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Goresky M., MacPherson R. — Stratified Morse Theory |
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(a fringed set) 82
(a fringed set) 84
(a fringed set) 85
(a fringed set) 86
(a fringed set) 88
(a fringed set) 89
see “Thom mapping”
(complex), definition of 241
see “halflink”
see “Defect”
-module 223
see “Complex link”
-decomposition, definition of 36
-filtered space, definition of 241
Abraham, R. 39 51
Affine subspace, homology of 238
Affine subspaces, complexification of 238
Alexander, J.W. 20
Alexandrov, P.S. 237
Ample vectorbundle 226
Analytic variety, local structure of 164
Analytic variety, neighborhoods of 206
Analytic variety, stratification of 43
Andreotti, A. 29 51 52 148 152 154 80 225 226
Arnold, V.I. 235
Arrangement, central 242
Arrangement, complexification of 257
Artin, M. 151 217
Atiyah, M.F. 21
Attaching a pair of spaces 61
Baiada, E. 22
Barth theorem 27 149
Barth, W. 27
Basepoint 150
Baum P. 48
Beilinson, A.A. 208 212 220 224
Benedetti, R. 52 53
Bentini theorem 25 151
Bernstein, J. 208 212 220 224
Bertini, E. 25 151
Betti 20
Bibliography 258
BirkhofT, G.D. 21 238
Blakers and Massey theorem 178
Blakers, A. 178
Boardman, J. 35
Bott, R. 21 64 114 173 180 225 226
Bottom ( , ) 93
Box ( , ) 91 93
Braid diagram 215
Branched coverings, and connectivity theorems 27
Brieskorn, E. 235
Brown 33
Bruce, J.W. 52 93
Bruhat, F. 56
Cairns, S.S. 20
Cartan, H. 29 56
Cartier, P. 24 235
Central arrangement 242
Characteristic covector, and moving the wall 71 81
Characteristic covector, definition of 44 46
Characteristic covector, diagram of 109
Characteristic covector, of a level 130
Characteristic covector, of a map 46
Characteristic covector, of a stratified space 44
Characteristic function, definition of 78
Characteristic variety 224
Cheeger, J. 213
Cheniot, D. 37
Classical Morse theory, part A 4
Classical Morse theory, part B 5 65 73
Clemens, H. 215
Codefective pair, definition 225
Complex , definition of 241
Complex functions, local structure of 170
Complex link and halflink 165
Complex link and normal Morse data 166
Complex link and quarterlink 128
Complex link and variation map 210
Complex link independent of choices 163
Complex link of local complete intersection 187
Complex link, bundle of 209
Complex link, connectivity of 180 186
Complex link, definition of 15 161
Complex link, homotopy dimension of 17 183
Complex link, intersection homology of 214
Complex link, intuition 15 17 128 148 159
Complex link, Morse theory of 176
Complex link, relative 168
Complex Morse theory, technical results 147
Complex stratified Morse theory, part A 16 147 174
Complex stratified Morse theory, part B 18 147 174
Complexification of affine subspace 238
Complexification of arrangement 257
Complifold 33
Conley Morse index, and Morse data 62
Conley, C. 21 62
Connectivity theorems 26 149
Conormal vector, definition of 44
Control data 42
Controlled foliation 48
Controlled lift 42
Controlled vectorfield 42
Convexity defect and Levi form 193
Convexity defect, definition of 178
Convexity defect, intuition 177
Course Morse data, definition of 62
Critical fibre 114 117
Critical point at infinity 119
Critical point, definition of 6 52
Critical point, nondepraved 50 54 55 57
Critical point, ordinary 119
Critical submanifold 21
Curve selection lemma 56
Cylindrical neighborhood 132
Cylindrical neighborhood and normal Morse data 135
Cylindrical neighborhood, conical 134
Cylindrical neighborhood, definition of 162
Cylindrical neighborhood, structure of 165
Decomposed space, definition of 36
Defect singularity, definition of 185
Defect, convexity and Levi form 193
Defect, convexity, definition of 178
Defect, dual normal, estimates on 183
Defect, fibre, definition 180
Defect, intuition 176
Defect, normal, definition of 178
Defect, normal, estimates on 180
Defect, tangential, estimates on 179
Defective pair, and Lefschetz theorem 227
Defective pair, definition of 225
Deformation to the normal bundle 48
Deligne, P. 25—29 114 150 151 208 212 217—224 235
Denkowska, Z. 43
Depth, rectified homotopical 153 185
DeRham functor 223
Diagrams, definition of 102
Distance function as a Morse function 13 51 54 148 179 245
Distance function, Levi form of 193 194
Dual normal defect, estimates on 183
Duality, and Lefschetz hyperplane theorems 27
Dubson, A. 161
DuPlessis, A. 43 56
Durfee, A. 136 159 164 170
Eilenberg, S. 20
Equisingularity 35
Equivariant cohomology 21
Exceptional point 45 160
Excision property, of Morse data 62
Excision theorem, for homotopy 178
| Exhaustion function 225
Fallings, G. 26 149
Faults, and Whitney stratifications 45
Feldman, E.A. 34 35 52 226
