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Wang Z.X., Guo D.R., Xia X.J. — Special Functions |
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Addition formula 362 395 573
Addition formula, 290
Addition formula, E(u) 557
Addition formula, Z(u) 569
Adjoint 79
Adjoint, equation 79
Adjoint, operator 79
Airy integral (function) 436
Appell function 208
Appell's hypergeometric functions of two variables 192
Approximate solutions 640
Associate Legendre, equation 71 89 211
Associate Legendre, functions 211 233
Associate Legendre, functions, first kind 441
Associate Legendre, functions, first kind, order fi and degree v 248
Associate Legendre, functions, first kind, order m and degree I 234
Associate Legendre, general 247
Associate Legendre, general second kind 442
Associate Legendre, general second kind, order and degree 251
Associate Legendre, general second kind, order m and degree l 234
Asymptotic expansion, Bessel functions for large and 384
Asymptotic expansion, fundamental properties 31
Asymptotic expansion, general 29
Asymptotic expansion, general, Modified Bessel function of the second kind 380
B(Beta)-function 103
Barnes integral representation 304
Barnes integral representation, double 208
Barnes, contour 156
Barnes, lemma 163
Bateman expansion formula 440
Bernoulli numbers 2
Bernoulli polynomials 1
Bernoulli polynomials, Fourier expansions 42
Bernoulli polynomials, integral representation 41
Bernoulli polynomials, multiplication formula 41
Bernoulli polynomials, order n and degree 42
Bessel, equation 67 89 345
Bessel, equation, order half an odd integer 346
Bessel, equation, with imaginary argument 374
Bessel, functions 345
Bessel, functions, first kind of order 348
Bessel, functions, integral order 359
Bessel, functions, second kind 365 366
Bessel, functions, third kind 366
Bessel, functions, zero 420
Bessel, inequality 38
Bessel, representation 364
Bi-spherical coordinates 671
Bilinear concomitant 79
Binet, first formula 110
Binet, second formula 110 122
Cardan's formula 655
Cauchy formula 132
Characteristic exponents 615 648
Chebyshev function second kind 206
Chebyshev polynomial 173
Chebyshev polynomial, generating function 176
Chebyshev polynomial, second kind 206
Closure property 38
Complementary modulus 511
Complete elliptic integrals 511 535
Complete elliptic integrals, first kind 460
Complete elliptic integrals, second kind 552
Complete elliptic integrals, third kind 553
Completeness 239
Completeness relation 38
Components 659
Confluent hypergeometric, equation 297
Confluent hypergeometric, function (series) 297
Confluent hypergeometric, function (series), zeros 424
Conical, coordinates 662
Conical, functions 294
Converge in mean 38
Curvilinear coordinate system of a vector v 659
Cylinder function 368 398 401 422 428 431 432 438
Cylindrical coordinates 659
Darboux formula 8
Deficiency 490
Degree of the LamЈ function 594
Dini expansion 454
Dirichlet integral 106
Double rational transformation 491
Double-parameter eigenvalue problem 616
Doubly-periodic function 462
Duplication formula, for 483
Duplication formula, for 505
Duplication formula, for Jacobian elliptic function 539
Duplication formula, tor E(u),Z(u) 558
Eigenvalue 616
Ellipsoidal, coordinates 575 576 664
Ellipsoidal, harmonics 589
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, first species (first case of the second species) 590 606
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, four species 590
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, fourth species 591 606
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, second species 590
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, second species, second case 606
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, second species, third case 606
Ellipsoidal, harmonics, third species 590 606
Ellipsoidal, integral representation 604
Elliptic function 462
Elliptic function, general theory 462
Elliptic integral , first kind 460
Elliptic integral , general form 456
Elliptic integral , periods 461
Elliptic integral , periods, second kind 552 642
Elliptic integral , periods, third kind 553 572
Elliptical cylinder coordinates 660
Equation of Fuchsian type 64
Equation of Laplacian type 335 352
Error function erf x 333
Euler constant 12 98
Euler numbers 6
Euler polynomials 5
Euler product of the -function 123
Euler transform 85 92
Euler's infinite product expression of -function 97
Euler's integral, first kind 103
Euler's integral, second kind 93
Euler-Maclanrin formula 8
Exponential integral 334
Expressions for the complete elliptic integrals of the third kind 555
Finite representations of 226
Flotmet solution 614 638
Flotmet solution, characteristic exponents 635
Flotmet solution, Fourier expansion 618
Flotmet solution, half-period 615
Flotmet solution, whole-period 615
Fourier coefficients generalised 38
Frobenius method 61
Fundamental elliptic integrals 457 458
Fundamental elliptic integrals, three 545
Fundamental recurrence relations of the Bessel functions 350
Gamma function 93
Gegenbauer, addition formula 397
Gegenbauer, expansion 452
Gegenbauer, function 291
Gegenbauer, polynomial 274 398 401 427 432
Generating function, 290
Generating function, 323
Generating function, 359 360
Generating function, 328
Generating function, Bessel functions of order half an odd integer 431
