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Dudeney H.E. — Amusements in Mathematics |
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Journey, The Rook’s 96 224
Junior Clerks’ Puzzle, The 4 150
Juvenile Puzzle, A 68 197
Kangaroos, The Four 102 228
Kelvin, Lord 41
Kennel Puzzle, The 105 231
King and the Castles, The 56 189
King, The Forsaken 106 232
Kite-flying Puzzle, A 54 187
Knight-guards, The 95 222
Knights Tour, Magic 127 247
Knights, King Arthur’s 77 203
Knights, The Cubic 103 229
Knights, The Four 103 229
Labosne, A. 25 90 216
Labourer’s Puzzle, The 18 160
Ladies’ Diary 26
Lagrange, J.L. 9
Laisant, C.A. 76
Lamp-posts, Painting the 19 161
Le Plongeon, Dr. 29
leap year 155
Leap Year, Ladies, The 19 161
Legacy, A Puzzling 20 161
Legal Difficulty, A 23 163
Letter Block Puzzle, The 60 194
Letter Blocks, The Thirty-six 91 216
Letter Puzzle, The Fifteen 79 205
Level Puzzle, The 74 202
Linoleum Cutting 48 181
Linoleum Puzzle, Another 49 181
Lion and the Man, The 97 224
Lion Hunting 94 222
Lions and Crowns 85 212
Lions, The Four 88 214
Lockers Puzzle, The 14 156
Locomotion and Speed Puzzles 11
Lodging-house Difficulty, A 61 194
London and Wise 131
Loyd, Sam 8 43 44 98 144 232 235
Lucas, Edouard 16 76 112 121
Luncheons, The City 77 203
MacMahon, Major 109
Magic Knight’s Tour 127 247
Magic Square Card 123 244
Magic Square of Composites 127 246
Magic Square of Primes 125
Magic Square of Two Degrees 125 245
Magic Square Problems 119
Magic Square Strips 121 243
Magic Square, Two New 125 245
Magics, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing 124
Maiden, The Languishing 97 224
Mandarin’s Puzzle, The 103 230
Mandarin’s “T” Puzzle, The 126 246
Market Women, The 3 149
Marketing, Saturday 27 168
Mary and Marmaduke 7 152
Mary, How Old was 8 153
Massacre of Innocents 139
Match Mystery, A 118 241
Match Puzzle, A New 55 188
Mates, Thirty-six 106 233
Mazes and how to thread Them 127
Measuring, Puzzle, New 110 235
Measuring, Weighing and Packing Puzzles 109
Meeting, The Suffragists’ 19 161
Mellor, W.M.F. 242
Menages, Probleme de 76
Mersenne, M. 168
Mice, Catching the 65 196
Milkmaid Puzzle, The 50 183
Millionaire’s Perplexity, The 3 149
Mince Pies, The Twelve 57 191
Mine, Inspecting a 71 199
Miners’ Holiday, The 23 163
Miser, The Converted 21 162
Mitre, Dissecting a 35 170
Monad, The Great 39 174
Money Boxes, The Puzzling 3 149
Money Puzzle, A New 2 148
Money Puzzles 1
Money, A Queer Thing in 2 148
Money, Pocket 3 149
Money, Square 3 149
Monist, The 125
Monk and the Bridges, The 75 202
Monstrosity, The 108 234
Montenegrin Dice Game, The 119 242
Moreau 76
Morris, Nine Men’s 58
Mosaics, A Problem in 90 215
Mother and Daughter 7 152
Motor-car Garage Puzzle, The 62 195
Motor-car Race, The 117 240
Motor-car Tour, The 74 201
Motorists, A Puzzle for 73 201
Mouse-trap Puzzle, The 80 206
Moving Counter Problems 58
Multiplication, Digital 15 156
Multiplication, Queer 15 157
Multiplication, Simple 23 163
Multiplying Magic Squares 124
Muncey, J.N. 125
Murray, Sir James 44
Napoleon 43 44
Nasik Magic Squares 120
Neighbours, Next-Door 8 153
Newton, Sir Isaac 56
Nine Men’s Morris 58
Notation, Scales of 149
Noughts and Crosses 58 117
Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques 14
Number Checks Puzzle, The 16 158
Numbers, Curious 20 162
Nuts, The Bag of 8 153
Observation, Defective 4 150
Octahedron, The Fly on the 70 198
Oval, How to draw an 50 182
Ovid’s Game 58
Packing in Russia, Gold 111 236
Packing Puzzle, A, Hi 236
Packing Puzzles, Measuring, Weighing and 109
Pandiagonal Magic Squares 120
Papa’s Puzzle 53 187
Pappus 53
Paradox Party, The 137
Party, A Family 8 153
Patchwork Puzzle, Another 48 180
Patchwork Puzzles 46
Patchwork, The Silk 34 168
Patience, Strand 116 239
Pawns, A Puzzle with 94 222
Pawns, Immovable 106 233
Pawns, The Six 107 233
Pawns, The Two 105 231
Pearls, The Thirty-three 18 160
Pebble Game, The 117 240
Pedigree, A Mixed 8 153
Pellian equation 164 167
Pennies, The Five 143 248
Pennies, The Twelve 65 195
Pension, Drawing her 12 155
Pentagon and Square, The 37 172
Pentagon, Drawing a 37
Pfeffermann, M. 125
Pheasant-Shooting 146 251
