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Domb C., Green M.S. (eds.) — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 1) |
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Hadron 4
Hafnian 235
Halmos, P.R. 21 107
Hamiltonian 23
Harary, F. 237 267
Hard circles 183
Hard core 12 20 24 25 27 28 29 36 39 47 66 69 89 90 94 116 125
Hard core condition 164
Hard core gas 153
Hard core potentials 124
Hard core, continuous one-dimensional 163
Hard core, extended 24
Hard rods 184 186
Hard spheres 183
Hard square model 467
Hardy, G.H. 18 101 107
Harris, A.B. 54 107
Hattori, M. 271 308 311 329
Haynsworth, E.V. 404 406 488
Heilmann, O.J. 55 107
Heisenberg antiferromagnet 86 88
Heisenberg chain 214 224
Heisenberg ferromagnet 52 84 85 86 87
Heisenberg Hamiltonian 20 116
Heisenberg interaction 80
Heisenberg model 19 96 104 115 116 178 181 205
Heisenberg model, anisotropic 80 205
Heisenberg model, classical 179 200
Heisenberg model, isotropic 123 152
Heisenberg model, next-nearest neighbour interaction 154
Heisenberg model, of spin 71 112 99
Heisenberg model, one-dimensional classical 181
Heisenberg — Ising model 23
High field 48
Hilbert space 115 117 129 139 141 142 143 144 165
Hill, T.L. 35 42 44 107 111 132 136
Hohenburg, P.C. 89 107
Houtappel, R.M.F. 322 329
Howe, J.P. 228 243 267
Huang, K. 11 13 82 107
Hugenholz, N. 146 174
Hulthen, L. 214 224 225 384 488
Hurst, C.A. 80 84 104 107 233 237 248 249 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 265 267 287 329 350 452 488
Husimi, K. 322 329
Ice condition 25 266
Ice problem 363
Ice problem, on general lattice 335
Ice problem, on square lattice 333
Ice problem, on triangular lattice 337 475
Ice rule 343
Ice rule, model on square lattice 348 350
Ice rule, transfer matrix 364 390 393 408
Ice-like model 266
IF model 392
IKDP model 345 390 402
Immediate reversals 263
Impurities 237
Impurity effects 232
Infinite spin 23 54
Infinite volume correlation functions 113
Infinite volume equations 120
Infinite volume limit 113 121 125 133
Interactions, antiferromagnetic 229 231
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, finite-range 162 181 186 197
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, infinite-range 91 92 161 162
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, long-range 17 18 24 153
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, many-body 17 113 114
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, nearest-neighbour 179
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, translationally invariant 17
Interactions, antiferromagnetic, two-body 113 123 124 161 162
Internal energy 180 199 212 273 277
Internal energy of a fluid 11
Intrinsic space symmetry 172
Intrinsically antiferroelectric model 432
Intrinsically ferroelectric model 430
Involutive Banach algebra 140
Ising antiferromagnet 224
Ising chain 191 192 194 201
Ising chain, closed 203
Ising disease 3
Ising Hamiltonian 20
Ising lattice 270 273 325
Ising lattice gas 48
Ising lattice, decorated 271 291
Ising lattice, decorated honeycomb 291
Ising lattice, decorated square 308
Ising lattice, half decorated square 300
Ising lattice, non-crossing diagonal interaction square 302
Ising lattice, square 310
Ising lattice, two-dimensional 270
Ising lerromagnet 9 52 56 57 58 65 66 72 78 84 92 97 98 99 104 197
Ising lerromagnet, GKS inequality 72
Ising lerromagnet, spin greater than 84
Ising model 12—14 18 55 59 70 77 79 82 96 99 104 151 152 153 155 156 158 179 190 225 270 276
Ising model, classical 22 202