Generating function, Legendre polynomials 216
Genus 490
Glaisher's symbols 532
Graf formula 396
Half-period solution 615 622 624 626
Hankel, functions first and second kind 369
Hankel, integral formula 402
Hardy formula 448
| Hermite, equation 76 325
Hermite, formula 120
Hermite, function 326
Hermite, polynomial 77 326
Hermite, polynomial, derivative expression 326
Heun equation 608
Hill equation 612
Hill equation, general 633
Hyper-elliptic integral 456
Hypergeometric equation 135
Hypergeometric function 137
Hypergeometric function, analytic continuation formulae 162
Hypergeometric function, Barnes' integral representation 156
Hypergeometric polynomial of degree n 169
Hypergeometric series 136
Hypergeometric series, generalised 189 411
Imaginary modulus transformation 544
Imaginary transformation 555 556 564
Imaginary transformation, Jacobi 562
Incomplete Gamma function 333
Indicial equation 58
Inequalities about 364
Infinite product 21
Infinite product, absolute convergence 23
Infinite product, uniform convergence 25
Inner product 36
Integral (entire) function 25
Integral (entire) function, prime factor of 25
Integral representation 226 369
Integral representation, 364
Integral representation, 351
Integrals containing Bessel functions 399 401
Inversion of an elliptic integral 462
Jacobi, imaginary transformation 516 542
Jacobi, polynomial 168 173 215
Jacobi, polynomial, asymptotic expression 206
Jacobi, polynomial, degree n 169
Jacobi, polynomial, degree n, generating function 171
Jacobi, transformation formula 426
Jacobian elliptic function 459 530
Jacobian elliptic function, periodicity 539
Jacobian elliptic function, seros and poles 540
Kapteyn, expansion 415 419
Kapteyn, expansion, 419
Kapteyn, expansion, 416
Kapteyn, expansion, general 453
Kapteyn, expansion, general analytic function 420
Kapteyn, polynomials 420
Kapteyn, series 416
Kepler equation 415
Kernel, Euler transform 80
Kernel, integral transform 79
Kernel, Laplace transform 80
Kernel, Mellin transform 80
Kummer, equation 297 347
Kummer, formula 130 184
Kummer, formula, first 298
Kummer, formula, second 299 335
Kummer, function 297
Kummer, transformation 298
Lagrange, expansion formula 15 388
Lagrange, formula 384
Laguerre polynomial 327
Laguerre polynomial, generalised 327
Lame, equation 67 88 580 581
Lame, equation, generalized 67 88
Lame, functions 575 581
Lame, functions, degree 595
Lame, functions, degree, first type (first kind) 584 597 603
Lame, functions, degree, four groups 589
Lame, functions, degree, four types 583
Lame, functions, degree, fourth group 604
Lame, functions, degree, fourth type 586 604
Lame, functions, generalized 599
Lame, functions, integral equations 602
Lame, functions, periodic 599
Lame, functions, periodic, second kind 597
Lame, functions, periodic, second type 585 603
Lame, functions, periodic, third type 585 603
Lame, functions, zeros 589
Lame, Jacobian form 582
Lame, polynomials zeros 595
Lame, Weierstrass' form 582
Laplace, first integral representation of 263
Laplace, integral 34
Laplace, integral, representation of first 217
Laplace, integral, representation of second 218
Laplace, second integral representation of 263
Laplace, series 246
Laplace, tranform 34 81
Laplace, tranform, convolution theorem 338
Laplacian operator in curvilinear coordinates 658
Legendre, elliptic integral, first kind 510 530
Legendre, elliptic integral, second kind 552
Legendre, elliptic integral, third kind 553
Legendre, equation 67. 210
Legendre, function 210
Legendre, function, first kind 434
Legendre, function, first kind, degree 250
Legendre, function, integral representation 226
Legendre, function, second kind 225 434
Legendre, polynomials 212 398 399 427
Legendre, relation 557 566
Legendre, series 222
Legendre, standard form 548
Lerch transformation formula 133
Logarithmic, derivation of -function 107
Logarithmic, integral 334
Magnus addition formula 339
Mathieu, equation 67 610
Mathieu, equation, periodic solution 624
Mathieu, functions 610
Mathieu, functions, expansion formulae 646
Mathieu, functions, Fourier coefficients 645
Mathieu, functions, integral equation 644
Mathieu, functions, modified 651
Mehler-Dirichlet integral representation of ${P}_{\nu}(cos\theta) 264
Meromorphic function 17
Method of steepest descent 381
Mittag-Leffler theorem 17
Modified (or Imaginary Argument) Bessel function 374
Modified (or Imaginary Argument) Bessel function, first kind 374
Modified (or Imaginary Argument) Bessel function, second kind 374
Modulus 511
Moebius function 134
Multiplied solution 53
Murphy's expression 214 215
Neumann, expansion 232 412 419
Neumann, expansion, analytic function 414
Neumann, expression for 227
Neumann, formula 401
Neumann, functions 366
Neumann, integral formula 432
Neumann, polynomial 413 451 455
Neumann, polynomial, second kind 451
Niven's, expression 605
Niven's, representation 591
Norm 39
Normal solutions 73
Normalization 624
Order, elliptic function 463
Order, of equation and of the solutions 345
Ordinary point 48
Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 577
Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, systems 658
Orthogonality, condition 577
Orthogonality, relations 627
Orthogonality, relations, Bessel functions 424
Orthonormal relations 424
Orthonormal system(set) 36
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