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Arnold D.M. — Finite Rank Torsion Free Abelian Groups and Rings |
Предметный указатель |
Algebra, discriminant ( ) 10.6
Algebra, norm ( ) 10.4
Algebra, reduced trace ( ) 10.6
Algebra, totally definite quaternion 8.15
Algebra, trace ( ) 10.4
Cancellation 8.7
Cancellation, self 8.13
Category, additive 7.1
Category, idempotents split 7.2
Category, Krull — Schmidt 7.10
Category, module ( ) 13.2
Classes of groups, pseudo-rigid 6.1
Classes of groups, semi-rigid 6.1
Classes of groups, torsion free 4.2
Corner’s theorem 2.11
Direct sum, categorical 7.1
Direct sum, equivalent decompositions 2.11
Direct sum, injections 7.1
Direct sum, projections 7.2
Exchange property, finite 8.16
Exchange property, n 8.16
Field of definition 14.4
Field, quadratic number 3.3
Field, splitting 10.6
Functor, hom ( ) 5.1
Functor, tensor ( ) 5.1
Genus, class 12.2
Genus, summand 12.2
Grothendieck group, Jordan — Holder ( ) 13.1
Grothendieck group, Krull — Schmidt ( ) 13.9
Group, A-projective (P(A), ) 5.1
Group, almost completely decomposable 2.1
Group, completely decomposable 2.1
Group, cyclic p ( ) 1.3
Group, divisible 0.4
Group, faithful 5.6
Group, homogeneous 1.1
Group, homogeneous separable 5.8
Group, irreducible 15.1
Group, locally A-free 5.8
Group, locally E(A)-free 5.9
Group, p-irreducible 15.3
Group, p-local 2.12
Group, p-reduced 7.8
Group, p-simple 15.3
Group, purely indecomposable 2.9
Group, Q-simple 15.1
Group, quotient divisible 1.14
Group, R(A)-locally free 1.12
Group, R- 4.4
Group, reduced 0.4
Group, strongly homogeneous 15.7
Group, strongly indecomposable 2.2 7.6
Height sequence ( ) 1.1
Ideal, class group (I(S)) 13.7
Ideal, invertible 11.4
Ideal, nilpotent 9.1
| Ideal, prime 11.1
Indecomposable 7.2
Jordan — Zassenhaus theorem 11.8
Lattice 12.1
Localization, group ( ) 1.16
Localization, integers ( ) 0.4
Localization, ring ( ) 10.10
Module, inverse 11.1
Module, R-generator 11.2
Nakayama’s Lemma 9.12
Near isomorphism 7.12 12.5
Near isomorphism, characterization 13.6
Near summand 12.5
Order of module ( , ) 11.1
Order, maximal S- 10.2
Order, S- 10.1
p-height ( ) 1.1
p-rank 0.3
Polynomial, characteristic 10.3
Polynomial, minimum 10.3
Projective dimension 11.4
Pure subgroup ( ) 0.2
Quasi-equal 7.18 9.8
Quasi-isomorphism 1.7 6.1 7.7
Quasi-projection 2.1 7.6
Quasi-summand 7.6
Radical, jacobson (J(R)) 3.3 9.1
Radical, nil (N(R)) 9.1
Rank 0.1
Ring, algebraic integers 10.8
Ring, center (C(R)) 9.6
Ring, Dedekind domain 11.4
Ring, E- 14.6
Ring, endomorphism (E(A)) 2.3
Ring, hereditary 5.6
Ring, integral closure 10.2
Ring, integral element 10.1
Ring, local 7.3
Ring, matrix ( ) 9.2
Ring, principal 5.5
Ring, quasi-endomorphism (QE(A)) 3.1
Ring, semi-local 7.14 9.2
Ring, semi-simple 8.3
Socle, - ( ) 3.1 4.4
Socle, A- ( ) 5.4
Socle, p- (T[p]) 0.3
Stable range, 1 in 8.1
Stable range, 2 in 8.10
Substitution property 8.1
Substitution property, one - 8.1
Substitution property, two - 8.10
TYPE 1.1
Type, inner (IT(A)) 1.6
Type, non-nil 1.4
Type, operations 1.2
Type, outer (OT(A)) 1.7
Type, Richman (RT(A)) 1.8
Wedderburn principal theorem 14.1
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