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Cook D., Das S. — Smart Environments : Technology, Protocols and Applications |
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3D tracking, perceptual environments 347—348
3D-iD system, location estimation techniques 208—209
Absolute geographical positioning, wireless sensor networks 39
Access, addressing and, network appliances (NA) problems 139—143
Access, capture and, human experience applications 161—162
ACHE (Adaptive Control of Home Environments) architecture, home automation 283—289. See also Home automation; Smart rooms
Acoustic sensors, physical transduction principles 33—34
Acoustic wave sensors, physical transduction principles 34
Active Badge, location estimation techniques 205—206
Active Badge, smart office example 328
Active Bat, location estimation techniques 206—208
Active power control, power management 21
Active RFID tags, LANDMARC, location estimation techniques 209—210
Actuation infrastructure, smart rooms 309
Adaptive home See Home automation
Adaptive interfaces, perceptual environments 346—347
Adaptive routing, communication networks protocols and routing 18—19
Addressing, access and, network appliance (NA) problems 139—143
Agent-based Intelligent Reactive Environments (AIRE, MIT), middleware 120
Agent-oriented middleware 113
ALOHA scheme, multiple access protocols 17
Ambient intelligence, pervasive computing technology 64
Amplitude shift keying, power line infrastructure 49
Anticipator, home automation 285—288
Appliances See Network appliances (NA)
Architecture, ACHE, home automation 283—289
Architecture, middleware 106—107
Architecture, Monica project 334—341
Architecture, pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards 71
Artificial intelligence, middleware 102—106
Assistive environments 361—383
Assistive environments, applications 374—377
Assistive environments, daily activities 364—366
Assistive environments, instrumentation 367—371
Assistive environments, middleware 371—374
Assistive environments, overview 361—362
Assistive environments, related systems 377—380
Assistive environments, ubiquitous computing 362—364
Asynchronous connection-less (ACL) link, bluetooth based WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology 87
Attenuation, power line channel characteristics 51
Audio interpretation, perceptual environments 351
Authoring, of content, smart rooms constraints 316—317
Automated decision making See Decision making
Automatic repeat request (ARQ), bluetooth based WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology 87
Automotive domain, driver’s intention, perceptual environments 350
Automotive domain, network appliances (NA) 131—132 138—139
Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI, Georgia Institute of Technology), middleware 120—121
Badges, sensing infrastructure, smart rooms 305—306
Bathroom, assistive environments 364
Beacon-enabled networks, IEEE 802.15 standards, low-rate WPAN 93—94
Bedroom, assistive environments 364
Biological transducers, physical transduction principles 31
Biosensors, physical transduction principles 32
Bluetooth based WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology 85—88
Bluetooth, wireless local area network (WLAN), history and standards 26
Bolometers, physical transduction principles 31
Broadband Internet access, power line communication technology 58—60
Building automation, wireless sensor networks 43—44. See also Home automation; Smart rooms; specific automation applications
Bus topology, wireless sensor networks, communication networks 16
Capacitative sensors, physical transduction principles 29
Capture, access and, human experience applications 161—162
Carrier frequency system (CFS), power line infrastructure 49
Carrier sensed multiple access (DSMA) technique, power line communication protocols 55
CEBus protocol, power line communication technology 55
Channel characteristics (power line communication technology) 50—53
Channel characteristics (power line communication technology), attenuation 51
Channel characteristics (power line communication technology), electromagnetic compatibility 52—53
Channel characteristics (power line communication technology), noise 51—52
Chemical transducers, physical transduction principles 31
Chemiresistors, physical transduction principles 31—32
Classroom, human experience laboratory 167. See also Smart rooms
Client-server architecture, middleware 106—107
Client-server networks, Gigabit Ethernet, history and standards 25
Clothing, sensing infrastructure, smart rooms 306—308
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), multiple access protocols, communication networks protocols and routing 17
Collaboration, smart rooms 299—300
Collaborative operation, network appliances (NA) 137—138
Collision avoidance, power line communication protocols 57
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), middleware standards 115 312
Communication networks, hierarchy, wireless sensor networks 21—24
Communication networks, hierarchy, wireless sensor networks, described 22—24
Communication networks, hierarchy, wireless sensor networks, distributed routing, decision making, and digital signal processing 24
Communication networks, history and standards 25—26
Communication networks, power management, wireless sensor networks 20—21
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks 16—19
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, deadlock and livelock 19
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, flow control 19
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, headers 16—17
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, multiple access protocols 17
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, open systems interconnection reference model (OSI/RM) 17—18
