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Cook D., Das S. — Smart Environments : Technology, Protocols and Applications |
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Location estimation techniques, future location, dead reckoning 217—219
Location estimation techniques, future location, distance-based strategies 216—217
Location estimation techniques, future location, issues in 223—224
Location estimation techniques, future location, LeZi-Update algorithm 221—223
Location estimation techniques, future location, profile-based algorithms 219—220
Location estimation techniques, overview 193—196
Location estimation techniques, representation schemas 212—216
Location estimation techniques, representation schemas, geometric 212—213
Location estimation techniques, representation schemas, symbolic 213—216
LonWorks protocol, power line communication technology 55
Low-frequency sensor, assistive environments 370
Low-pass filtering, wireless sensor networks, signal processing 40—41
Low-rate WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards, pervasive computing technology 91—94
Low-voltage lines, power line infrastructure 48—49
MAC layer, IEEE 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology 72—74
MAC layer, IEEE 802.15 standards, low-rate WPAN 93—94
Machine learning, prediction algorithms 181
Magnetic field sensors, physical transduction principles 29
Magnetic sensors, physical transduction principles 29
Maintenance, network appliances (NA) 136—137
Markov Decision Process (MDP), prediction algorithms 179—180
Matilda Smart House See Assistive environments
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington) 181—191
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington), decision making 188 236—241
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington), decision making, experiments 238—241
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington), decision making, reinforcement learning 236—237
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington), inhabitant actions 185—188
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington), middleware 122
MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington), repetition recognition 182—185
Medium-voltage lines, power line infrastructure 48—49
Meetings, smart rooms 299—300
Memory, human experience laboratory 169
Mesh networks, wireless sensor networks, communication networks 15
Message-Oriented Middleware 107—110
Metal-oxide gas sensors, physical transduction principles 32
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), power management, wireless sensor networks 20—21
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), wireless sensor networks, signal processing 40
Middleware 101—127
Middleware, architectural basics 106—107
Middleware, assistive environments 371—374
Middleware, defined 101—102
Middleware, design 117—119
Middleware, forms of 107—113
Middleware, forms of, agent-oriented 113
Middleware, forms of, database connectivity 111
Middleware, forms of, message-oriented 107—110
Middleware, forms of, object-oriented 110—111
Middleware, forms of, remote procedure call 111—112
Middleware, forms of, transaction processing 107
Middleware, forms of, web services 112—113
Middleware, frameworks 113
Middleware, needs, wants, and desires 102—106
Middleware, overview 101—103
Middleware, services 113—114
Middleware, smart environments 119—124
Middleware, smart environments, AHRI (Georgia Institute of Technology) 120—121
Middleware, smart environments, AIRE (MIT) 120
Middleware, smart environments, counter intelligence (MIT) 121
Middleware, smart environments, Easy Living project (Microsoft) 122—123
Middleware, smart environments, I-LAND (AMBIENTE) 121—122
Middleware, smart environments, IBM Pervasive Computing Lab 121
Middleware, smart environments, interactive workspaces 122
Middleware, smart environments, MavHome (University of Texas at Arlington) 122
Middleware, smart environments, sentient computing (Cambridge University) 123
Middleware, smart environments, Smart Space Laboratory (NIST) 123—124
Middleware, smart rooms 311—314
Middleware, standards 114—117
Middleware, standards, COM/DCOM 115
Middleware, standards, CORBA 115
Middleware, standards, databases 117
Middleware, standards, DCE 115—116
Middleware, standards, Java language 116
Middleware, standards, protocols 117
Middleware, standards, web services 116
Middleware, ubiquitous computing 114
Monica project 331—341
Monica project, control architecture 334—341
Monica project, control architecture, application programming 338
Monica project, control architecture, client programming 336—338
Monica project, control architecture, communication scheme 335—336
Monica project, control architecture, example 338—341
Monica project, control architecture, generally 334—335
Monica project, control architecture, software bus 335
Monica project, hardware 331
Monica project, software 331—334
Moore's law xiii
Motivation, definition 256—257
Motivation, privacy 255—256
Motivation, security 252
Motivation, smart environments 257—259
Multiagent systems, decision making 243—244
Multiagent systems, middleware 113
Multiple access protocols, communication networks protocols and routing 17
Multiscale output, human experience 156—158
Network appliances (NA) 129—149. See also Assistive environments; Home automation; Smart offices; Smart rooms
Network appliances (NA), current deployment 138—139
Network appliances (NA), defined 129
Network appliances (NA), domains of 131—136
Network appliances (NA), domains of, automotive 131—132
Network appliances (NA), domains of, home environment 132—134
Network appliances (NA), domains of, Personal Area Network (PAN) 132
Network appliances (NA), domains of, possibilities of 134—136
Network appliances (NA), emergence of 130—131
Network appliances (NA), future prospects 147—148
Network appliances (NA), issues in 136—138
Network appliances (NA), problems in 139—147
Network appliances (NA), problems in, addressing and access 139—143
