-optional 35
-previsible 35
-progressively measurable 35
-bounded 27
Accessible part (for ) 115
Accessible part (for s ( )) 116
Admissible 39
Boundary (of simple set) 104
Bounded variation 24
Closed envelope 68
Co-moderate 27
Compensator 130
Conditional independence 24
Conjugate exponent 27
Conjugate function 27
Continuous part (of increasing process) 107
Continuous part (of martingale) 157
Continuous part (operator) 156
Doleans measure 40
Doleans set function 40
Dual projection, i-optional 51
Dual projection, i-optional, -previsible 91
Dual projection, i-previsible (i-submartingale) 56
Dual projection, i-previsible (increasing process) 51
Dual projection, i-previsible (weak submartingale) 58
Dual projection, optional 91
Dual projection, previsible (increasing process) 91
Dual projection, previsible (weak submartingale) 94
Evanescent 25
Exponent (of moderate function) 27
i-inaccessible, i-accessible part (for ) 115
i-jump of M on simple set 118
i-jump part (of increasing process) 107
i-jump part (of martingale) 157
i-jump part (operator) 156
i-martingale 39
i-optional 35
i-part (for stopping line) 68
i-previsible 35
i-previsible process (of martingale) 97
i-previsible rectangle 36
| i-previsible, -inaccessible 110
i-progressively measurable 35
i-shadow (of simple set) 104
i-simple set 103
Inaccessible (for ) 110
Inaccessible part (for ) 116
Increasing process 39
Increasing process associated with (simple set) 108
Integral process (for increasing process) 41
Line of first entrance 68
Martingale 39
Martingale, weak 39
Moderate 27
Of class 53
Of class D 93
Open envelope 68
Orthogonal 42
Orthogonal variation 42
Predictable 70
Previsible 36
Previsible elementary process 81
Previsible i-stopping point 44
Previsible process (of martingale) 97
Previsible rectangle 36
Progressively measurable 35
Projection, i-optional 49
Projection, i-previsible 49
Projection, i-previsible, -optional 90
Projection, optional 90
Projection, previsible 90
Quadratic i-variation 133
Quadratic variation 133
Regular (for function) 30
Regular (for process) 35
Regular elementary function 31
Right-continuous (for filtration) 24
S-continuous (for functions) 30
S-continuous (for processes) 35
S-limits (for function) 30
S-limits (for process) 35
Set of exposed points 68