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, routing 18—19
Communication networks, protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks, switching 17
Communication networks, wireless sensor networks 14—26
Communication, device, smart environment features 4—6
Communication, middleware 106
Compatibility, electromagnetic, power line channel characteristics 52—53
Complexity, network appliances (NA) 136—137
Component Object Model / Distributed Component Object Model (COM/DCOM), middleware standards 115
Computer vision technology, location estimation techniques 211
Conditioning, signal processing, wireless sensor networks 39—41
Connected environments, device communication 4—6
Content authoring, smart rooms constraints 316—317
Contention-window inter-frame spacing, power line communication protocols 58
Context-aware computing, human experience applications 160—161
Context-aware offices, smart offices 326—327
Context-aware resource discovery, assistive environments 371—373
Continuous interaction, human experience applications 162
Cooking See Kitchen
Costs, home automation 288—289
Costs, network appliances (NA) 136
Counter intelligence (MIT), middleware 121
Cricket Location Support System 199—202
Databases, middleware 111 117
Dead reckoning, location estimation techniques 217—219
Deadlock, communication networks protocols and routing 19
Decision making 229—247
Decision making, approaches to 230—235
Decision making, approaches to learning algorithms 234—235
Decision making, approaches to planning algorithms 233—234
Decision making, approaches to reactive and rule-based systems 231—233
Decision making, case study (MavHome) 236—241
Decision making, distributed and hierarchical agents 242—245
Decision making, experiments 238—241
Decision making, hierarchical networks, wireless sensor networks 24
Decision making, improvements in, MavHome case study 188
Decision making, overview 229—230
Decision making, predictive models 235—236
Decision making, reinforcement learning 236—237
Decision making, safety concerns 241—242
Decision making, smart environment features 7
Decision making, wireless sensor networks 42—43
Device communication, smart environment features 4—6
Digital signal processing (DSP), hierarchical networks, wireless sensor networks 24
Digital signal processing (DSP), wireless sensor networks 41—42
Distance-based strategies, location estimation techniques 216—217
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), middleware standards 115—116
Distributed coordination function (DCF), MAC layer specification, IEEE 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology 72—74. See also Enhanced distributed coordination function (EDCF)
Distributed inter frame space (DIFS), MAC layer specification, IEEE 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology 73
Distributed output, human experience 156—158
Distributed routing, hierarchical networks, wireless sensor networks 24
Distributed system services, middleware 113—114
Driver’s intention, perceptual environments 350
DSSS PHY layer specification, pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards 72
Easy Living project (Microsoft), middleware 122—123
Elderly, human experience laboratory 169. See also Assistive environments
Electrochemical transducers, physical transduction principles 32
Electromagnetic compatibility, power line channel characteristics 52—53
Electromagnetic sensors, location estimation techniques 211
Electromagnetic sensors, physical transduction principles 29
Electromagnetic spectrum, physical transduction principles 33
| Emergent operation, network appliances (NA) 137—138
Enhanced distributed coordination function (EDCF), quality of service, IEEE 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology 82—83. See also Distributed coordination function (DCF)
Enrichment, smart rooms 302—303
Ethernet, history and standards 25
Experimental testbeds, perceptual environments 347
Expression recognition, perceptual environments 353—354
Exteroceptors, wireless sensor networks 13
Face recognition, perceptual environments 352—353
Family, human experience laboratory 169—170
Feature interaction, network appliances (NA) 138 143—147
Ferrets, headers, communication networks protocols and routing 16
Field effect transistor (FET), physical transduction principles 31—34
File-sharing architecture, middleware 106
Fixed routing, communication networks protocols and routing 18
Flits, switching, communication networks protocols and routing 17
Flow control units, switching, communication networks protocols and routing 17
Flow control, communication networks protocols and routing 19
Frameworks, middleware 113
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), multiple access protocols, communication networks protocols and routing 17
Fully connected networks, wireless sensor networks, communication networks 15
Geographical positioning, absolute, wireless sensor networks 39
Geometric representation schemas, location estimation techniques 212—213
Gigabit Ethernet, history and standards 25
Global Positioning System (GPS), location estimation techniques 197—198
Hall effect, physical transduction principles 29
Hand gesture recognition, perceptual environments 349
Handshaking protocols, headers, communication networks protocols and routing 16—17
Haptic input, perceptual environments 354—355
Head tracking, perceptual environments 350—351
Headers, communication networks protocols and routing 16—17
Hierarchical networks, distributed routing, decision making, and digital signal processing 24
Hierarchical networks, wireless sensor networks 21—24
High-rate WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology 88—91
High-speed WLANs, IEEE 802.11a and 11g standards, pervasive computing technology 81
High-voltage lines, power line infrastructure 48—49
Home automation 273—277 273—294.
