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Rose M.E. — Elementary theory of angular momentum
Rose M.E. — Elementary theory of angular momentum

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Название: Elementary theory of angular momentum

Автор: Rose M.E.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1957

Количество страниц: 248

Добавлена в каталог: 13.09.2008

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Предметный указатель
Absorption cross section      162
Adjoint operator      3
Aligned nuclei      161
Alpha-particle emission      176
Angular correlation      31 161 165
Angular correlation, complexity index      175
Angular correlation, description of      165—166
Angular correlation, direction-direction      165
Angular distributions, from oriented nuclei      179
Angular distributions, in cascade transitions      175
Angular distributions, in nuclear reactions      197—201
Angular momentum coupling, for four momenta      188
Angular momentum coupling, for three momenta      107—108
Angular momentum coupling, for two momenta      32—36 (see also j-j coupling and L-S coupling)
Angular momentum, commutation rules      20 24 33 84
Angular momentum, commutation rules for spin      1 102—105
Angular momentum, commutation rules for spin $\frac{1}{2}$      28 150—156
Angular momentum, commutation rules, commutators      15 23 33 48 82 150
Angular momentum, commutation rules, conservation      85 87—88 139 159
Angular momentum, commutation rules, coupling in nuclear reactions      193
Angular momentum, commutation rules, eigenvalues      22—26 30
Angular momentum, geometric aspects of      30 85
Angular momentum, intrinsic spin      16 19 105
Angular momentum, matrix representation      27—29 89 102- 105
Angular momentum, measurement of      15 31
Angular momentum, multipole moments and      147
Angular momentum, operators      17
Angular momentum, orbital      13 15 18 29 236
Angular momentum, physical interpretation of      29—31
Angular momentum, projection quantum numbers      24 34
Angular momentum, reduced matrix elements      89
Angular momentum, selection rules      (see Selection rules)
Arfken, G. B.      114 180
Arima, A.      192
Bateman, H., Manuscript Project      53
Bessel functions      132
Beta decay      119 156 220
Beth, R. A.      31
Bethe, H. A.      166
Biedenharn, L. C.      114 120 147 160 165 170 180 225
Blatt, J. M.      114 120 130
Bleaney alignment      177
Bleaney, B.      177 181
Blin — Stoyle, R. J.      161 212
Bloch, F.      56
Bohr, A.      56 212
Bose statistics      77 204
Breit, G.      166
C-coefficients      (see Clebsch-Gordan coefficients)
Calladay, C. S.      43
Cassen, B.      217
Central field      24 150
Change of basis      9
Channel spin      194
Charge exchange      219
Christy, R.      193
Church, E. L.      136
circular polarization      136 175
Classical limit      16 26 29 149
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      12 32—47
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, definition      32—37
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, explicit form      39 40 42—46
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, m-sum rule      34 38
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, notation      37
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, orthogonality relations      34—35
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, phases      33 35 38 45 46 224
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, symmetry relations      37—42
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, tables of      43 224—225
Clebsch — Gordan series      57—58 74
Coester, F.      165
Collective model      56
Completeness      5 17
Condon, E. U.      37 43 78 184 213 217 223
Configuration mixing      212
Correlation function      175
Correspondence principle      29 138
Coulomb field      166 185
Coupled representation      12
Coupling of rotation matrices      58
Coupling of spherical harmonics      61
Creation operators      156 218
de Groot, S. R.      161
de Kronig, R. L.      55
De — Shalit, A.      208
Density matrix      170
Destruction operators      218
Diagonalization      10
Dipole coupling      12 32
Dipole coupling in radiative transitions      90
Dipole moments, electric      92
Dipole moments, magnetic      92—97
Dirac, P. A. M.      11 152
Dual fields      131
Eck, T. G.      92
Eckart, C.      57 85
Edmonds, A. R.      206 210
Ehmde, F.      74 132
Eigenvalue problem      4
Eisenbud, L.      38
electromagnetic field      99 127—131
Euler angles      50
Euler — Maclaurin sum formula      184
Falkoff, D. L.      43 145
Fano, U.      179 192
Feld, B. T.      148
Fermi interaction      220
Fermi statistics      77 205
Finite nuclear size      62
Flowers, B. H.      206 210
Forbidden transitions      62 136 159
Fractional parentage coefficients      206
Fractional parentage coefficients, actor      98
Frauenfelder, H.      165
Gamma radiation      171 196—197
Gamow — Teller interaction      220
Gauge function      129
Gauge transformations      128—129 134
Gaunt, J. A.      61
Goertzel, G.      52
Goldstein, H.      50
Grace, M. A.      161
Gradient formula      124
Greuling, E.      91
Halban, H.      161
Hankel functions      132
Helmholtz equations      130
Hermitian operators      3 24
Hill, E. H.      134
Horie, H.      115 192
Hoyle, M. G.      115 187
Huby, R.      198
Hyperfine coupling      31 177 181
Hypergeometric function      53
Identical particles, j-j coupling      204
Infinitesimal rotation      16 20
interaction energy      11 77 89 145 156 171
Internal conversion      160
