Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Berndt J., Tricerri F., Vanhecke L. — Generalized Heisenberg Groups |
Предметный указатель |
-condition 25 33 39 86 104
-operator 22
-tensor 45
-umbilical hypersurface 7
-space 14 18 44 107
-space of dimension three 14—15
-space of dimension two 14
-space of dimension three 14
-space of dimension two 14
-space 16 18 19 50 111
-space of dimension three 17
-space 17 19 50 74 111
-space of dimension 3 18
-operator 51
-symmetric space 7—8
Alekseevskii space 96
Analyticity of -spaces 16
Analyticity of D’Atri spaces 13
Asymptotically harmonic 12
Basic Jacobi vector field 16
Bergman metric 91
Cayley transform 91
Classical Heisenberg algebra 24 79
Clifford algebra 22
Clifford module 22—23
Commutative space 10 12 13 15 17 18 19 35 74 111 112
Commutative space of dimension 5 10
Conjugate points on generalized, Heisenberg groups 66
Constant mean curvature 12 110 113
Constant scalar curvature of -spaces 16
Constant scalar curvature of D’Atri spaces 13
Constant scalar curvature of geodesic spheres 12
Curvature tensor of Damek — Ricci spaces 84—85
Curvature tensor of generalized Heisenberg groups 28
Curvature-adapted geodesic spheres 16
Curvature-homogeneous manifold 112
Damek — Ricci space 79
Distance function on Damek-Ricci spaces 108
D’Atri space 13 17 18 19 36 50 74 77 111 112 114
D’Atri space of dimension four 14
D’Atri space of dimension three 13
Euclidean Laplacian 11
Extrinsic sphere 87
First mean value operator 12
Fundamental conjecture about harmonic manifolds 12
Generalized Heisenberg algebra 22
Generalized Heisenberg group 22
Geodesic flow 16
Geodesic spheres 6 7 8 9 12 13 16 18 69 112 113
Geodesic spray 16
Geodesics on Damek — Ricci spaces 93
Geodesics on generalized Heisenberg groups 31
Global coordinates on Damek — Ricci spaces 82
Global coordinates on generalized Heisenberg groups 26
Hadamard manifold 85 113 114
Harmonic function 11 12
Harmonic space 11 13 36 110 112 113 114
Harmonic space of dimension 12
Harmonicity of Damek-Ricci spaces 108
Heisenberg group of dimension five 7
Heisenberg group of dimension three 6
Homogeneous structure 5 51
Horosphere 6 9 88
Horosphere foliation 88
Integrability of subbundles on Damek — Ricci spaces 87
Integrability of subbundles on generalized Heisenberg groups 32
Irreducibility of Damek — Ricci spaces 111
Irreducibility of generalized Heisenberg groups 32
Isometry group of Damek — Ricci spaces 94
Isometry group of generalized Heisenberg groups 34
Isoparametric, function 110
Isoparametric, geodesic spheres 113
Isoparametric, hypersurface 88 110
Iwasawa decomposition 25 79
Jacobi equation 51
Jacobi operator 14 19
Jacobi operator on Damek — Ricci spaces 85 96
Jacobi operator on generalized Heisenberg groups 29 36
| Jacobi operators of higher order 17
Jacobi vector field 16
Jacobi vector field on generalized Heisenberg groups 52
K-harmonic spaces 113
K-operator 33
K-symmetric spaces 4
Kaehler structure on Damek — Ricci spaces 96
Kaehler structure on generalized Heisenberg groups 34
Killing tensor 14 16 29 112
Killing-transversally symmetric space 8
Laplace equation 11
Laplace operator on Damek-Ricci spaces 108
Ledger tensor 15
Levi Civita connection on Damek — Ricci spaces 84
Levi Civita connection on generalized Heisenberg groups 28
Lie exponential map for Damek — Ricci spaces 80
Lie exponential map for generalized Heisenberg groups 26
Liouville surface 14
Mean curvature of geodesic spheres 13
Metric tensor in normal coordiantes on generalized Heisenberg groups 74
Natural torsion-free connection 4—5
Naturally reductive Riemannian of dimension five 7
Naturally reductive Riemannian of dimension four 6
Naturally reductive Riemannian of dimension three 6
Naturally reductive Riemannian of dimension two 5
Naturally reductive Riemannian, homogeneous space 4 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 19 35 74 111
Nearly Kaehler structure 95
Nearly Kaehler structure on Damek — Ricci spaces 95
Osserman conjecture 19
Osserman space 19
Osserman space, globally 19 111 112 113
Osserman space, pointwise 20 42
Principal curvature spaces of geodesic spheres 16
Principal curvatures of geodesic spheres 18 113
Principal curvatures of geodesic spheres on generalized Heisenberg groups 69
Probabilistic commutative space 10 12 13 111 112
Probabilistic commutative space of dimension three 11
Quaternionic Kahler structure on Damek — Ricci spaces 96
Quotients of finite volume of Damek — Ricci spaces 112
Ray symmetric space 9
Reductive Lie algebra 4
Ricci flat harmonic spaces 113
Ricci tensor of Damek — Ricci spaces 85
Ricci tensor of generalized Heisenberg groups 28
Ricci tensor of geodesic spheres 113
Riemannian foliation 87
Riemannian g.o. space 8 10 13 15 17 18 35 50 74 111
Riemannian g.o. space of dimension 5 8
Riemannian g.o. space of dimension six 8
Riemannian submersion 87 6
Riemannian submersion of dimension 3 19
Riemannian submersion, space 18 50 70 111
Sasaki metric 16
Sasakian space form 18 19
Scalar curvature of Damek — Ricci spaces 85
Scalar curvature of generalized Heisenberg groups 28
Scalar curvature of geodesic spheres 74
Second mean value operator 10
Sectional curvature of Damek — Ricci spaces 85 104—105
Sectional curvature of generalized Heisenberg groups 29
Self-dual Einstein space of dimension four 20
Semi-symmetric manifold 112
Shape operator of geodesic spheres 16 18
Solvable Lie group 80
Special curvature tensor 17
Spherical submanifold 87
Symmetric Damek-Ricci spaces 86 105 107 111 112 113
Symmetric-like Riemannian, manifolds 4
Transnormal function 110
Tubes 6 9
Two-step nilpotent Lie algebra 23
Two-step nilpotent Lie group 8 26
Volume density function 11
Volume-preserving geodesic, symmetry 13
Warped product 14
Weakly symmetric space 9 10 18 19 36 111
Weakly symmetric space of dimension four 9
Weakly symmetric space of dimension three 9
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