5 8
(proper rigid motions) 45
, 23
Adapted frames 6
Adjoint representation 7
Bundle map 6 13 18
Calabi's Theorem 79
Congruence, definition 5
Congruence, theorem in case 31
Congruence, theorem in case 23
Congruence, theorem in Lie groups 30
Contact between graphs 2
Contact, definition 1
Contact, G-contact 5 10
Covariant derivative 27
Curves in 58
Curves in , type Ia 60
Curves in , type IaIIa ("helix") 61
Curves in , type IaIIb ("helix") 62
Curves in , type Ib 62
Curves in , type Ic 63
Curves in , type IcIIa ("geodesic") 64
Curves in , type IcIIb ("helix") 64
Existence of submanifolds 30
Frame field 6
Frame field, first order 9
Frame field, second order 14
Frame field, third order 20
Frame field, zeroth order 7
Frenet frame 22
Gauss curvature 78
Grassmann bundle 5
Grassmann bundle of 3
Grassmann bundle, manifold 23 58
Holomorphic curves in 81
Holomorphic curves in , type Ia 83
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIa (special ruled surface) 85
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIb 86
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIbIIIa (pencil) 88
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIbIIIb 91
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIc 93
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIcIIIa (homogeneous) 95
Holomorphic curves in , type IaIIcIIIb 97
Holomorphic curves in , type Ib (special ruled surface) 98
Holomorphic curves in , type Ic 101
| Holomorphic curves in , type IcIIa (special ruled surfaces) 103
Holomorphic curves in , type IcIIb (homogeneous) 106
Holomorphic curves in , type IcIIc 110
Holomorphic curves in , type IcIId 113
Holomorphic curves in 66
Holomorphic curves in , type IIa (hyperplane) 71
Holomorphic curves in , type IIb 71
Holomorphic curves in , type IIbIIIa (Veronese variety) 73
Holomorphic curves in , type IIbIIIb 74
Holomorphic curves in , type IIbIIIbi (generic) 76
Holomorphic curves in , type IIbIIIbii (W-curves) 76
Homogeneous submanifolds 41
Invariants in terms of Maurer — Cartan form 25
Invariants, constant 42
Invariants, first order 10
Invariants, second order 14
Invariants, third order 20
Isotropy subgroup 6
Linear isotropy representation 6
Local cross section 8 14
Maurer — Cartan equations 23
Maurer — Cartan form 23
Orientation of frames 7 10 15
Pick invariant 143 147
Projections 14
Projections 19
Relations among invariants 26
SO (4), Su (3), SU (4) 81
Special affine group 116
Special affine surface theory 115
Special affine surface theory, type IIa (planar) 120
Special affine surface theory, type IIb (parabolic) 120
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIa 122
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIaIVa (cylinder ) 124
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIaIVb 124
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIaIVbi (homogeneous cylinder) 126
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIaIVbii (nonhomogeneous cylinders) 127
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIb 129
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIbVa 133
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIbVaVIa (homogeneous cone) 134
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIbVaVIb 136
Special affine surface theory, type IIbIIIbVb 138
Special affine surface theory, type IIc (elliptic) 139
Special affine surface theory, type IIcIIIa (homogeneous quadric) 143
Special affine surface theory, type IIcIIIb 146
Special affine surface theory, type IIcIIIbIVa (group manifold) 148
Special affine surface theory, type IIcIIIbIVb 149
Special ruled surfaces in 85f 98—100 103—106
Structure equations of f 40
Surfaces in Euclidean Space 44
Surfaces in Euclidean space, type IIa (plane) 49
Surfaces in Euclidean space, type IIb (spheres) 50
Surfaces in Euclidean space, type IIc (minimal surfaces) 51
Surfaces in Euclidean space, type IIcIIIiii and IIdIIIbiii (cylinders, surfaces of revolution, helicoids) 57
Surfaces in Euclidean space, type IId (generic) 52
Surfaces in Euclidean space, type IIdIIIa (right circular cylinder) 55
Taylor polynomial 3 4
Type of a cross section 9 14 20
Type of a cross section, constant type 12 21
W-curves of Klein and Lie 76
Weingarten surfaces 57