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Keller K. — Invariant Factors, Julia Equivalences and the (Abstract)Mandelbrot Set |
Предметный указатель |
Point, periodic, irrationally indifferent 8
Point, periodic, non-primitive 145
Point, periodic, parabolic 8
Point, periodic, primitive 145
Point, periodic, repelling 8
Point, periodic, superattractive 8
Point, postcritical 8
Point, preperiodic 7
Polynomial, quadratic, infinitely renormalizable 14
Polynomial, quadratic, n-renormalizable 14
Preperiod 7
QML (quadratic minor lamination) 89
Ramification order of a point 71
Ray, dynamic 9
Ray, parameter 15
Renormalization of a quadratic polynomial 14
Renormalization of a quadratic polynomial, crossed 14
Renormalization of a quadratic polynomial, simple 14
Root, of a hyperbolic component 19
Root, of the critical value Fatou component 144
S | n (initial subword of length n of a sequence s) 25
S(n) (n-th symbol of a sequence s) 25
Semi-conjugacy 4
Semi-conjugate 4
Separate hyperbolic components 20
Sequence tuning 92
Sequence, -regular 31
Sequence, n-renormalizable 107
Sequence, Sturmian 29 102
| Set, f-invariant 49
Set, minimal 49
Set, self-similar 185
Shift map 6 25
Siegel disk 142
Siegel point 142
Sierpinski triangle 186
STEP, of a boundary chord 123
STEP, of a dynamic pair 123
Sturm (set of recurrent Sturmian sequences) 104
Sublimb 20
Sublimb of denominator q 20
Substantially equal 26
Suspension 189
Tent map 185
Topological dynamical system 4
Touching chords 32
Translation principle 22
Translation-equivalent 22
tuning 20
Tuning in 99
Visibility tree 22
Visible chord in 80
Visible chord in immediately 80
Visible hyperbolic component 22
W * d (tuning of parameter d associated to a hyperbolic component W) 20
W(n) (n-th symbol of a word w) 25
Wake 17
Word, -regular 31
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