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Domb C., Green M.S. (eds.) — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 1) |
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Multiple transitions 300
Nagle, J.F. 187 225 335 341 342 344 345 383 484 489
Naimark, M.A. 143 174
Nakano, H. 271 289 298 301 307 311 329
Naya, S. 271 287 288 292 295 306 323 329
Nearest neighbour model 193 229
Nearest neighbour, two-dimensional 227
Nelson, E. 114 127 128 136
Neumann series 112
Newell, G.F. 237 246 265 267 286 322 326 329 347 354 489
Non-analytic behaviour 50 51 52 59 91
Non-commutativity of operators 114
Nonmagnetic impurities 96
Norm-asymptotic-abelian manner 150
Normed *-algebra 140
Normed *-algebra, of local observables 142
Normed algebra 140
Nosanow, L.H. 90 105
Novikov, I.D. 30 109
Oberhettinger, F. 381 489
Observable 139
Occupation number representation 210
octahedron 320
Oguchi, T. 346 390 487
Ohkohchi, K. 488
One-dimensional gas 181
One-dimensional systems 89
Onsager lattice 236
Onsager, L. 3 5 9 38 59 109 187 193 225 229 230 231 235 237 238 239 241 243 245 247 248 249 250 253 254 257 263 267 271 278 310 319 329 332 335 489
Onsager-Ising model 232 234 235 236
Open chain 193
Open isotropic chain 201
Operators, absorption 262 263
Operators, emission 262 263
Orbach, R. 214 215 221 226
Order parameter 84
Order-disorder effect 228
Ovchinnikov, Yu.N. 288 302 329
Pade approximants 58
Pair correlation function 83 105 197 201
Pair correlations 41 83
Pair interactions 32 42 48 55 80 82 84 90 91 92 98
Pair potentials 27 28 43 88 95 124 178
Pair potentials, negative 53
Partition function zeros 50
Partition function, canonical 11 13 20 189 242
Partition function, canonical configurational 25
Partition function, for two-dimensional lattices 322
Partition function, free 355
Partition function, grand 13 20 50 130 189 232 242 312 314 316
Partition function, grand canonical 130 189
Partition function, periodic 356
Pauli exclusion principle 38
Pauli matrices 206 208 210 211 245 251
Pauli spin matrices 115 153 178
Pauling, L. 333 335 489
Pease, R.S. 332 487
Peierls argument 59 61 63 64 65 67 69 70 75 76 77 97
Peierls, R. 59 109 187 226 228 267
Penrose, O. 43 45 46 47 52 56 108 109 112 134 136
Percolation 266
Percus, J.K. 333 489
Permanent 235
Perram, J.W. 488
Perturbation series 8 42
Peterson, S.W. 332 489
Petrina, D.Ya. 113 114 135
Pfaffian 233 234 236 237 255 256 257 259 260 261 262 263
Pfaffian expansion 234
Pfaffian method 258 266
Pfaffian, cyclic 237
Phase transition, definition 139
Phase transition, first order 11 34 41 52
Phase transition, fluid-crystal 174
Phase transition, solid-liquid 152
Phonons 86
Plane rotator model 79 80
Plischke, M. 77 108
Polyhedra 320
Polyhedra, cyclic change 320 321
Pool, J.C.T. 146 174
Potential 18
Potential, bounded 168
Potential, finite range 154 168
Potential, k-body 114
Potential, strongly tempered 28
Potential, two-body 114 164
Potential, weakly tempered 31
Potts, R.B. 270 287 323 325 329
Poulsen, E.T. 146 174
Povzner, A.Ya. 12 36 108
Pressure 33 38 42 46 47 56 57 59 90 91 94 134 138 185 186 189
Pressure, bulk 11
Pressure, continuity 95
Pressure, dependence on container shape 11
Pressure, grand canonical 133
Pressure, grand-canonical formula 11
Pressure, in continuum systems 27
Pressure, in one-component fluid 11 13
Pressure, non-analytic dependence 42
Projection operators 207
Pure thermodynamic phase 150 151 152 167 170 171 172 173
Quantum continuum systems 30 114 115 123
Quantum lattice gas 19 51