Home automation, ACHE architecture 283—289
Home automation, anticipator 285—288
Home automation, decision making, distributed and hierarchical agents 242—245
Home automation, decision making, safety concerns 241—242
Home automation, evaluation 291
Home automation, future prospects 291—293
Home automation, generally 283—284
Home automation, human experience laboratory 168—170
Home automation, lighting 277—278 281—283
Home automation, MavHome case study 181—191
Home automation, MavHome case study, components of 188—191
Home automation, MavHome case study, decision making 188 236—241
Home automation, MavHome case study, inhabitant actions 185—188
Home automation, MavHome case study, repetition recognition 182—185
Home automation, network appliances (NA) domain 132—134
Home automation, occupancy model 285
Home automation, optimal control 279—280
Home automation, parameters and costs 288—289
Home automation, Q-learning controller 284—285
Home automation, training scenario 289—290
Home automation, wireless sensor networks 43—44
Home RF, wireless local area network (WLAN), history and standards 26
HomePlug 1.0 protocol, power line communication technology 55—58
HomePlug AV protocol, power line communication technology 58
Human experience 153—174
Human experience, applications 159—162
Human experience, applications, capture and access 161—162
Human experience, applications, context-aware computing 160—161
Human experience, applications, continuous interaction 162
Human experience, assessment 165—166
Human experience, design 163—165
Human experience, design, interaction models 163—164
Human experience, design, settings 164—165
Human experience, living laboratories 166—170
Human experience, living laboratories, classroom 167
Human experience, living laboratories, home 168—170
Human experience, living laboratories, office 168
Human experience, overview 153—154
Human experience, physical interaction 154—159
Human experience, physical interaction, implicit input 155—156
Human experience, physical interaction, multiscale and distributed output 156—158
Human experience, physical interaction, physical / virtual integration 158—159
Hybrid coordination function, quality of service, IEEE 802.11 standards 83—84
IBM Pervasive Computing Lab, middleware 121
Implicit input, human experience 155—156
Information acquisition / dissemination, from intelligent sensor networks, smart environment features 6
Infrared sensor, assistive environments 370
Infrastructure for Capture and Access (INCA), middleware, AHRI 120—121
Infrastructure, network appliances (NA) 136
Infrastructure-based networks, pervasive computing technology 68
Infrastructure-less networks, pervasive computing technology 68—69
Inhabitant actions, MavHome case study 185—188
Input, implicit, human experience 155—156
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology 69—84
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, architecture 71
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, DSSS PHY Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, layer specification 72
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, generally 69—70
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, high-speed WLANs 81
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11b specification 77—81
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, MAC layer specification 72—74
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, power saving specification 74—77
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology, quality of service 81—84
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11b standards, pervasive computing technology 77—81
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.11e standards, pervasive computing technology, quality of service 81—84
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.15 standards, low-rate WPAN, pervasive computing technology 91—94
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology 84—94
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology, Bluetooth based WPAN 85—88
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology, high-rate WPAN 88—91
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), communication networks history and standards 25—26
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), smart sensors 26—28
Integration, physical / virtual, human experience 158—159
Intelligent Environment Laboratory (IGD Rostock), smart office example 330
Intelligent offices, smart offices 327. See also Smart offices
Intelligent Room, smart office example 328—329. See also Smart rooms
Interaction models, human experience design 163—164
Interactions, smart rooms 300—301
Interactive LANDscape (I-LAND, AMBIENTE), middleware 121—122
Interactive offices, smart offices 324—326
Interactive workspaces project (Stanford), smart office example 329
Interactive workspaces, smart environments, middleware 122
Interdigitated-gate electrode field effect transistor (IGEFET), physical transduction principles 31—34
Interdigitated-gate electrode field effect transistor (IGEFET), wireless sensor networks, signal processing 40
International Standards Organization (ISO), open systems interconnection reference model (OSI/RM) 17
Internet, broadband Internet access, power line communication technology 58—60
Internet, connection statistics on 47
Isarithmic schemes, flow control, communication networks protocols and routing 19
Java language, middleware standards 116
Junction-based photosensors, physical transduction principles 30
Kalman Filter, digital signal processing, wireless sensor networks 41—42
Kanban schemes, flow control, communication networks protocols and routing 19
Kitchen, assistive environments 365 376—377
LANDMARC, location estimation techniques 209—210
Learning algorithms, decision making 234—235
Learning, perceptual environments 351—352
LeZi-Update algorithm, location estimation techniques 221—223
Lighting, home automation 277—278 281—283
Livelock, communication networks protocols and routing, wireless sensor networks 19
Localization, assistive environments 370—371
Localization, wireless sensor networks 37—39
Location estimation techniques 193—228
Location estimation techniques, current location 196—212
Location estimation techniques, current location, device-oriented 197—204
Location estimation techniques, current location, device-oriented, Cricket System 199—202
Location estimation techniques, current location, device-oriented, Global Positioning System (GPS) 197—198
Location estimation techniques, current location, device-oriented, RADAR technology 202—204
Location estimation techniques, current location, device-oriented, wireless cellular networks 198—199
Location estimation techniques, current location, network-centric technology 204—210
Location estimation techniques, current location, network-centric technology, 3D-iD system 208—209
Location estimation techniques, current location, network-centric technology, Active Badge 205—206
Location estimation techniques, current location, network-centric technology, Active Bat 206—208
Location estimation techniques, current location, network-centric technology, LANDMARC 209—210
Location estimation techniques, current location, network-centric technology, wireless cellular networks 210
Location estimation techniques, current location, nonradio technologies 211—212
Location estimation techniques, future location 216—224
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