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Nikolaev E., Zhuzhoma I. — Flows on 2-Dimensional Manifolds: An Overview |
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Abramov, L.M. 112
Absolute 125
Adler, R. 112
Afraimovich, V.S. 55
Amalgamation 142
Andronov, A.A. iv v 73 75 89
Anosov — Weil problem 209
Anosov, D.V. iv v 106 166 170 209 213 214 215 219 222 223 224 236
Aranson, S.Kh. iii iv v vi vii 16 26 28 33 42 55 90 92 101 121 125 129 132 201 204 205 207 218 224 227 229 233 253 257 258 260 264 266
Arnold, V.I. 99 110 160 169 109 170
Asymptotic direction, irrational 211
Asymptotic direction, rational 211
atom 140
Balibrea, F. 38
Beck, A. 246
Belitskii, G.R. 64 67 170
Bendixson, I. iv 27 32 37
Beniere, J.-Ch. vii 252
Birkhoff, G.D. v 2 41 50 248
Blohin, A. vi 105
Blowing-down mapping 54
Bogdanov, R.I. 67
Bogolyubov, N.N. 95
Bolsinov, A.V. 139
Boothby, W.M. 243
Bounded deviation theorem 224
Brien, T.O. vi 135 136 139
Bronstein, I.U. 66 67
Bruno, A.D. 65
Bruschlinsky, N. 152
Calabi, E. 161
Canonical neighborhood 42
Cantor type limit set 14
Carroll, C.R. 264 267
cell 56
Cell, black 204
Cell, grey 204
Center 51
Cherry problem 201
Cherry, T.M. iv 15 29 30 201 203
Chordal system of curves 240
Circle at infinity 125
Closed transversal 4
Closing lemma, 263
Closing lemma, strengthened 263
Closing lemma, weak 266
Cluster 53
Cohomological equation 169
Collapse of geodesic framework 263
Conjecture of Baum — Connes 196
Conjecture of Poincare 15
Conjecture of Weil 213
Connes, A. 198
Continued fraction 264
Cornfeld, I.P. 96 99
Curve goes to infinity 210
Cycle, asymptotic 153
Cycle, Zorich’s 160
Dantoni, C. 26
de Melo, W. iv 88 201 204
Dehn, M. 149
Denjoy iv 15 101 201 202
Denjoy homeomorphism 7
Dimension group 177
Dinaburg, E. 113
Domain, Poincare 64
Domain, Siegel 64
Dos Anjos 15
Edmonds, J. 78
Effros, E.G. vi
Eilenberg, S. 152
Elliott, G.A. 180 198
Embedding of graph 77
entropy 111
Evans, D.E. 180
Face tracing algorithm 78
Fake saddle 5
First-return Poincare map 4
Flow box 4
Flow, 1
Flow, area preserving 17
Flow, Cherry 203 121 203
Flow, Cherry type 121
Flow, covering 6 12
Flow, Denjoy 7 14 120
Flow, ergodic 101
Flow, geodesible 20
Flow, geodesic 19 20
Flow, gradient 12
Flow, gradient-like 88
Flow, Hamiltonian 17 47
Flow, harmonic 19
Flow, highly transitive 2
Flow, irrational 2 127
Flow, irreducible 41
Flow, Kroneker’s 13
Flow, linear 5
Flow, minimal 3
Flow, mixing 106
Flow, Morse — Smale 12
Flow, non-constant type of 264
Flow, non-wandering 142
Flow, of non-constant type on 264
Flow, polar 88
Flow, regular 55
Flow, scheme of 79
Flow, special 7 10 108 110
Flow, Stepanov 103
Flow, symplectic 17
Flow, transitive 2
Flows of first degree of non-stability in the Andronov — Leontovich’s sense 89
Flows of j-th (j 2) degree of non-stability in Andronov — Leontovich sense 91
Flows of j-th (j 2) degree of non-stability in Sotomayor sense 91
Flows, equivalent 3
Flows, connected sum of 12
Flows, graph-equivalence 145
Flows, isotopical equivalence 87
Flows, orbitally topologically equivalent 3
Flows, topologically conjugate 3
Flows, topologically equivalent 3
Flows, Whitehead equivalent 131
Flux form 155
Foliation, hyperbolic 243
Foliation, parabolic 243
Fomenko, A.T. 139
Fomin, S.V. 96 99
Form, analytical 63
Form, formal 63
Form, normal 63
Form, orbital 63
Form, topological 63
Forni, G. 165 169 170
Forward Poincare map 4
Framework, geodesic 131 257
Framework, irrational 261
Framework, rational 261
Franzosa, R.D. 83
Frommer, M. 69
Function, harmonic 242
Function, Lyapunov 83
Function, weight 144
Gardiner, C. v 41 42 55
Gaspar Ruas, A. 205
