Авторизация |
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Jajte R. — Strong Limit Theorems in Non-Commutative Probability |
Предметный указатель |
Akcoglu, M.A. 56
Algebra of von Neumann 106
Andersen — Jessen theorem 56
Arveson, W. 80
Automorphism of a von Neumann algebra 2 11
Batty, C.J.K. 10 81 90 105
Bicommutant 106
Bicommutant theorem 107
Bratteli, O. 106
Chatterji, S.D. 51
Commutant 106
Conditional expectation 57
Convergence in measure 130
Convergence, almost complete 82
Convergence, almost uniform 4
Convergence, bilateral 8
Convergence, closely on large sets 6
Convergence, nearly everywhere 6
Convergence, quasi uniform 6
Convergence, strong 5
Convergence, uniform 113
Conze, J.P. 13
Cuculescu, I. 80
Cyclic representation 109
Cyclic set 125
Cyclic vector 107
Dang-Ngoc, N. 13 47 56 69 70 80
Derrienic, Y. 35
Diffeomorphism 11
Dixmier, J. 10 106
Dugue, D. 101
Duncan, R. 77 79
Dynamical semigroup 11 52
Egoroff's noncommutative theorem 8
Emch, G. 1
Equivalence of projections 113
Ergodic noncommutative theorem of Goldstein 22
Ergodic noncommutative theorem of Kuemmerer 13
Ergodic noncommutative theorem of Lance 13
Ergodic noncommutative theorem of Yeadon 26
Ergodic noncommutative theorem, local of Watanabe 52 53
Ergodic noncommutative theorem, random of Dang-Ngoc 48
Ergodic theorem of Birkhoff 11
Ergodic theorem subadditive of Derrienic 35
Ergodic theorem subadditive of Kingman 33
Ergodic theorem subadditive, noncommutative subadditive 34 35
Ergodic theorem, mean noncommutative 12
Faithful state 107
Functional see "Linear functional"
Gelfand — Naimark — Segal representation 109
Gladysz, S. 56
Glivenko — Cantelli theorem 87
Goldstein, M.S. 13 18 24 26 55 70 75 80 105
Halmos, P.R. 10
Hamiltonian operator 2
Heisenberg picture 2 3
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 115
Hoelder inequality 131
Invariant subspace 106
Isomorphism of algebras 110
Kadison's inequality 12 31 125
Kakutani, S. 47
Kingman, J.F.C. 33 34 35 38
Kolmogorov, A.N. 90 91 92
Kuemmerer, B. 13 80
Lance, E.C. 10 13 21 22 54 80
Linear functional 107
Linear functional, -strongly continuous 124
Linear functional, -weakly continuous 118
Linear functional, normal 119 124
Linear functional, positive 107 108 124
Linear functional, singular 126
Linear functional, weakly continuous 121
Linear map, normal 124
Linear map, positive 124
Luczak, A. 10 55 56 98
| Marcinkiewicz, J. 97 98
Martingale convergence theorem of Dang-Ngoc 66 69
Martingale convergence theorem of Goldstein 75
Maximal ergodic theorem 15 77
Maximal ergodic theorem of Dang-Ngoc 66
Maximal ergodic theorem of Goldstein 18 70
Maximal ergodic theorem of Lance 21
Maximal ergodic theorem of Yeadon 27
Mean ergodic theorem 12
Measure topology 127
Nelson, E. 81 106 127
Operator, Hilbert — Schmidt 115
Operator, trace class 116
Padmanabhan, A. 10
Partial isometry 111
Paszkiewicz, A. 10
Pedersen, g.k. 106
Petz, D. 10 13 56 135
Polar decomposition 112
Polarization formula 122
Positive mapping 124
Positive mapping, normal 124
Predual 118
Quantum dynamical semigroup 11 52
Quasi subadditive ergodic theorem of Derrienic 35
Quasi subadditive ergodic theorem, noncommutative 35
Quasi subadditive sequence 35
Radin, C. 10 56
Representation of algebra, cyclic 109
Representation of algebra, GNS 109
Representation of algebra, irreducible 110
Robinson, D.W. 106
Rosenblatt's condition 105
Ryll-Nardzewski, C. 47 56
Saito, K. 10
Sakai, S. 106 132
Schroedinger picture 2 3
Segal I. 9 10 26 81
Separating set 125
Separating vector 107
Space -noncommutative 131
Spectrum of algebra 132
State 108
State, pure 110 113
Stein, E. 77
Stinespring , F. 10
Strong law of large numbers for states 83 86 87
Strong law of large numbers for traces 91 95 98
Subadditive ergodic theorem of Kingman 33
Subadditive ergodic theorem, noncommutative 34
Subadditive map 33
Subadditive map, separable 34
Takesaki, M. 36 37 39 40 59 80 106 126 134
Tomiyama, J. 59 80
Topology, -strong 114
Topology, -weak 114
Topology, locally convex 113
Topology, measure 127
Topology, strong operator 113
Topology, ultrastrong 114
Topology, ultrawea k 114
Topology, uniform 113
Topology, weak operator 114
Umegaki, H. 80
Vector, cyclic 107
Vector, separating 107
von Neumann algebra 106
von Neumann algebra, -finite 125
von Neumann algebra, automorphism 2 11
Von Neumann algebra, commutative 132
von Neumann algebra, isomorphism 110
von Neumann algebra, representation 108 109 110
Watanabe, S. 13 52
Weak law of large numbers 98 100
Wigner, E.P. 2
Yeadon, F.J. 13 26 36 44
Yoshinaga, Y. 10
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