228 229 232 235
Isomorphism of Lie superalgebras, transition from gr L to L      89 191 202
Jacobi identity, graded      12
Kac, theorem by      222 228
Killing form of a Lie superalgebra      49 94 112 123 127 128 130 135 136 141 160 237
Lie superalgebra of Cartan type      169 207
Lie superalgebra, associated with an associative superalgebra      13 15 231 232
Lie superalgebra, basic classical simple      241 243
Lie superalgebra, bitransitive Z-graded      73 77 149 209
Lie superalgebra, classical simple      101 107 113 115 118 124 139 140 141 229 230
Lie superalgebra, consistently Z - graded      73 74 88 100 113 124 127 128 131 133 170 186 195
Lie superalgebra, definition      12
Lie superalgebra, exceptional classical simple      134 136 146 148
Lie superalgebra, filtered      87 89 191 202
Lie superalgebra, general linear      14 124—127
Lie superalgebra, irreducible Z - graded      73 88 95
Lie superalgebra, nil potent      236
Lie superalgebra, orthosymplectic      129 132 239
Lie superalgebra, semi-simple      237 238
Lie superalgebra, simple, definition      91
Lie superalgebra, solvable      236 237
Lie superalgebra, special linear      127 128
Lie superalgebra, strictly semi-simple      119
Lie superalgebra, transitive filtered      63 87 90 181
Lie superalgebra, transitive irreducible consistently Z - graded      77 86 89 100 107 148 149 163 208 222 229
Lie superalgebra, transitive Z - graded      73 88 95 172 180 181 187 188 196 198
Lie superalgebra, Z-graded, associated with a filtered Lie superalgebra      88 89 191 202 229
Lie superalgebra, Z-graded, definition      72
Mapping, canonical, of a Lie superalgebra into its enveloping algebra      19 27
Mapping, homogeneous linear      7
Mapping, invariant bilinear      46 57 58
Mapping, invariant linear      46 53 55 133
Mapping, skew-supersymmetric bilinear      47
Mapping, supersymmetric bilinear      47
Module, $\Gamma$ - graded      10 170
Module, contragredient      42 56
Module, graded, over a Lie superalgebra      14 34 71 236 237 239 243 245
Module, induced graded      52 54 56 240 242
Module, produced graded      54 71
Module, trivial, over a Lie superalgebra      36 41 58 61 240
Module, typical, over a basic classical simple Lie superalgebra      239 243
Multiplication, inverted      12
Odd with respect to a $Z_{2}$-gradation      6
Poincare, Birkhoff, Witt, theorem by      26 28 51 60 61
Product, direct, graded, of two graded algebras      8 9
Product, semi-direct, of two Lie superalgebras      233
Representation, adjoint, of a Lie superalgebra      15
Representation, adjoint, of the Lie algebra $L_{\overline{0}}$ in the odd subspace $L_{\overline{1}}$      16 93 95 108 141 160
Representation, elementary, of a simple Lie algebra      253
Representation, graded, of a Lie superalgebra      14 34 71 236 237 239 243 245
Representation, induced graded, of a Lie superalgebra      52 54 56 240 242
Representation, orthogonal, of a semi-simple Lie algebra      252
Representation, produced graded, of a Lie superalgebra      54—71
Representation, self-contragredient, of a semi-simple Lie algebra      251
Representation, symplectic, of a semi-simple Lie algebra      252
Representation, typical, of a basic classical simple Lie superalgebra      239 243
Root (even, odd) of a Lie superalgebra      109 121 122 137 138
Root space decomposition of a Lie superalgebra      109 111 120 123 136 139 164
Schur's lemma      46
Star representation of a Lie superalgebra      245
Subalgebra, graded      8
Subspace, graded      6
Super-cocommutativity of the coproduct      31 32 58
Superadjoint of a linear mapping      244
Superadjoint operation in a Lie superalgebra      244 245
Superalgebra, consistently Z - graded      11
Superalgebra, definition      10
Superalgebra, Z- graded      10 11 23 26
Superderi vation inner, of a Lie superalgebra      15 116 185 186 233
Superderi vation inner, of an associative superalgebra      15 40 232
Superderi vation of a Clifford algebra      231 232
Superderi vation of a Lie superalgebra      15 109 116 232 235
Superderi vation of a superalgebra      14 40 47 59 62
Superderi vation of an exterior algebra      169 207
Superderi vation outer, of a Lie superalgebra      233 235
Superstar representation of a Lie superalgebra      245
Supertrace      48 93 126 127
Supertranspose of a linear mapping      44 126
Tensor product of a graded L-module with a graded L’-module      38 39
Tensor product of two graded L-modules      39
Tensor product, graded, of two graded algebras      9 22 23
Tensor product, graded, of two graded modules      10 38
Tensor product, graded, of two graded vector spaces      7
Transitive      73 87 Lie
Vector space, $Z_{2}$-graded hermitean      243
Vector space, $\Gamma$ - graded      6
Z-gradation, consistent with a $Z_{2}$-gradation      11
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