Ising model, generalized 323
Ising model, in zero magnetic field 9
Ising model, nearest-neighbour 166
Ising model, ofspin s 23 99
Ising model, one-dimensional 153 181 187
Ising model, susceptibility 65
Ising model, three-dimensional 75
Ising model, two-dimensional 3 9 206
Ising model, with general spin 78
Ising model, with infinite spin 78
Ising problem 193 256 263
Ising problem, two-dimensional 194
Ising result 205
Ising spin 316
Ising spin system 20 54 277
Ising spin, higher 271
Ising, E. 187 225
Isothermal compressibility 99 190
Isothermal susceptibility 190
Iteration 295
Iteration, extended 271 312
J model 345
Jacobi imaginary transformation 387
Jasnow, D. 89 98 106 107
Jona, F. 332 345 446 488
Jones, G.L. 55 56 107
Jordan — Wigner transformation 250
Joyce, G.S. 24 92 107 201 205 225
Kac — Ward determinant 235 236 263 265
Kac, M. 114 136 167 169 174 197 225 235 236 256 263 264 267 353 488
Kagome lattice expanded 297 (see “Lattice Kagome”)
Kahn, B. 2 5
Kano, K. 295 323 329
Kasai, Y. 271 316 329
Kasteleyn, P.W. 234 237 260 267 444 488
Kastler, D. 138 146 174
Katsura, S. 208 210 213 225 488
Kaufman — Onsager spinor treatment 236
Kaufman, B. 229 230 250 253 257 267
KDP model 343 394 402 408 411
KDP model, general 413
KDP model, modified 439 440 441 453
Keffer, F. 85 107
Kelly — Sherma theorem 72—74
Kelly, D.G. 72 73 82 107
Khatset, B.I. 43 105 113 114 135
Kirkwood transition 183
Kirkwood — Salzburg equations see “KS equations”
Kirkwood, J.G. 44 108
KMS boundary conditions 123 139 144 145 146 147 148 150 151 166 173
KMS boundary conditions, dynamical 149
Knops, H.J.F. 169 171 174
Koopman, B.O. 144 174
Kramers, H.A. 193 225 228 239 243 247 267 270 271 277 329 455 488
| KS equations 43 45 48 56 57 65 111 122 113 115 117 119 132 133 149
Kubo — Martin — Schwinger boundary conditions see “KMS boundary conditions”
Kubo — Martin — Schwinger state 145 147 149
Kubo — Martin — Schwinger state, extremal 147 148 149 151 167 169 170
Kubo — Martin — Schwinger state, extremal time-invariant 148
Kubo, R. 145 174
Kunz, H. 54 55 107 108
LADDER 244 245
Landau argument 172 174
Landau, L.P. 3 5 90 108 199 225
Lanford, O.E., III 39 41 42 108 115 123 136 148 149 175
Laplace transform 185
Larkin, A.L. 288 302 329
Laser optics 4
Lasettre, E.N. 228 243 267
Lattice 3—12 286 296 297 298
Lattice 4—8 286 289
Lattice colouring, of hexagonal 342 476
Lattice colouring, of square 461
Lattice gas 3 12 13 14 17 18 23 24 48 49 53 56 59 60 61 63 64 65 66 69 84 148 153 163 164 187 241 242 243
Lattice gas model 162 232 241
Lattice gas, Bose 116
Lattice gas, hard cores 69
Lattice gas, hard-square 69 71
Lattice gas, imperfect 232
Lattice gas, mixtures 69
Lattice gas, relation to spin system 14
Lattice gas, van der Waals-like 243
Lattice insensitive 266
Lattice model 23 228 232
Lattice site 23 24
Lattice system 10 59
Lattice system, thermodynamic limit 12
Lattice, antiferromagnetic triangular 280 328
Lattice, asymmetric square 285
Lattice, body-centred cubic (b.c.c) 231 300 314
Lattice, chequer 286
Lattice, close-packed 231 249
Lattice, cyclic change 280 281 284 294 295 298
Lattice, decorated 291 312 313 314 316
Lattice, decorated honeycomb 291 292 304 305
Lattice, decorated square 307 308 313 315
Lattice, diamond 314
Lattice, diced 275 293 295 304 314
Lattice, double bond square 318 319
Lattice, doubly decorated honeycomb 296 297
Lattice, dual 229 240 241 273 274 276 277 282 283 286 298
Lattice, expanded 260 263
Lattice, face-centred (f.c.c) 249 314
Lattice, ferrimagnetic square 290
