Авторизация |
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Egorov Y.V., Shubin M.A. — Partial Differential Equations I (Foundations of the Classical) |
Предметный указатель |
Theorem Hille — Yosida 181
Theorem Holmgren's 35—36
Theorem Kato's 182
Theorem Kellogg's 104
Theorem Lax — Phillips 184
Theorem Liouville's 80 91
Theorem mean-value, for harmonic functions 85
Theorem Mizohata's 138
Theorem Molchanov's 214
Theorem Nash's 167—168
Theorem Ovsyannikov's 34
Theorem Paley — Wiener — Schwartz 66
Theorem removable singularities 81—82 92
Theorem Schwartz kernel 68
Theorem Sears' 213
Theorem Steklov's 204—205
Theorem Stone's 182
Theorem Sturm's 206
Theorem uniqueness, for Cauchy problem for a parabolic equation 166
Theorems imbedding 119—122
Theorems jump 95
Theorems jump for double-layer potentials 95
Theorems jump for single-layer potentials 95
Theorems trace 119—122
Third boundary condition 15
Tikhonov, A.N. 8 9 13 21 88 90 189 225 226 234 235 242 247
Titchmarsh, E.S. 220 243 247
Topology inductive limit 50
Topology of uniform convergence on compact sets 49
Topology weak 51
Trace theorems 119—122
Transform Fourier 65
Transform Fourier of a function 65
Transform Fourier of a tempered distribution 65
Transform Hankel 234
Transform Hilbert 65
Transform Kelvin 92
Transform Laplace 133 179
Transform Radon 146
Transmission coefficient 218
Transposed operator 58
Treves, F. 242 247
| Tricomi's equation 38
Tricomi, F. 38
Triebel, H. 113 243 247
Ultrahyperbolic equation 38
Uniform convergence on compact sets topology of 49
Uniform well-posedness of the Cauchy problem 177
Ural'tseva, N.N. 99 113 132 242 245
Vajnberg, B.R. 5 184 187 190—192 243 247
Vilenkin, N.Ya. 243 247
Vishik, M.I. 111 132 243
Vladimirov, V.S. 9 13 47 55 61 62 65 80 83 85—88 91—93 97 169 204 242 247
Volevich, L.R. 25
Volterra, V. 149
Volume potential 63 94
Warner, F.W. 15 247
Wave back 145
Wave diffusion 145
Wave equation multidimensional 12 37
Wave equation one-dimensional 9
Wave front 145
Wave operator 18 196
Weak asymptotic completeness of wave operators 197
Weak completeness 51
Weak convergence 51
Weak discontinuity 153
Weak solution 123
Weak topology 51
Well-posed problem 24
Wellposedness, uniform, for the Cauchy problem 177
Weyl limit-circle 214
Weyl limit-point 214
Weyl, H. 211
Wiener's criterion 103
Wiener, N. 24 66 102 103 105
Yosida, K. 181 182 247
Young, Th. 9
Zakharov, V.E. 207 214 218 247
Zone Brillouin 219
Zone energy 219
Zone forbidden 218
Zone permitted 218
Zone spectral 218
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