Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Rose M.E. — Elementary theory of angular momentum |
Предметный указатель |
Selection rules for isotopic spin 220
Selection rules for multipole transitions 139
Selection rules for parity 62 90
Selection rules for projection quantum numbers 88
Sells, R. E. 43
Sharp, W. T. 115 187 192 193
Shortley, G. H. 37 43 78 184 213 223
Simon, A. 43 114 161
Smimow, W. I. 228
Solenoidal gauge 130 135
Solid harmonics 141
Spherical basis 64 104
Spherical harmonics 235
Spherical harmonics, addition theorem 59
Spherical harmonics, coupling rule 61
Spherical harmonics, phases 240
Spherical harmonics, reduced matrix element 89
Spherical harmonics, relation to rotation matrices 60
Spherical harmonics, symmetry relations 61
Spin matrices 28 67—72
Spin-one eigenfunctions 103
Spin-orbit energy 150
Spinors 71
Spinors, indices 6 19
Stroke, H. H. 92
Symmetric top 55
Symmetry under particle exchange 204 206
Takebe, H. 192
Tanabe, Y. 115 192
Tensors 76—81
Tensors of rank one 77 84 94 105
Tensors, Cartesian form 76 90—91
Tensors, commutation with angular momentum 82—85
Tensors, contraction of 78
Tensors, invariant forms 80 115 171
Tensors, irreducible 77 85 106
Tensors, multiplication of 78 79
Tensors, orthonormality of 106
| Tensors, parity 121
Tensors, reducibility 76
Tensors, spherical form 77
Tensors, spin-one field 106
Tensors, statistical 179
Tensors, traces 76 78 183
Tensors, transformation properties 77 78
Three-particle configurations 206 214
Tolhoek, H. A. 161
Triads 221
Triangle coefficient 111
Triangular relation 36 37 79 111
Two-particle configurations 119 204 215 218
Uhlenbeck, G. E. 145 160
Uncoupled representation 32
Unitary transformations 7 10 34 64 182
Unitary transformations, F-coefficients 41
Unitary transformations, operators 12
Unitary transformations, phases 11
van der Waerden, B. L. 57
Vander Sluis, J. H. 114
Vector addition coefficients (see Clebsch — Gordan coefficients)
Vector addition of angular momenta 35 36
Vector field 77 81 98—105
Vector potential 7 128
Wave equation for Dirac electron 152
Wave equation for electromagnetic fields 129
Wave equation, non-relativisitic 151
Weisskopf, V. 130
Weneser, J. 136
Weyl, H. 145
White, H. E. 216
Wigner coefficients (see Clebsch — Gordan coefficients)
Wigner — Eckart theorem 85—88
Wigner, E. 38 39 50 52 55 57 76 85 93 192 228 234
Wilkinson, D. H. 206
X-coefficients 191—192
Yanagowa, S. 115
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