Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Chagrov A., Zakharyaschev M. — Modal logic |
Предметный указатель |
Polynomial equivalence 548
Polynomial reducibility 547
Positive occurrence 104
Possibility operator 62
Possible world 63
Possible world semantics 63
Post completeness 16 436
Post completeness, general 436
Post completeness, immediate 29 64
Post completeness, predecessor 29 64
Premise 4
Pretabular logic 421
Prime element 210
Primitive symbols 3
Principle of duality 20 103
Proof interpretation 23
Proper 29 64
Proposition 1
Proposition, atomic 1
Proposition, compound 1
Propositional, connective 3
Propositional, constant 1 3
Propositional, language 3
Propositional, logic 1
propositional, modal language 61
Propositional, variable 1 3
PSPACE-completeness 559
PSPACE-hardness 560
Quantified boolean formula 560
Quasi-identity 194
Quasi-identity, true in an algebra 194
Quasi-order 68
Quasi-tree 71
Re 78
Realizability logic 53
Recursive function 492
Recursive function, partial 492
Recursive function, total 492
Recursive set 492
Recursively enumerable class of algebras 498
Recursively enumerable set 492
Reducibility 432
Reducibility, 0- 16
Reducibility, m- 432
Reduct 30
Reduction 30 31 261 262 265
refinement 254
Reflexive and transitive closure 71
Reflexive closure 98
Reflexivity 25
Reflexivization 98
Refutability criterion 311
Refutation 5 26
Regularity rule 89
Relativization 329
RN 84
Root 28 70
Rule of necessitation 84
S4 92
s5 93
Sa 40
Sahlqvist formula 353
Satisfiability problem 558
Saturation rule 9 39 77
sc 73
Scott formula 40
Scott rule 50
Second configuration problem 493
Second greatest element 230
Semantic tableau method 6
Separability 58
Separable 464
ser 79
Seriality 79
Set of formulas, complete 118
Set of formulas, independent 118
Set of possible values 235 236
si-logic 109
si-logic, finitely axiomatizable 110
si-logic, inconsistent 109
Similar algebras 193
Simple substitution property 411
Skeleton 68 246
Skeleton of a model 96 246
Skvortsov formula 56
SL 112
SM 55
SmL 112
Soundness 14 45 91
Span, d- 269
Splitting 360
Splitting formula 332
Splitting pair 360
Splitting, union- 360
Stone, isomorphism 242
Stone, lattice 242
Stone, space 242
Strict implication 105
Structural completeness 17
Subalgebra 219
Subalgebra, -generated 219
Subalgebra, generated 219
Subalgebra, O- 291
Subformula 4
Subframe 28 65 287 289
Subframe formula 313
Subframe logic 380
Subframe logic, quasi-normal 391
Subframe, cofinal 295 395
Subframe, generated 28 259 261
Subframe, induced 287
Subframe, induced by a set 66
Sublogic 15 112
SubMatrix 220
Submodel 29 65
Submodel, generated 29 259
Submodel, induced 306
Submodel, induced by a set 66
Submodel, Kripke, induced 306
Subreduct 287.
Subreduct, cofinal 295
Subreduction 287 289
Subreduction, 305
Subreduction, cofinal 295
Subreduction, dense 293
Subreduction, injective 500
| Subreduction, quasi- 319
subst 11
Substitution 11
Subtableau 8
Successor 29 64
Successor, immediate 29 64
Successor, proper 29 64
Sum of logics 110
Superamalgamability 454
Superintuitionistic fragment 322
Supremum 202
Surjection 194
SYM 78
Symmetry 78
t 91
t-extension 501
Tableau 8 37 75
Tableau, complete 18 446
Tableau, consistent 14 46 86
Tableau, disjoint 8 37 75
Tableau, extension of 8
Tableau, inseparable 446
Tableau, L-consistent 131
Tableau, maximal 86 131
Tableau, p-prime 146
Tableau, realizable 8 37 76
Tableau, saturated 8 37 75
Tableau, separable 18
Tabularity 49 119 417
Tabularity, local 19 426
Tabularity, pre-local 427
Tense logic 100
Tense necessity 62
Term 194
Term, R- 348
Theorem, Birkhoff's 227
Theorem, Blok — Esakia 325
Theorem, Blok's 366
Theorem, bulldozer 72
Theorem, canonical model 133
Theorem, compactness 15 46 86
Theorem, completeness for ExtInt 313
Theorem, completeness for NExtK4 313
Theorem, Craig interpolation 18
Theorem, Craig's 496
Theorem, deduction 13 45 85
Theorem, Diego's 146
Theorem, disjoint union 34
Theorem, equivalent replacement 17 89
Theorem, filtration 141
Theorem, Fine's 358
Theorem, Fine-van Benthem 344
Theorem, generation 29 70
Theorem, Glivenko's 47
Theorem, Harrop's 497
Theorem, Jonsson — Tarski representation 245
Theorem, Kuznetsov's 535
Theorem, Los' 231 232
Theorem, Makinson's 262
Theorem, McKay's 202
Theorem, modal companion 323
Theorem, preservation 328
Theorem, reduction 31 71
Theorem, Rice — Uspensky 494
Theorem, Sahlqvist's 352
Theorem, Scroggs' 155
Theorem, Segerberg's 272
Theorem, soundness and completeness of Cl 14
Theorem, soundness and completeness of Int 45
Theorem, soundness and completeness of K 86
Theorem, Stone's representation 242 243
Theorem, strong completeness of Cl 15
Theorem, strong completeness of Int 46
Theorem, strong completeness of K 86
Theorem, Tarski's 227
Theorem, Tarski's criterion 116
Theory 118
Topological space 247
Transitivity 25
Transitivity, n- 79
Translation 46
Translation, standard 122
TREE 32 71
Tree of clusters 71
Tree, n-ary 33
Tree, n-ary, full 33
Triv 116
Truth 4
Truth problem for QBF 560
Truth-relation 26 64
Truth-table 4 5
TYPE 501
Ultrafilter 211
Ultrafilter extension 341
Ultraproduct 231 232
Uniform formula 374
Uniform formula, of degree n 374
Uniform logic 375
Union-splitting 360
Unit element 208
Universal frame 237
Universal frame with distinguished points 240
Universal relation 63 93
Universe 193
Unravelling 72
Upper bound 50
UpW 25
Upward closed set 25
Upward closure 28
Validity in a frame 26
Validity, classical 5
Valuation 20 25 64 194 236
Valuation, standard 196
Value of a formula 194
Variety of algebras 216
Variety of modal matrices 218
Variety, characteristic 217
Variety, generated 218
Verum 116
Weak Kreisel — Putnam formula 297
wern 42
width 43
wkp 297
World 64
Z 103
Zero element 209
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