Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kunze M. — Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems |
Предметный указатель |
-usc 8
Absolutely continuous function 12
Action-angle variables 164 167 171
Addition Property 146 152
Almost periodic function 58
Arzela — Ascoli theorem 15
Assumption (A1) 71
Assumption (A10) 86
Assumption (A2) 71
Assumption (A3) 71
Assumption (A4) 71
Assumption (A5) 71
Assumption (A6) 71
Assumption (A7) 71
Assumption (A8) 71
Assumption (A9) 79
Basic assumptions (I) 147
Basic assumptions (II) 154
Bifurcation point 158
Billiards 206
Bouncing ball problems 205
Burridge — Knopoff model 203
Cocycle 63 136
Conley index applications 158
Conley index for multi-valued maps 150
Conley index introduction 143
Conservative problems, boundedness of solutions 165
Conservative problems, periodic solutions 41
Conservative problems, unbounded solutions 23
Constant type irrational 175
Continuation theorem 146 157
Differential inclusions, definition of solutions 12
Differential inclusions, existence of solutions 13
Differential inclusions, numerical simulations 203
Differential inclusions, uniqueness of solutions 16
Differentiation of chain functions 177
Ergodic measure 135
Existence principle 147 152
Fermi accelerator problem 205
Fixed point of multi-valued mapping 11
Function, absolutely continuous 12
Function, almost periodic 58
Generalized polar coordinates 189
Graze 206
Grazing bifurcations 206
Hilbert's 16th problem 185
Hopf bifurcation 192
Impact oscillator 204
Integrability conditions 64 84 85 136
Intersection property 177
| Invariant curve theorem see "Twist theorem"
Invariant measure 135
Isolated invariant set 144 149
Isolating block 145
Isolating neighborhood 143 149
Lienard equation 191
Linear complementarity problems (LCPs) 209
Lyapunov constant 187
Lyapunov exponents, definition 64 136
Lyapunov exponents, numerical evaluation 203
Lyapunov exponents, upper 63 118
Markoff constant 175
Measure, ergodic 135
Measure, invariant 135
Melnikov's method 197
Multi-body systems 207
Multi-valued differential equations see "Differential inclusions"
Multi-valued mapping 7
Oseledets' multiplicative ergodic theorem 64 136
Pendulum with dry friction, almost periodic solutions 46
Pendulum with dry friction, boundedness of solutions 26
Pendulum with dry friction, integrability conditions 125
Pendulum with dry friction, more general friction laws 39 209
Pendulum with dry friction, non-positivity of Lyapunov exponents 119
Pendulum with dry friction, periodic solutions 33
Pendulum with dry friction, resonant case 117 129
Pendulum with dry friction, small amplitude case 113 127
Pendulum with dry friction, unbounded solutions 23
Piecewise linear planar 195
Poincare — Bendixson theorem 191
Principle of linearized stability 39
Rocking block system 203
Schauder's fixed point theorem 11
Selection 7
Singularity of focus-focus type 185
State-dependent coefficient of friction 39
State-dependent stiffness 205
Tangent cone 9
Theorem, Arzela — Ascoli 15
Theorem, continuation 146 157
Theorem, invariant curve 168 176
Theorem, Oseledets' multiplicative ergodic 64 136
Theorem, Poincare — Bendixson 191
Theorem, Schauder's fixed point 11
Theorem, twist 168 176
Twist theorem formulation 168 176
Twist theorem introduction 166
Uniformly (un-) bounded w.r. to initial values and phases 111
Upper Lyapunov exponents 63 118
Usc 8
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