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Kletzing D. — Structure and Representations of Q-Groups |
Предметный указатель |
(G) 176 178
(G) 178
(G ) 178
*(G) 50
*(G), p-component of 54
*(G), p-path of 54
-orbit 59
Admissible pair 82-86
Artin exponent 176
Artin, E. 2 174 176
Artin’s theorem 106 140 174-175
Artin’s theorem, generalized 139
Atiyah, M. 120
B(G,X) 58 76 77 94 103 180 215
Benard, M. 220 243 258
Bi-involution 28
Brauer — Speiser Theorem 133
Brauer, R. 10
Brauer’s Theorem 175
Burnside ring 109 120
Carter, R. 10
Character Map 109
Character map, kernel of 141
Character map, local 158 178 187
Character ring 108
Character, local 3 115
Character, of permutation representation 109
Character, rationally represented 2
Character, rationally valued 8
Closed algebra 110
Closed algebra, local splitting of 111
Cover 149 156
D(G,X) 59 90-93 95 180 215
Dress, A. W. M. 120
Eigenvalue property 41
Embedding dimension 169
Even signed permutation 94
Extendible local character 148 184
Fermat prime 12 13 19
Frame, J. S. 220 233-234 240 243
Frobenius, G. 2 43 176
G-orbit 60
G-set 59
Generalized permutation representation 109
Global representative 145 157
Gluck, D. 133
Going-up property 100
Gow, R. 19 39
Hamill, C. 220 234 243
Hyperoctahedral group 93 176
Idempotents, absolute 134 137
Idempotents, local 130 136
Induction of characters 144 185
Induction of permutation representations 153
Irr(G) 131
Irreducible involution 3 30-39 219
Irreducible involution, type 32
Kondo, T. 220-221
Kosniowski, C. 120
Kr mer, H. 170
Lam, T. Y. 176
local 179
Local character 115
Local equation 179 202
Local equation, solvable 207
Local idempotents 130 136
Local induction map for local characters 146
Local induction map for local permutation representations 155
Local induction principle 108 160
Local multiplicity 113 122
Local restriction map for local characters 145
Local restriction map for local permutation representations 155
Local splitting 178 180 207-219
Local subgroup associated with V 159
Localization homomorphism 115
| M bius algebra, rational 129
M bius ring 128
M( ) 122
M(V) 113
Mark of a permutation representation 121
Markel Q-group 47 82
Multiplicity of a local ring 112
Orbit space 64
p-central element 13 142
p-class 5 105 122
p-class, cyclic 138
p-class, non-cyclic 138
p-partitian 171
p-partitian, equivalent 171
p-regular element 141
p-regular partition 171
p-support 110
p-valuation 205
Permutation representation 2 59
Permutation representation, character of 109
Pull-back action 66
Q-class 112
Q-conjugate 112
Q-group 1 8
Q-group, dihedral 11 23 26
Q-group, internal characterization 9
Q-group, involutory 27
Q-group, Markel 47 82
Q-group, rational 8
Q-group, solvable 16 17 39-47
Q-group, strong 24
Q-p-class 105
Rasmussen, J. 177
Rational group 1 8
Rational M bius algebra 129
Rational representation 2
Real element 24
Real element, strongly 24
Reducible involution 30
Restriction of characters 144 185
Restriction of characters of permutation represesentation 153
Ring of local integers 5
Ritter, J. 177
Roquette, P. 120 189
Schur, I. 43
Segal, G. 177 179 192
Serre, J. P. 177 228
Signed permutation 94
Signed permutation, even 94 176
Signed permutation, group of 94
Simple p-class 122
Simple Q-p-class 113 133
Simple Q-p-class, characterization of 164
Singular p-class 122
Singular Q-p-class 113
Solomon, L. 127 140 176
Spec 177
Stable ideal 169
Strongly real element 24
Strongly transversal permutation 64
Strongly transversal permutation representation 64
Transversal permutation 64
Transversal permutation representation 64 97-1
Transversally embedded subgroup 99
Transversally embedded subgroup, going-up property 100
Type of a partition 171
Type of irreducible involution 32
Walter, J. 20
Weyl group 11
Weyl group of exceptional type 220-266
Weyl group of types A , B , D 5
Wreath product 60
Wreathing action 71 214
Young, A. 2 176
Zeta-function of a partially ordered set 127
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