Quantum lattice systems 57 70 113 115
Quantum spin lattices 142
Quantum spin lattices, one-dimensional 153
Quantum spin system 54
Quantum states, macroscopic 4
Quantum statistics 128 129 131 132 133 134 135
Quasi-field treatment 234
Quasi-local algebra 146 165
Quasi-local observables 139
Random systems 96 97
Raw edges 253
RDM 91 124 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
Reduced density matrices see “RDM”
Ree, F.H. 47 109
Reese, W. 424 461 489
Robinson, D.W. 12 23 30 39 49 70 92 106 108 109 115 136 168 171 175
Rotation group 229 252
RSM 9 18 28 33 41 50 78 85
Ruelle Statistical Mechanics see “RSM”
Ruelle, D. 9 12 22 26 28 30 33 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 47 50 51 55 65 91 92 95 106 107 108 109 113 114 115 117 123 125 132 135 136 138 148 149 153 168 175 186 198 199 226 355 356 357 358 489
Rushbrooke, G.S. 101 102 109
Rys, F. 340 344 489
Ryzhik, I.M. 378 381 388 396 419 465 466 488
Salsburg, Z.W. 44 108
Saturated matching 234
Scaling laws 166
Schauder — Tychonov theorem 163 165
Schrieffer, J.R. 152 174
Schultz, T.D. 206 208 210 214 225 226
Schwinger, J. 145 175
Scotti, A. 12 36 37 106
Screw 256 262
Screw method 247
Screw, construction 271
Second quantized operators 129
Segal, I.E. 143 175
Self-avoiding walks 83
Self-consistency equations 169
Series expansion 3 228 231 232 266
Sewell, G.L. 146 174
Sherman, S. 27 72 73 74 80 82 84 104 107 109 236 265 267
Shirane, G. 332 345 446 488
Simple cubic 300
Simple power law 98
Sinai, Ya.G. 64 65 66 105 108
Sixteen vertex problem 350 436
| Sixteen vertex problem, equivalence with Ising problem 350
Slater, J.C. 333 343 489
Specific heat 180 190 249 266 273 301 302 310 314 315 317 318
Specific heat jump 270
Spherical model 24 81 200
Spheroidal wave functions 203 204
Spin correlation 277
Spin correlation, nearest neighbour 280 313 314
Spin correlation, self dual 277
Spin reversal 49
Spin reversal in variance 123
Spin reversal symmetry 52
Spin wave theory 85
Spinor analysis 250
Spinor group 229 252
Spinor method 248 249 257 258 266
Spinor theory 257
Spinors 215
Spontaneous magnetization 60 64 75 76 79 82 83 84 85 87 88 93 97 99 171 205 213 228 230 232 243 250 251 266 271 286 287 288 289 290 304 306 307 308 326
Spontaneous magnetization in XY model 88
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 138 151 152
Stability 28 30 32 41
Stability conditions 26 27 30 33 103
Staggered field 444
Stanley, H.E. 24 98 109 181 200 226 267
Star algebra 140
Star algebra, asymmetric 282
Star algebra, extended 304
Steepest descents 185
Stephenson, J. 287 329 454 455 489
Stieltjcs integral 58
Stout, J.W. 334 487
Streater, R.F. 135 136
Strong tempering 28 30 31
STS model 346
Sublattiee magnetisation 67 88
Supcrfluids 84 89
Super stability condition 28
Superconductors 89
Superlluid belium 89
Superslable interactions 12
Superstablc potential 59 51 95
Surface charge energy 39
Surface effects 237
Surface free energy 25
Surface tension 229
Surface-volume ratio 26
susceptibility 83 99 104 105 227 257 310 311 325 326 328
Susceptibility series 327
Susceptibility, zero field 232 328
Sutherland, B. 345 350 367 372 373 379 385 417 434 435 438 440 447 449 455 490
Suzuki, M. 54 78 106 109 325 329 350 352 354 490
Sykes, M.F. 3 4 187 327 328 329
Symmetry breaking 139
Syozi, I. 96 109 271 286 288 289 292 297 300 301 302 306 307 312 315 316 320 322 323 329
Takagi, Y. 346 490
Takahashi gas 184 186
Takahashi, H. 184 226 344 490
Takesaki, M. 146 150 175
Teller, E. 270 325 329