Fibre defect, counterexamples 230
Fibre defect, definition of 180
Fibre defect, intuition 177
Fieseler, K.H. 212 216—217 226—229
Finsler metric 226
Flat, definition of 237
Folkman, J. 237 252
Fox, R. 34
Frankel, T. 29 51 148 152 154 180
Fringed set 22
Fringed set and local Morse data 91
Fringed set, definition of 77
Fringed set, family of 79
Fringed set, parametrized by a manifold 80
Fritzsche, K. 192 225 226
Fulton, W. 26 27 46 48 51 149
Fundamental group, and connectivity theorems 27
Gafmey, T. 26 27
Gauss map, definition of 44
Generalized tangent space, definition of 44
Geometric lattice and Moebius function 252
Geometric lattice, definition of 251
Gerstner, O. 154
Gibson 43
Ginsberg, V. 224
Goldstein, N. 149
Golubitsky 38 39 51
Goresky 33 37—38 46 66 117 132 147 150 153 164 167 208—222 250
Grauert, H. 52 180 225 226
Griffiths, P. 149 225 226
Grothendteck, A. 153 154 177 185
Group, Morse 211 212
Guillemin, V. 38 39 51
Haefiiger, A. 34 51
Halflink and complement of affine space 236
Halflink and complex link 66 165
Halflink and link 67 96
Halflink and normal Morse data 67 98
Halflink and quarterlink 135
Halflink of two functions 128
Halflink, definition of 66
Halflink, finitdv many possibilities 67 27
Halflink, independent of choices 67 93
Halflink, non proper 121
Halflink, relative 116
Halflink, relative nonproper 125
Hamm's theorem 185 188 200
Hamm, H. 22 148 152—164 170 185 188 200 201
Handle 73
Handlebody 21
Hansen, H. 26 27 149
Hard Lefschetz theorem 29
Hardt, R. 37 43
Hartshorne, R. 226
Henry, H.P. 45 160
hessian 5 15
Hessian and Levi form 190
Hironaka, H. 37 43 45 56 170 231
Hodge, W 29
Hoermander, L. 17
Holonomic -module 223
Homotopy dimension 25
Homotopy dimension of affine varieties 25 152
Homotopy dimension of codefective pair 228
Homotopy dimension of nonproper varieties 154 200
Homotopy dimension, counterexamples 230
Homotopy dimension, local 157 205
Homotopy dimension, of a Stein manifold 15
Homotopy dimension, relative 198
Homotopy excision theorem 178
Homotopy Morse data of complex varieties 173
Homotopy Morse data, definition of 62 122
Homotopy normal Morse data 122
Hopf index theorem 21
Hopf, H. 21
Horizontal part, of link 132
IH see “intersection homology”
Intersection homology and codefective pairs 229
Intersection homology and Lefschetz theorem 26 153 217
Intersection homology and local Lefschetz theorem 156 218
Intersection homology and Morse inequalities 214
Intersection homology and Morse theory 18 147 208
Intersection homology and nonproper varieties 188
Intersection homology of complex link 214
Intersection homology of link 216
Intersection homology of Stein space 216
Intersection homology, basic properties 209
Intersection homology, specialization of 222
Intersection homology, vanishing theorems 152 216
Isotopy lemma 41
Isotopy lemma and moving the wall 71
Jet space 35 51
Johnson, F. 33 37
Johnson, K. 26
Jouanolou, J.P. 26
Karchyauskas, K.K. 22 148 152
Kashiwara, M. 212 223 224
Kato, M. 38 152 154 161 170
Kaup, L. 152 154 157 159 188 212 216 217 226 227 229
King, H. 66
Kleiman transversality theorem 39
Kleiman, S. 39 51
Koopman 33
Kunneth theorem, for intersection homology 209
Lamotke, K. 29
Lazarsfeld, R. 26 27 149
Lazzeri, F. 13 52
Le, D.T. 22 45 134 136 152—165 170 185—188 213
Lefschetz theorem and intersection homology 26 153 217
Lefschetz theorem for defective pairs 227
Lefschetz theorem with singularities 153 199
Lefschetz theorem, classical 23
Lefschetz theorem, counterexamples 230
Lefschetz theorem, for affine varieties 154
Lefschetz theorem, hard 29
Lefschetz theorem, local 26 154 202 218
Lefschetz theorem, relative 25 150 195
Lefschetz, S. 20 23 28 29 33 151 153
Levi form and Lefschetz theorem 25
Levi form and Morse index 190
Levi form of a composition 191
Levi form of distance function 193 195
Levi form, definition of 190
Levi form, restricted 192
Levi, E.E. 25 190
Levine, H. 34
Link and complement of affine spaces 246
Link and halflink 67 96
Link, connectivity of 185
Link, definition of 7 41
Link, homotopy dimension of 188
Link, horizontal part 132 162
Link, intersection homology of 216
Link, vertical part 132 162
Littlelink 142
Local calculation, of intersection homology 209
Local complete intersection and connectivity theorems 27
Local complete intersection and Lefschetz theorem 24 153
Local complete intersection and local Lefschetz theorem 156
Local complete intersection, complex link of 187
Local complete intersection, morphism 154 200 229
Local contribution, example of 256
Local Euler obstruction 161
Local homotopy dimension 157 205
Local Lefschetz theorem 26 154 202 218
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