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Egorov Y.V. (Ed), Shubin M.A. (Ed) — Partial Differential Equations II: Elements of the Modern Theory. Equations with Constant Coefficients |
Предметный указатель |
Operator, properly supported pseudodifferential 14
Operator, pseudodifferential 7
Operator, semi-globally solvable pseudodifferential 63
Operator, singular integral 36
Operator, spectral function 108
Operator, Stein extension 238
Operator, strictly elliptic 167
Operator, subelliptic 65
Operator, transpose 8
Operator, uniformly elliptic pseudodifferential 32
Oshima, T. 73 118
Oshmyan, V.G. 96 113 114 118
Palais, R.S. 6 24 25 114 118
Palamodov, V.P. 250 251 254
Paley, R.E.A.C. 126 150 160 161 254
Paneyakh, B.P. 141 155 156 251 255
Parametrix 16
Parseval identity 151
Parseval theorem 152
Parseval, M. 36 151 152
Patodi, V.M. 109 114 115
Petkov, V.M. 101 119
Petrovskij class 244
Petrovskij criterion 244
Petrovskij criterion, local 244
Petrovskij cycle 247
Petrovskij, I.G. 114 119 125 127 180 203 212—215 217 219 228 231 233 234 237 240 242—247 250 252 254
Phase function 49
Phase function, Lagrangian manifold 58
Phase function, local 58
Phase function, non-degenerate 57
Plamenevskij, B.A. 114 119
Planck, M. 34
Plemelj, J. 155
Point of contact 74
Point of contact, higher order 74
Point of periodic flow 111
Point of stationary phase 79
Point, absolutely periodic 112
Point, diffractive 74
Point, elliptic boundary 74
Point, focal 82
Point, glancing 74
Point, gliding 74
Point, hyperbolic boundary 74
Point, non-critical 79
Point, non-degenerate 74
Poisson bracket 55
Poisson kernel 235
Poisson relation 111
Poisson, S.D. 33 40 55 111 112 125 144 149 234 235 237
Popov, G.S. 113 118
Potential, advanced 144
Potential, retarded 144
Povzner, A.Ya. 70 118
Principal homogeneous part of operator 178
Principal value of integral 13
Principle, courant's minimax 97
Prudnikov, A.P. 176 177 250 252
Pseudodifferential operator, complex powers 31
Pseudodifferential operator, kernel 7
Pseudolocality 8
Quantization 34
Quantization weyl 34
Radkevich, E.V. 114 118
Rauch, J. 67 119
Ray 82
Reed, M. 6 114 118 140 145 161 251 254
Regularization problem 168
Regularization, formal function 169
Relation, homogeneous canonical 60
Rempel, S. 6 107 114 119
Riemann, W. 184 218 227
Riesz, F. 23
Riesz, M. 125 127 168 172 198 202 250 254
Roitburd, V. 105
Root, -well-posed 214
Root, Petrovskij well-defined 214
Root, stable 214
Root, unstable 214
Rossi, H. 159 251 253
Rozenblyum, G.B. 110 114
Rudin, W. 254
Safarov, Yu.G. 101 117
Sakamoto, R. 69 119
Samarskij, A.A. 146 171 251 255
Sato, M. 44 73 113 119
Schechter, M. 36 37 115
Schenk, D. 113 119
| Schmidt, E. 18
Schrodinger, E. 103 113 145 147 212 220 225 227 238
Schulze, B.-W. 6 107 114 119
Schwartz, L. 8 35 51 59 125 127 134 137 138 141 160 250 254
Seely, R.T. 26 27 100 106 107 114 119
Seidenberg, A. 168 169 223 251
Semi-bicharacteristic, reflected property 71
Set, asymptotically space-like 138
Set, asymptotically time-like 138
Shapiro, Z.Ya. 222 232
Shatalov, V.E. 96 113 114 118
Shilov, G.E. 125—127 129 134—136 140 143 146 148 150 152 158 159 172 185 186 189 191 192 218—220 229 234 237 250 251 253 254
Shirkov, D.V. 126 127 144 206 251 252
Shubin, M.A. 4 6 8 9 13 14 16—19 26 32 35 37 46 48 66—68 85 90 96 99 101 105 109 110 113—116 119 181—184 251 255
Simon, B. 6 114 119 140 145 161 251 254
Singer, I.M. 25
Sobolev, S.L. 16 17 23 38 41 48 155 251 255
Sokhotskij, Yu.V. 155
Solomyak, M.Z. 110 114 115
Solution, asymptotic 83
Solution, rapidly oscillating 83
Sommerfeld, A. 146 171 251
Space, Schwartz 141
Space, test functions 128
Stein, E.M. 113 119 238
Sternberg, S. 44 79 96 114 117
Sternin, B.Yu. 96 113 114 118
Stieltjes, T.J. 109
Stojanov, L. 101 119
Structure, Symplectic 54
Sukharevskij, I.V. 70 119
Support of function 134
Support of generalized function 134
Support of generalized function singular 136
Swallow-tail 248
Symbol, classical 11
Symbol, convolution operator 108
Symbol, differential operator 6
Symbol, elliptic 15
Symbol, operator 102
Symbol, polyhomogeneous 11
Symbol, principal 11
Symbol, symmetric 34
Symbol, weyl 33
Tarski, A. 168 169 223 251
Taylor, B. 12 14 81 169 187 191
Taylor, M.E. 6 9 14 17 19 37 39 44 48 74 96 114 119
Theorem, Calderon 39
Theorem, Calderon — Zygmund 36
Theorem, composition 15
Theorem, Ikehara 109
Theorem, mean value 148
Theorem, Payley — Wiener 150
Theorem, regularity 17
Tikhonov, A.N. 146 171 251 255
Titchmarsh, E. 152 154 250 255
Transformation, canonical 54
Transformation, contact- 213
Transformation, Fourier 149
Transformation, fourier — laplace 175
Transformation, hilbert 13
Transformation, Laplace 176
Transformation, Lorentz 134
Treves, F. 6 9 14 17 19 39 40 41 44 48 96 111 114 119 168 185 251 255
Tulovskij, V.N. 105
Vajnberg, B.R. 79 90 95 113 119 146 171 251 255
Vandermonde, A.T. 87
Varchenko, A.N. 82 114 115 248—250 252 255
Vasil'ev, D.G. 101 113 119
Vasil'ev, V.A. 127 240 247 249 250 255
Vishik, M.I. 26 114 155 156 184 217 232 238 251 252 255
Vladimirov, V.S. 139 140 144—146 150 159—161 165 166 174 203 209 250 251 255
Volevich, L.R. 141 155 156 251 255
Volovoj, A.V. 113 119
Watson, G.N. 146 188 199 209 251 255
Wave diffusion 147 203
Wave front 82 180
Wave front of generalized function 180
Wave front of operator 243
Wave front set 44 48
Weak convergence 128
Wentzel, G. 78
Weyl h-symbol 34
Weyl symbol 33
Weyl, H. 33 34 100 102 103 105 184 255
Whittaker, E.T. 146 188 199 209 251 255
Wiener, N. 126 150 160 161 254
Yosida, K. 135 164 255
Young, T. 18
Zygmund, A. 36 113 115
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