Network appliances (NA), problems in, feature interaction 143—147
Network topology, wireless sensor networks, communication networks 14—16
Networking standards and regulations, smart environment features 8—9
Noise, power line channel characteristics 51—52
Non-beacon-enabled networks, IEEE 802.15 standards, low-rate WPAN 93
Nonradio technologies, location estimation techniques 211—212
Object-oriented middleware 110—111
Observation, smart rooms 301—302
Occupancy model, home automation 285
OFDM modulation, power line communication technology 53—54
Offices, human experience laboratory 168. See also Smart offices
Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi), assistive environments 374
Open systems interconnection reference model (OSI/RM), communication networks protocols and routing 17—18
Optical fiber technology, physical transduction principles 31
Optical transducers, physical transduction principles 30
Output, multiscale and distributed, human experience 156—158
Packet routing networks, headers, communication networks protocols and routing 16
Peer-to-peer networks, Gigabit Ethernet, history and standards 25
Peer-to-peer networks, wireless sensor networks, communication networks 15
Perceive-reason-act design, middleware 102—106 119
Perceptual environments 345—359. See also Assistive environments; Home automation; Smart environments; Smart offices; Smart rooms; Wireless sensor networks
Perceptual environments, adaptive interfaces 346—347
Perceptual environments, experimental testbeds 347
Perceptual environments, overview 345—346
Perceptual environments, smart clothing 355—357
Perceptual environments, smart rooms 347—355
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, audio interpretation 351
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, driver's intention 350
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, expression recognition 353—354
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, face and voice recognition 352—353
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, hand gesture recognition 349
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, haptic input 354—355
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, head tracking and shape recovery 350—351
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, learning 351—352
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, real-time person tracking 347—348
Perceptual environments, smart rooms, self-calibration 349
Perceptual environments, ubiquitous computing contrasted 346
Perceptual user interfaces, smart offices 324
Personal Area Network (PAN), network appliances (NA) 132
Pervasive computing technology 63—99. See also Ubiquitous computing
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards 69—84
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, architecture 71
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, DSSS PHY layer specification 72
| Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, generally 69—70
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, high-speed WLANs 81
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, IEEE 802.11b specification 77—81
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, MAC layer specification 72—74
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, power saving specification 74—77
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.11 standards, quality of service 81—84
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.15 standards 84—94
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.15 standards, Bluetooth based WPAN 85—88
Pervasive computing technology, IEEE 802.15 standards, high-rate WPAN 88—91
Pervasive computing technology, overview 63—64
Pervasive computing technology, smart spaces 64—67
Pervasive computing technology, technologies 67—69
Photoconductive sensors, physical transduction principles 30
Photoelectric effect, physical transduction principles 30
Photovoltaic effect, physical transduction principles 30
Physical / virtual integration, human experience 158—159
Physical carrier sensing range, IEEE 802.11b specification 79—81
Physical interaction (human experience) 154—159
Physical interaction (human experience), implicit input 155—156
Physical interaction (human experience), multiscale and distributed output 156—158
Physical interaction (human experience), physical / virtual integration 158—159
Physical layer, IEEE 802.15 standards, low-rate WPAN 93
Physical transduction principles, wireless sensor networks 28—34
Piconet, bluetooth based WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards 86—88
Piezoelectric effect, physical transduction principles 28—29
Piezoresistive effect, physical transduction principles 28
Plan recognition, prediction algorithms 180
Planning algorithms, decision making 233—234
Power line communication technology 47—62
Power line communication technology, broadband Internet access 58—60
Power line communication technology, channel characteristics 50—53
Power line communication technology, channel characteristics, attenuation 51
Power line communication technology, channel characteristics, electromagnetic compatibility 52—53
Power line communication technology, channel characteristics, noise 51—52
Power line communication technology, infrastructure 48—49
Power line communication technology, OFDM modulation 53—54
Power line communication technology, overview 47—48
Power line communication technology, protocols 54—58
Power line communication technology, protocols, CEBus protocol 55
Power line communication technology, protocols, HomePlug 1.0 protocol 55—58
Power line communication technology, protocols, HomePlug AV protocol 58
Power line communication technology, protocols, LonWorks protocol 55
Power line communication technology, protocols, X-10 protocol 54—55
Power line communication technology, regulatory constraints 49—50
Power line communication technology, security 60—61
Power management, communication networks 20—21