Inverse Clebsch — Gordan series      58
Inverse rotation      54
Ishidzu, T.      115
Isobaric spin      218
Isotopic spin      217
Isotropy of space      30
j-j coupling      187 194
Jaccarino, V.      92
Jacobi polynomials      53
Jahn, H. A.      114
Jahnke, E.      74 132
Jauch, J. M.      138 161 165
Jensen, J. H. D.      212
Kennedy, J. M.      115 187
King, J. G.      92
Konopinski, E. J.      160 220
Kusch, P.      92
L — S coupling      213
Lamb, W. E.      148
Lane, A. M.      203 206
Legendre polynomials      74 239
Legendre polynomials and Racah coefficients      225
Legendre polynomials and spin interactions      149
Lloyd, S. P.      114
Lorentz condition      6 129 130
Magnetic field      11
Magnetic field coupling      11 32
Magnetic field in multipole fields      131 135
Magnetic field, rotation of angular momentum in      56
Majorana, E.      56
Margenau, H.      140
Matrix elements in beta decay      220
Matrix elements in dipole radiation      62
Matrix elements in spin interactions      147—148
Matrix elements in tensor coupling      115—119
Matrix elements in three-particle configurations      211
Matrix notation      9
Matrix representation of angular momentum      27—29 102—105
Matrix representation of irreducible tensors      88 94 115
Matrix representation of rotation operators      48—54
Matsunobu, H.      192
Maxwell field      7
Maxwell field, equations of      127—128
Mayer, M. G.      212
Meshkov, S.      217
Mirror nuclei      221
Mixed transitions      176 185 195 201
Moments, electrostatic      140
Moments, electrostatic for oriented spins      177
Morita, M.      43
Mottelson, B.      56 212
Multiple moments      90 92 140 142
Multipole fields      81 131—135
Multipole fields, definition      131
Multipole fields, duality      131
Multipole fields, parity of      131 133
Multipole fields, selection rules for      139
Multipole fields, tensor representation of      133 135
Multipoles, static      140
Neumann functions      132
Neutron capture      162
Neutron polarization      162
Nuclear alignment      161
Nuclear polarization      162
Nuclear reactions      162 193
Obi, S.      115
Octupole interaction      149
Octupole moments      92
Operators, adjoint      3
Operators, angular momentum      (see Angular momentum)
Operators, beta decay      156
Operators, exponential      12
Operators, Hermitian      3 24
Operators, inverse      8 53
Operators, isotopic spin      217
Operators, lowering      25 237
Operators, raising      25 237
Operators, rotation      51
Operators, unitary      12
Oriented nuclei      161
Orthonormal set      5
Osborne, R.      157 220
Parity of multipole fields      139
Parity, C-coefficient      42 47
Parity, selection rules for beta decay      159—160
Parity, selection rules for moments      92
Parity, selection rules for radiation      62 90 139
Particle parameters      173
Pauli spin operators      19 28 67—69
Pauli spinors      11 19 67 154
Perks, M. A.      212
Phase conventions      27
Phase conventions for C-coefficients      (see Clebsch-Gordan)
Phase shifts      166 185
Phases for Racah coefficients      110
Phases for rotation matrices      70
Plane waves, multipole expansion      137
Polarization by a magnetic field      56
Polarization of electromagnetic waves      31
Polarized harmonics      145
Polarized nuclei      162
Pound alignment      177
Pound, R. V.      177 181
Poynting vector      131
Projection quantum numbers      24 55 85
Projection quantum numbers, sum rule for      34 86 159
Projection theorems      94—97
Proton capture reactions      196
Quadrupole interaction      91 147—148 177
Quadrupole moment      93 140 161
Quantization axis      48 56
Quantization axis, parallel to propagation vector      137 166—168
Rabi, I. I.      55 56
Racah coefficients      107—115
Racah coefficients, applications of      115—119 123
Racah coefficients, definition of      108
Racah coefficients, geometric representation of coupling      111—112
Racah coefficients, recurrence formula      226
Racah coefficients, repeated parameters      225
Racah coefficients, sum rules      113—114
Racah coefficients, symmetry relations      111 226
Racah coefficients, tables of      114 227
Racah coefficients, triangular rules      111
Racah coefficients, zero area triangle      113
Racah, G.      38 40 41 47 52 76 78 82 107 110 165 213 222 224
Rademacher, H.      55
Radtke, M. G.      43
Rayleigh expansion      91 136
Rayleigh expansion, relativistic electron      167
Recoupling schemes      110 187—188 194- 195
Redlich, M.      206
Reduced matrix elements      85 118—119 154
Reiche, F.      55
Rigid rotator      13 55 88
Rohrlich, F.      138
Rose, M. E.      77 114 127 157 160 161 165 170 180 220
Rosenfeld, L.      217
Rotations in spinor field      67—72
Rotations in vector field      63—67
Rotations, double valuedness      71 233
Rotations, explicit form of matrices      67 234
Rotations, group property      57 228
Rotations, interpretation      14 99
Rotations, matrix representation      48—54 67 72
Rotations, normalization of matrices      75
Rotations, operator form      16
Rotations, relation to unitary group      228
Rotations, symmetry relations      53—54 71
Rotations, unitary property      53
Saito, R.      43
Satchler, G. R.      193
Sato, M.      115
Satten, R. A.      92
Scalar (S) interaction      156
Scalar field      18 81 99
Scalar product      3 80 105
Schiff, L.      150
Schmidt limits      212
Schwartz, C.      208
Schwinger, J.      52 192
Sears, B. J.      43 115 187
Selection rules      88 139
Selection rules for angular momentum      62 90 159
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