Philadelphia Maze solved 137
Pierrot’s Puzzle, The 15 156
Pigs, The Seven 41 177
| Planck, C. 220 246
Plane Paradox 138
Plantation Puzzle, A 57 189
Plantation The Burmese 58 191
Plates and Coins 65 195
Plums, The Baskets of 126 245
Poe, E.A. 249
Points and Lines Problems 56
Post-Office Perplexity, A 1 148
Postage Stamps, The Four 84 210
Potato Puzzle, The 41 177
Potatoes, The Basket of 13 155
Precocious Baby, The 139
Presents, Buying 2 148
Prime Magic Squares 125
Printer’s Error, A 20 162
Prisoners, Exercise for 104 230
Prisoners, The Ten 62 195
Probabilities, Two Questions in 5 150
Problems concerning Games 114
Puss in the Corner 118 240
Puzzle Games 117
Pyramid, Painting a 83 208
Pyramids, Square and Triangular 167
Pythagoras 31
Queens and Bishop Puzzle 93 219
Queens, The Eight 89 215
Queen’s Journey, The 100 227
Queen’s Tour, The 98 225
Quilt, Mrs. Perkins’s 47 180
Race Puzzle, The Horse- 117 240
Race, The Motor-car 117 240
Rackbrane’s Little Loss 21 163
Railway Muddle, A 62 194
Railway Puzzle, A 61 194
Railway Stations, The Three 49 182
Rational Amusement for Winter Evenings 56
Rectangles, Counting the 105 232
Reiss, M. 58
Relationships, Queer 8 153
Reversals, A Puzzle in 5 151
River Axe, Crossing the 112 236
River Problems, Crossing 112
Rookery, The 105 232
Rooks, The Eight 88 214
Rooks, The Two 117 240
Rook’s Journey, The 96 224
Rook’s Tour, The 96 223
Round Table, The 80 205
Route Problems, Unicursal and 68
Ruby Brooch, The 144 249
Sabbath Puzzle, The 144 249
Sailor’s Puzzle, The 71 199
Sayles, H.A. 125
Schoolboys, The Nine 80 205
Schoolgirls, The Fifteen 80 204
Scramble, The Great 19 161
Sculptor’s Problem, The 23 164
Second Day of Week 139
See-Saw Puzzle, The 22 163
Semi-Nasik Magic Squares 120
Senior and Junior 140
Sevens, The Four 17 160
Sharp’s Puzzle 230
Sheep Pens, The Six 55 189
Sheep, The Sixteen 80 206
Sheep, The Three 92 217
Sheep, Those Fifteen 77 203
Sheepfold, The 52 184
Shopping Perplexity, A 4 150
Shuldham, C.D. 125 126
Siberian Dungeons, The 123 244
Simpleton, The Village 11 155
Skater, The Scientific 100 226
Skeat, Professor 127
Solitaire, Central 63 195
Solitaire, Chessboard 108 234
Solitaire, Counter 107 234
Sons, The Four 49 181
Spanish Dungeons, The 122 244
Spanish Miser, The 24
Speed and Locomotion Puzzles 11
Speed, average 11 155
Spiral, Drawing a 50 182
Spot on the Table, The 17 160
Square Numbers, Check for 13
Square Numbers, Digital 16 159
Square of Veneer, The 39 175
Square Puzzle, An Easy 35 170
Squares, A Problem in 23 163
Squares, Circling the 21 162
Squares, Difference of Two 167
Squares, magic 119
Squares, Sum of Two 165 175
Squares, The Chocolate 35 170
Stalemate 106 232
Stamp-licking, The Gentle Art of 91 217
Star Puzzle, The 99 226
Stars, The Eight 89 215
Stars, The Forty-nine 100 226
Statical Chess Puzzles 88
Sticks, The Eight 53 186
Stonemason’s Problem, The 25 165
Stop-watch, The 11 154
Strand Magazine, The 44 116 220
Strand Patience 116 239
Stream, Crossing the 112 236
Strutt, Joseph 59
Subtracting Magic Squares 124
Sultan’s Army, The 25 165
Suppers, The New Year’s Eve 3 149
Surname, Find Ada’s 27 168
Swastika, The 29 31 169
Table, The Round 80 205
Table-top and Stools, The 38 173
Tangram Paradox, A 43 178
Target, The Cross 84 210
Tarry 112
Tartaglia 25 109 112
Tea, Mixing the, in 235
Telegraph Posts, The 139
Tennis Tournament, A 78 203
Tetrahedron, Building the 82 208
Thief, Catching the 19 161
Thompson, W.H. 232
Thrift, A Study in 25 166
Ticket Puzzle, The Excursion 5 151
Time Puzzle, A 10 153
Time What was the 10 153
Tiring Irons, The 142 247
Tit-Bits 58 79 124 251
Torn Number, The 20 162
Torpedo Practice 67 196
Tour, The Cyclists’ 71 199
Tour, The Grand 72 200
Tour, The Queen’s 98 225
Tour, The Rook’s 96 223
Towns, Visiting the 70 198
Trains, The Two 11 155
Treasure Boxes, The Nine 24 164
Trees, The Twenty-one 57 190
Tremaux, M. 133 135
Triangle, The Dissected 38 173
Triangular numbers 13 25 166
Triangular Numbers, Check for 13
Troublesome Eight, The 121 242
Tube Inspector’s Puzzle, The 69 198
Tube Railway, Heard on the 8 153
Turks and Russians 58 191
Turnings, The Fifteen 70 198
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