-trace 70
Algebra, commutative 8
Algebra, enveloping 9 16
Algebra, topological 12
Bar resolution, topological 19
Bar resolution, unnormalized 18
Canonical norm 51
Canonical trace 47
Complete tensor product 13
Completion of a differential algebra 28
Completion of a topological ring 12
Cotrace 94
de Rham algebra 28
DG-algebra 8
Differential algebra, universal 28
Differential algebra, universally complete 29
Differential algebra, universally finite 31
Differentially closed ideal 28 56
Enveloping algebra 9
Enveloping algebra of a topological algebra 16
Fundamental class 98
Hochschild cohomology 23
Hochschild complex 9
Hochschild complex, inner derivation 24
Hochschild complex, topological 16
| Hochschild homology of a commutative algebra 9
Hochschild homology of a power series algebra 39
Hochschild homology of a smooth algebra 36
Hochschild homology of a topological algebra 16
Hochschild homology of an algebra of restricted power series 39
Kahler differentials 28
Kahler differentials, pretrace 56
Regular differential forms 98
Regular representation 48
Residue axiom (R4) “transitivity” 102
Residues in Hochschild homology 84
Residues of differential forms 88
Residues of universally finite differential forms 88
Shuffle product 10
Tensor product topology 13
Topological bar resolution 19
Topological Hochschild cohomology 25
Topological Hochschild complex 16
Topological residue homomorphism 84
Trace axioms 2
Trace formula II 96
Traces in complete intersections 70
Traces in Hochschild homology 48 49
Traces of differential forms 58 59
Uniqueness of traces 68
Universal extension of a differential algebra 2 37