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Hino Y., Murakami S., Naito T. — Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay |
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215 218
8 218
124 135
204 see
, 130
-measure 125
127 135 182 195
138 196
92 118 159
118 159
-bounded 203
-bounded solution 255
-translation 218
Adjoint 111
Adjoint equation 102 111 212
Adjoint theory 156
Admissible 5 8
Almost periodic in t uniformly for 8 235 238 254
Almost periodic solution 254 257 258 261 273 274
AP 254
AS 192
Asymptotically almost periodic function 256 258 261
Basis vector 148
Borel prolongation of a Radon measure 88 92
Bounded measure 68
Bounded solution 203
Bounded variation 59
Browder's theorem 124 142 284
bv 164
Caratheodory condition 36
Caratheodory type mapping 92
Characteristic exponent of T (t, s) 178
Characteristic matrix 138 195
Characteristic multipliers of T (t, s) 178
Compact open topology 215
Compactly 4 219 256
Complex measure 68
Continuous dependence 43
Continuous in Lebesgue 85
Converge compactly 4 219 256
Darboux — Stieltjes integral 54
Diminishing function 229 239
Equation in the hull 219
Equicontinuous 215
Essential spectral radius 124
Essential spectrum 124
Ev XAS 227
Ev XS 226
Existence and uniqueness 35
Fading memory 7 32 189 191 194 198 244
Favard's theorem 273
Finite delay 1
Floquet type theorem 184
Fubini theorem 74
Functional differential equation of retarded type 1
Fundamental axioms 4
Fundamental decomposition 6
Fundamental matrix 102 104 197
Globally attracting 251
H (f) 218 254
H (u, f) 220
history 1
Hull 218 254
IAS 227
Indicator function 93
Infinite delay 1
Infinitesimal generator 130 150
Inherited property 222 224 238
Integrable in the weak-star topology 116
Integrodifferential equation 244 263
Invariance principle 241
IS 227
Jordan decomposition 59 70
Kato's example 225
Kneser's property 51
Kuratowskii's measure of noncompactness 124
Lebesgue continuous 85
Lebesgue Stieltjes measure 71
Lebesgue — Stieltjes integral 71
Levinger's theorem 142 288
Limiting equation 8 219 242
Linear almost periodic system 270 273
Linear autonomous system 130 195
Linear periodic system 177 182 203 211 273
Linear system 99
Linear Volterra equation 274
Locally finite measure 68
Locally of bounded variation 90
m (P) 36 53
MAs 227
Maximal solution 43
Measurable in the weak-star topology 116
Measure of noncompactness 124
Measure, bounded 68
| Measure, complex 68
Measure, Dirac 68
Measure, Lebesgue — Stieltjes 71
Measure, locally finite 68
Measure, positive 68
Measure, Radon 85 92
Measure, real 68
Measure, regular Borel 68
Measure, regular complex Borel 68
mesh 36 53
Minimal hull 235
Minimal solution 271
ms 227
n-species system 244
Noncontinuable solution 43
Normal eigenvalue 124
Normal point 124 141
Normalized function 90 93
Nussbaum's theorem 125
Partition 36 53
Period map 177
Periodic equation or system 123 182 203 238 254 258
Periodic family 177 182
Periodic solution 211 254 259 273 275
Perturbed system 226 238
Phase space 1
Point spectrum 123
Polar representation 68 88
Positive measure 68
Positive orbit 198 255
Present state 5
Quotient phase space 7 118 122 162
Quotient space 7 115
Radon measure 85 93
Real measure 68
Reflexive 156
Reflexive, -reflexive (sun-reflexive) 163
Regular Borel measure 23 68
Regular Borel prolongation of a Radon measure 89
Regular complex Borel measure 68
Regular function of bounded variation 60
Regular system 219 222 233 238
Resolvent 131
Resolvent set 123
Riemann — Stieltjes integral 54
Riesz representation theorem (Theorem 3.3.4) 90 92
S (t) 6
Second dual space 118
Semigroup 6
Separation condition 263 268
Separation constant 264
Solution, operator 109 182
Solution, semigroup 7 123 130
Space, 2
Space, 15 23 151 155 191
Space, 9
Space, 9
Space, 2 10 21 150
Space, 2 10 150 190 195
Space, 11 190 201
Space, 14 163 190
Space, 10 150 191
Space, 163
Space, 7 118
Space, 19
Space, 4
Space, 110
Space, 210
Space, 8 125 188
Space, BC 2 9 187 251
Space, BL 175
Space, BU 9 175 254
Spectrum 123
Stability 192 215
Stability, asymptotic 192
Stability, asymptotic under X-perturbation 227 252
Stability, eventually asymptotic under X-perturbation 227
Stability, eventually under X-perturbation 226
Stability, exponential asymptotic 198
Stability, integral 227
Stability, integral asymptotic 227 238
Stability, M- 227
Stability, M-asymptotic 227 238
Stability, total 227
Stability, total asymptotic 227 238
Stability, under disturbances from 261
Stability, under X-perturbation 227 251
Stability, under X-perturbation w.r.t. BC 251
Stability, uniform 192 274
Stability, uniform asymptotic 192
Stability, uniform asymptotic in 222
Stability, uniform asymptotic in H (F) 222 235 238
Stability, uniform asymptotic in the large with respect to 257
Stability, uniform asymptotic with respect to 257
Stability, uniform in H (F) ( ) 222
Stability, uniform with respect to 257
Stability, weakly uniform asymptotic 192
Stability, weakly uniform asymptotic in 193
Stability, weakly uniform asymptotic in 222
Stability, weakly uniform asymptotic in H (F) 222 235
Static continuation 6
Stieltjes integral 53
Strongly continuous semigroup 6
supp 5
T (f) 8 218
T (t) 59 123 130
t-section 1
t-segment of x 1
TAS 227
Total variation 59
Total variation of a complex measure 68 88
TS 227
Type number 131
UAs 192
UAS in H (F) 222
Uniform fading memory space 189 194 235
Uniformly attracting in 233
Uniformly equicontlnuous 198 200 215
Unique for initial value problem with respect to 266
Unique in 233
Unsymmetric Fubini theorem 74
us 192
Variation of constants formula 99 105 106
Variation of constants formula in the second dual space 119
Volterra equation 2 51 274
w*-integrable on J 116
w*-measurable on J 116
w*-topology 156
Weak* Laplace transform 133
WUAS 192
WUAS in H (F) ( ) 222
X* 115
X** 118
XAS 227
XAS w.r.t. BC 252
xs 227
XS w.r.t. BC 251
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