Gelfand, I.M. 198
Geodesic lamination 129 260
Geodesic lamination, consistently oriented 258
Geodesic lamination, non-trivial 129
Geodesic, corresponding 230
Geodesic, framework of the flow 131
Geodesic, framework of the quasiminimal set 131
| Geodesic, non-trivial recurrent 130
Geodesic, representing 130
Giordano, T. 198
Global cross-section 23
Goodwyn, L. 113
Graph, Conley — Lyapunov — Peixoto 144
Graph, Lyapunov 86
Graph, Peixoto 79
Grines, V.Z. vi 42 125 129 218 224 227 229 260
Ground surface 144
Gutierrez, C. 14 28 34 60 75 88 264 267
Hartman, P. 64 202
Hector, G. vii 30 252
Hedlund, G. 129 210
Heffter, L. 78
Heins, M. 244
Herman, M. 100
Hilmy, H. 28
Homology rotation class 155
Homotopy rotation, class 126
Homotopy rotation, orbit 127
Hu, J. 202
Hubbard, J. 171
Impassable grain 5
Inaba, T. vii 250
Irrational rotation algebra 183
Isomorphism of graphs 77
Jenkins, J. 244
Kaplan, W. vii 59 239 242 242
Katok, A. v 20 61 100 101 106 132 154 155 165 166 167
Katok’s fundamental class 156
Khanin, K. 109
Kneser, H. iv 25 28
Kochergin, A.V. vi 107 109 110
Kolmogorov, A.N. v 98 111
Konheim, A. 112
Kontsevich, M. 162
Kopanskii, A.Ya. 66
Kotus, J. 246
Krych, M. 246
Krylov, A.N. 95
Leontovich, E.A. iv v vi 55 75 89 135
Lerman, L.M. 141
Levitt, G. v 26 33 41 42 44 45 129 156 220
Lojasiewicz inequality 69
Lopez, V.J. 38
Lyapunov, A.M. iv
Maier, A.G. iv v vi 30 32 33 51 55 101 135 248
Malkin, M.I. 207
Markley, N.G. v 25 28 33 42 101 210 213 216 218 224
Markus, L. vii 245
Martens, M. iv 201 204
Marzougui, H. 36
Masur, H. 171
McAndrew, M. 112
Measure, invariant 95
Measure, nontrivial invariant 100
Measure, smooth 96
Medvedev, T. 121
Medvedev, V. vii 26 266 260
Meigniez, G. vii 252
Mendes, M. iv 201 204
Meyer, K. 83
Molecule 140
Molecule, Andronov’s 80
Molecule, exact 140
Molecule, polar 80
Molecule, standard 80
Moreira P. 205
Morita’s equivalence 183
Morse, M. 73 210 244
Naimark, M. 198
Neumann, D.A. iv vi 41 59 135 136 139 248
Nitecki, Z. 246
Nogueira, A. 14
Nordon, V. 47
Novikov, S.P. 50
Orbit complex 138
Orgraph 76
Oxtoby, J.C. 103
pants 45
Peixoto, M.M. iv 73 263
Poincare, H. iii 201
Point, attainable 129
Point, chain recurrent 266
Point, fixed 2
Point, irrational 125
Point, non-wandering 50
Point, of first kind 260
Point, of second kind 260
Point, prolongational recurrent 265
Point, rational 125
Point, regular 2
Pontryagin, L.S. iv 73 75
Pugh, Ch. 74 263
Pupko, V. 216
Putnam, I.F. 198
Rayskin, V. 64
Rectifiability theorem 3
Rectifying diffeomorphism 3
Reducing set of curves 43
Regular family of curves 11
Resonance 64
Rezende, K.A. 83
Rokhlin, V.A. v
Rotation, number 116
Rotation, orbit 117
Rotation, set of flow 163
Saito, T. 102
Samovol, V.S. 66
Sataev, E. 101
Scheme of flow 79
Schwartz, A. iv 41 51
Schwartzman, S. v 104 119 152
Schweitzer, P. 250
Semi-trajectory 1
Semi-transverse curve 43
Separatrix, configuration 245
Separatrix, in Markus’s sense 245
Separatrix, limit 245
Set, -limit 2
Set, dynamically irreducible 28
Set, exceptional 2
Set, invariant 2
Set, minimal 2
Set, non-trivial minimal 2 134
Set, point-contractable 215
Set, prolongational limit 265
Set, quasiminimal 2
Set, trivial minimal 2
Shen, C.L. vi
Shilnikov, L.P. 55
Siegel, C. 25
Sinai, Ya. 95 96 99 109
Singularity 2
Skau, C.F. 198
Smale, S. iv 73 75
Small denominators 65
Smith, P.A. 248
Solntzev, G. 37
Sotomayor, J. v 91
Special pair of trajectories 134
Stepanov, V. 103
Sternberg, S. 98
Stowe, D. 67
Structure theorem 34
Sullivan, D. 202
Suspension 6
Suspension, over circle homeomorphism 7
Suspension, over exchange transformation 8
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