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Montgomery S. — Fixed Rings of Finite Automorphism Groups of Associative Rings
Montgomery S. — Fixed Rings of Finite Automorphism Groups of Associative Rings

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Название: Fixed Rings of Finite Automorphism Groups of Associative Rings

Автор: Montgomery S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1980

Количество страниц: 126

Добавлена в каталог: 18.08.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$C^{t}[G]$      1 107
$e$      19
$f_{\lambda}$      103
$G$      1; see group
$G$-identity      105
$G$-identity, generalized      99 100
$G$-identity, weak      103
$G$-invariant left ideals, ACC, PCC      85
$G$-invariant left ideals, direct sums      86
$G$-invariant subsets      1
$G$-lattice polynomial      81
$G$-prime      109
$G_{inn}$      42
$G_{out}$      103
$p$-complement      10
$Q(R^{G})$      44 72
$Q_{max}$      43
$R$      1
$R$ as an $R^{G}$-module, completely reducible      112
$R$ as an $R^{G}$-module, finitely generated      29 33 35-37 74 79
$R$ as an $R^{G}$-module, when $R$ is Noetherian      79
$R$ as an $R^{G}$-module, when $R^{G}$ is Goldie      77 79
$R$ as an $R^{\star}G$-module      4 111
$R$-normallzing element      55
$R^{G}$, Goldie      77 80
$R^{G}$, Noetherian      74 79
$R^{G}$, non-trivial      9 10 53 57
$R^{G}$, prime      53
$R^{G}$, semi-simple Artinian      13
$R^{G}$, simple or a direct sum of simple rings      22-24 29 32 115
$R^{G}$, with ACC(DCC) on semiprime ideals      88
$R^{G}$-modules      29 33 35-37 74 77 79 112
$R^{\star}G$      2
$R^{\star}G$, prime      53 107-109
$R^{\star}G$, primitive      54
$R^{\star}G$, semi-prime      53 107-109
$R^{\star}G$, semisimple      4 54
$R^{\star}G$, simple or a direct sum of simple rings      19-21 54 114-117
$R_{\mathfral{F}}$      38-41
$t(x)$      1; see Trace
$X$-inner automorphism      42 45-46 107
$X$-outer antomorphism      42 46 52-54
$\mathfarL{F}$      38
$\mathfrak{L}(V_{R^{G}})$      111
$\mathfrak{L}(W_{R^{\star}G})$      111
Algebra of the group      2
Automorphism, $X$-inner      42
Automorphism, $X$-outer      42
Automorphism, inner      1
Automorphism, outer      1
Center of $R^{G}$      25 27 106
Completely outer automorphism group      27 46
Completely reducible $R^{G}$-module      112
Crossed product      2
Division ring      116
Extended centroid      40 41 106
Fixed ring      1; see $R^{G}$
Generalized $G$-identitv      99 100
Generator      5
Goldie dimension      71
Go]die ring      71 72
Group algebra, twisted      1 107
Group of automorphisms      1
Group of automorphisms, $p$-group      10 13 16 60 62 7 80
Group of automorphisms, $X$-inner      42-48 57 66
Group of automorphisms, $X$-outer      42-47 52-54 69 76 77 79 97 98 106
Group of automorphisms, abelian      105
Group of automorphisms, completely outer      27 35 76
Group of automorphisms, cyclic      13 16 60 62 7 80 103
Group of automorphisms, inner      1 28 29 57 66 98
Group of automorphisms, outer      1 20-27
Group of automorphisms, simple      62 63
Group of automorphisms, solvable      6 32 65 68
Inner automorphism      1 57
Jacobson radical      13-16 114
Krull dimension      79 80 11
Lattices      80-84
Lattices, modular      80
Lattices, with chain conditions      81
Length of $R^{G}$-module      14 112
Martindale quotient ring      38
Maschke’s theorem, for $R^{\star}G$-bimodules      114
Maschke’s theorem, for crossed products      3
Maximal quotient ring      43
Morita enuivalence of $R^{G}$ and $R^{\star}G$      22 9 3
Morita theorem      5
Nil fixed rings      17
Nil radical      16 17
Nilpotent fixed rings      9
Noetherian $R^{G}$ -modules      112
Non-degenerate trace      10 20 50 71
Normal closure      55 56 68
Outer automorphism      1
Partial trace function      63-68
Polynomial identities (PI’s), $X$-outer group $G$      97 98
Polynomial identities (PI’s), no $|G|$-torsion      93
Polynomial identities (PI’s), no nilpotent elements      96
Prime fixed ring      53
Prime radical      11-13
Prime rank      88
Primitive fixed ring      25
Quotient ring, classical      44 72
Quotient ring, Martindale      38
Quotient ring, maximal      43
Regular elements      71 72
Right independence with respect to a set of automorphism      9
RN      55 56
Semi-simple Artinian fixed ring      15
Simple fixed rings      22-24 29 32 115
Singular ideal      71
Skew group ring      see $R^{\star}G$
Skolem — Nether theorem for $X$-inner automorphisms      48
Trace      1 22 25
Trace, non-degenerate      10 20 53 71
Trace, non-trivial      9 59 60-63 105-106
Trace, partial      63-68
Twisted group algebra      1 107-109
Weak $G$-identity      103
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