Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Pavel N. — Nonlinear Evolution Operators and Semigroups |
Предметный указатель |
Accretive operators (sets) 119 247
BBM equation 159
Benilan’s uniqueness theorem 268
Boltzman Law 211
Compact evolution operators 43
Crandall — Liggett’s exponential formula 70
Cyclically monotone sets 242
Dafermos — Slemrod’s results on semigroups 123
Demicontinuous operators 240
Diagonally of bounded variation 25
Dirichlet’s condition 182
Discrete Schemes (DS) 1
DS-approximate solution 1
DS-limit solution 2
Duality mapping 5 234
Ergodic theorem (of Baillon — Brezis) 128
Evolution operators 23
Flow-invariant set 78
G.F. Webb’s example 78
Generalized domain (Crandall) 74
Hemicontinuous operator 240
Hille — Yosida theorem 98
Infinitesimal generator 77
Integral solutions 18 65 67
Kato — Crandall — Pazy’s condition 49
Kato’s Lemma 245
KdV equation 159
Koboyashi estimate 63
Koboyasi — Kobayashi — Oharu estimate 11
Lower-semicontinuous-convex function (l.s.c) 234
m -dissipative operator 32
Maximal monotone operator 118
Method of steps 153
Miyadera’s example 249
Monotonicity method of Minty — Bromder 268
Neumann condition 181
Newton’s law 183
| Opial criterion of w-convergence 127
Peano’s theorem 156
Poincare inequality 197
Pseudo-Laplace operator 192
Range condition 3
Semigroup of type 64
Semigroup, 65
Semigroup, compact 88
Semigroup, nonexpansive (contraction) 64
Semigroup, ultimately compact 88
Smoothing effect 103
Solution, classical 213
Solution, DS-limit 2
Solution, generalized 3
Solution, mild 213
Solution, strong 17 19 131
Solution, weak 167
Subdifferentials (subgradients) 234 235
Tangential condition 3
Theorem, Baillon 150
Theorem, Baillon — Brezis 128
Theorem, Barbu 116
Theorem, Brezis ` 92
Theorem, Browder — Kirk 123
Theorem, Crandall — Liggett 70 80
Theorem, Crandall — Pazy 52
Theorem, Hille — Yosida 98
Theorem, Kobayashi 66
Theorem, Lumer — Phillips 101
Theorem, Martin 83
Theorem, Pazy 89
Theorem, Reich 129
Theorem, Vrabie 94
Theorem, Webb 116
Ultimately compact semigroups 88
Ursescu’s example 241
Well-posed problem (Hadamard) 182
Реклама |