Lattice, generalized square 285 286 288 322 323
Lattice, hemp-leaf 297 298
Lattice, hexagonal 261
Lattice, Honeycomb 271 274 278 279 280 281 282 283 285 286 287 288 293 304 305 306 312 314 322 326 327 328
Lattice, Kagome 271 275 286 292 293 294 295 303 304 306 314 323 328
Lattice, linear chain 322
Lattice, loose packed 231 249
Lattice, non-crossing diagonal interaction square 288 289
Lattice, non-planar 231 232 237 250
Lattice, planar 232 249
Lattice, plane hexagonal 241 248 264
Lattice, plane honeycomb 231 240
Lattice, plane square 240 241 242 246 247 248 250 260
Lattice, plane triangular 231 240 241 248 249 264
Lattice, rectangular 278 285 286 287 322
Lattice, regular 237 256
Lattice, self-dual 241 275
Lattice, semiferromagnetic 326
Lattice, semiferromagnetic honeycomb 287 288
Lattice, simple cubic (s.c) 314
Lattice, square 59 66 270 272 274 277 288 289 293 294 302 308 310 312 314 317 319
Lattice, triangular 261 274 278 279 280 281 282 283 285 286 287 288 293 295 303 312 314 322 326 327
Lattice, “brick-wall” 248
Lattice, “union jack” 231 238 250 258 264 265
Lattice-translation invariant 149 166
Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem 127
Lebowitz, J.L. 9 12 38 46 47 52 56 66 69 96 97 106 107 108 134 136 450 488
Lee — Yang circle theorem 9 98
Lee, T.D. 2 5 11 12 50 51 52 53 108 109 147 175 187 225 231 232 241 242 267
Leff, H.S. 24 77 81 108
Legendre transform 64
Legendre transformations 33 34 36
Legendre transformations, generalized 35
Lenard, A. 27 38 106 108
Lennard — Jones potentials 88
Lenz — Ising model 228
Levine, S. 488
Levy, H.A. 332 489
Levy, P.M. 39
Lewis, M.B. 12 108
Liberman, D.A. 102 108
Lie algebra 229 247
Lieb, E.H. 9 25 38 47 55 90 94 107 108 181 184 186 193 206 208 210 214 215 225 226 237 266 267 334 344 346 361 367 376 378 389 390 392 408 420 477 487 488
Lieb-type operator 266
Lifschitz, E.M. 3 5 90 108 199 225
Lin, F.T. 91
Linear chains, with long-range forces 78
Linear functionals 139 143
Lipschitz condition 95
Littlewood, J.E. 18 101 107
Local observables algebra 141
Long-range forces 38 78
Long-range order 150 194 197 199 200 202 214 251 310 326
Low density expansions 41
Luciano, M. 37 106
Lushinnikov, A.A. 319 329
Luttinger model 181
magnetization 77 101 109 193 200 213 227
Magnetization, concavity 84
Magnetization-magnetization correlation function 99
Magnus, W. 489
Majumdar, C.K. 488
Makita, Y. 346 488
Mandelbrojt, S. 35 108
Many-body forces 76
Manzani, L. 12 106
Martin, P.C. 145 175
Matching problem 233 259
Matrix method 243
Matsubara, T. 20 108
Matsuda, H. 20 108
Mattis, D.C. 77 90 94 108 181 184 186 206 208 210 214 215 225 226
Maxwell — Boltzmann — Gibbs theory 4
Mayer — Mont roll equations 149
Mayer, J.E. 2 5
Mazur, P. 12 108 109
McCoy, B.M. 214 225 367 372 489
Meeron, E. 47 108
Meijering, J.L. 335 489
Memory 4
Mermin, N.D. 85 86 88 89 106 108 187 205 225
Michel, L. 39 108
Miki, M. 346 488
Millard, K. 24 108
Milne-Thomson, L.M. 387 417 427 489
Minister, A. 12 109
Minlos, R.A. 12 36 40 64 65 95 106 108
Miracle-Sole, S. 12 39 41 48 49 50 56 92 106 108 113 114 115 755 136 138 153 174
Miyata, H. 146 174
Miyazima, S. 271 301 302 315 316 329
Molecular field method 152 166
Molecular field model 170
Molecular field theory 169
Molecular-field approximation 82
Monomer-dimer problem 55
Monotonicity 77 104
Montroll, E.W. 228 237 243 265 267 286 326 329 347 354 489
Morse, P.M. 203 204 225
Multiple commutators 121
Multiple decoration 295 301
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