Power saving specification, IEEE 802.11 standards 74—77
Prediction algorithms 175—192
Prediction algorithms, approaches of 177—181
Prediction algorithms, approaches of, machine learning 181
Prediction algorithms, approaches of, Markov Decision Process (MDP) 179—180
Prediction algorithms, approaches of, plan recognition 180
Prediction algorithms, approaches of, sequential matching 178—179
Prediction algorithms, case study (MavHome) 181—191
Prediction algorithms, case study (MavHome), components of 188—191
Prediction algorithms, case study (MavHome), decision making improvements 188
Prediction algorithms, case study (MavHome), inhabitant actions 185—188
Prediction algorithms, case study (MavHome), repetition recognition 182—185
Prediction algorithms, decision making 235—236
Prediction algorithms, overview 175—176
Prediction algorithms, role of 176—177
Predictive capabilities, smart environment features 7
Presentations, smart rooms 297—298
Pressure sensors, location estimation techniques 212
Privacy 255—259. See also Security; Trust
Privacy, motivation 255—256
Privacy, overview 249—251
Profile-based algorithms, location estimation techniques 219—220
Proprioceptors, wireless sensor networks 13
Protocol multiplexing, bluetooth based WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards 86
Protocol(s), middleware standards 117
Protocol(s), power line communication technology 54—58
Protocol(s), power line communication technology, CEBus protocol 55
Protocol(s), power line communication technology, HomePlug 1.0 protocol 55—58
Protocol(s), power line communication technology, HomePlug AV protocol 58
Protocol(s), power line communication technology, LonWorks protocol 55
Protocol(s), power line communication technology, X-10 protocol 54—55
Q-learning controller, home automation 284—285 290
Quality of service, IEEE 802.11 standards, pervasive computing technology 81—84
RADAR technology, location estimation techniques 202—204
Reactive-based decision making systems 231—233
Real-time person tracking, perceptual environments 347—348
Regulatory constraints, power line communication technology 49—50
Reinforcement learning, decision making 234—235
Reinforcement learning, decision making, hierarchical 244—245
Reinforcement learning, decision making, MavHome case study 236—237
Reinforcement learning, home automation 279—280
Relative layout positioning, wireless sensor networks 37—38
Remote control devices, smart environment features 3—4
Remote procedure call, middleware 111—112
Remote sensors, physical transduction principles 33
Repetition recognition, MavHome case study 182—185
Representation schemas (location estimation techniques) 212—216
Representation schemas (location estimation techniques), geometric 212—213
Representation schemas (location estimation techniques), symbolic 213—216
Resonant temperature sensors, physical transduction principles 30
RF-identification, power management, wireless sensor networks 20
Riccati equation, digital signal processing, wireless sensor networks 42
Ring topology, wireless sensor networks, communication networks 15—16
Ripple carrier signaling, power line infrastructure 49
Robot kinematic transformations, relative layout positioning, wireless sensor networks 37—38
Routing, communication networks protocols and routing 18—19
Rule-based decision making systems 231—233
Safety concerns, decision making 241—242
Security 252—255. See also Privacy; Trust
Security, definition 252—253
Security, motivation 252
Security, network appliances (NA) 137 140—143
Security, overview 249—251
Security, power line communication technology 60—61
Security, smart environments 253—255
Seebeck effect, physical transduction principles 30
Segmentation-reassembly, bluetooth based WPAN, IEEE 802.15 standards 86
Self-calibration, perceptual environments 349
Self-organization, wireless sensor networks 37—39
Sensing infrastructure, assistive environments 367—371
Sensing infrastructure, smart rooms 305—309
Sensor fusion, digital signal processing, wireless sensor networks 41—42
Sensor(s) See also Wireless sensor networks
Sensor(s), acoustic sensors, physical transduction principles 33—34
Sensor(s), acoustic wave sensors, physical transduction principles 34
Sensor(s), IEEE 26—28
Sensor(s), information acquisition / dissemination from, smart environment features 6
Sentient computing, middleware 123
Sequential matching, prediction algorithms 178—179
Services, middleware 113—114
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), network appliances (NA) 140—143
Shape recovery, perceptual environments 350—351
Signal processing (wireless sensor networks) 39—42
Signal processing (wireless sensor networks), conditioning 39—41
Signal processing (wireless sensor networks), digital processing 41—42
Smart clothing, perceptual environments 355—357
Smart clothing, sensing infrastructure, smart rooms 306—308
Smart environments See also Assistive environments; Home automation; Perceptual environments; Smart offices; Smart rooms; Wireless sensor networks
Smart environments, agenda of challenges xiii—xv
Smart environments, challenges of 389—391
Smart environments, features 3—9
Smart environments, features, device communication 4—6
Smart environments, features, enhanced services by smart devices 6—7
Smart environments, features, intelligent sensor networks, information acquisition / dissemination from 6
Smart environments, features, networking standards and regulations 8—9
Smart environments, features, predictive and decision-making capabilities 7
Smart environments, features, remote control devices 3—4
Smart environments, future prospects 389—391
Smart environments, middleware 119—124
Smart environments, middleware, AHRI (Georgia Institute of Technology) 120—121
Smart environments, middleware, AIRE (MIT) 120
Smart environments, middleware, counter intelligence (MIT) 121
Smart environments, middleware, Easy Living project (Microsoft) 122—123
Smart environments, middleware, I-LAND (AMBIENTE) 121—122
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