Temperature expansions, high 204
Temperature expansions, low 204
Tempering 32
Tempering condition 38
Temperley, H.N.V. 187 231 237 243 250 253 260 266 267 322 329
tetrahedron 320 328
Thermodynamic functions 49 58 77 77 90 125
Thermodynamic functions, convexity 98
Thermodynamic functions, microcanonical 33
Thermodynamic limit 10 11 14 17 23 25 29 31 32 37 38 39 40 41 42 50 51 52 53 55 58 60 63 65 75 76 77 82 88 89 92 94 95 96 97 99 101 143 144 145 146 147 151 152 155 157 163 165 166 168 170 171 180 183 185 186 187 203 205 214 345 355
Thermodynamic limit, convexity properties 18 19
Thermodynamic limit, for general interactions 17 18 22
Thermodynamic limit, for lattice system 12
Thermodynamic limit, for nearest-neighbour interaction 14—17 21
Thermodynamic limit, surface 17
Thermodynamic pressure 43
Thermodynamic stability 33 36 103
Third law of thermodynamics 77
Thompson, C.J. 90 178 201 202 204 206 226
Thouless, D.J. 187 199 226
Tisza, L. 249 267
Titchmarsh, E.C. 46 47 51 109
Toeplitz determinants 230 237 250
Tonks gas 182 183 191
Tonks, L. 182 226
Totter’s product formula 127 128
Transfer matrix 90 153 155 156 157 158 159 161 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 201 203 206 461 469 477
Transfer matrix, diagonalization 361
Transfer operator 158
Transformation, decoration 239
Transformation, decoration-iteration 270 271 291 294 298 302 321
Transformation, dual 237 247 248 270 271 279 281 284 294 298 321
Transformation, star-triangle 239 241 270 271 278 279 280 281 283 284 288 292 294 297 298 302 305 312 321
Transition points 301
Transition temperature, eight vertex problem, no field 454
Transition temperature, free fermion model 451
Transition temperature, general F model 427
Transition temperature, ice rule model, no external field 391
Transition temperature, ice rule model, with external field 423
Transition temperature, ice rule model, with external field, transition 437
Transition temperature, ice rule model, with external field, y = 0 transition 416
Transition temperature, modified F model 427
Transition temperature, modified KDP model 439 441
Transitions, antiferroelectric 426 430 438
Transitions, first order 3
Transitions, gas-liquid 3 183 186 232
Transitions, gas-solid 183
Transitions, liquid-gas 138
Transitions, liquid-solid 232
Transitions, magnetic 3
Transitions, order-disorder 243
Transitions, second order 3
Translation group 172
Translation invariance 113
Translation invariant 116 133 157
Translational symmetry 24
Translationally invariant perturbation 40
Transverse field 71
Trotter, H. 70 109
Turning operator 246
Two-body force 154
Two-dimensional ice 215 266
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 2 4 42 44 46 109 174 175 178 226
Unicursal 264
Uniformly clustering 150 170
Unions of closed polygons 239 240
Unsolved problems 485
Ursell functions 46 135
Utiyama, T. 237 249 267 286 289 297 322 329
Vacuum state 261
Vacuum state wave functions 262
Vacuum-to-vacuum expectation 234 236 250 262
Vaks, V.G. 288 302 329
Valz Gris, F. 12 106
van der Linden, J. 12 109
Van der Waals gas 166
Van der Waals limit 168
van der Waals theory 3
Van der Waerden, B.L. 65 109 353 490
van Hove theorem 186 197 198
Van Hove, L. 2 5 12 90 109 186 197 198 226
Variational Principle 148 149
Verboven, E.J. 171 174
Virial coefficients 47
Virial expansion 47 134
Virial series 42 43 44
Wagner, H. 85 86 108 187 205 225
Wainwright, T.E. 89 105
Wakefield, A.J. 3 5
Walker, L.R. 223 226 385 490
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