Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Streater R.F. (Ed) — Mathematics of Contemporary Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Absolutely continuous 32 39 41
Additivity 14
Adjoint 19
Agmon, S. 35 36 39 253
Aguilar, J. 35 184 253
Albeverio, S. 39 253
Amrein, W.O. 35 184 185 253
Analytic elements 164 178 180
Analytic vector 24 104 112
Annihilation operator 81 96 97 99 135 196 202 205 210 212
Araki, H. 13 129 145 186 210 212 219 239 253
Arima 223 253
Asymptotic tail 9 15
Atomic Hamiltonian 38
Automorphism 10 59 118 119 148 150 154 156 206
B*-algebra 2 51
Balslev, E. 38 39 184 253
Banach algebra 48
Banach division ring 50
Banach field 50
Bare particle 118
Baryon number 5 6
Berezin, F.A. 184 185 253 254
Bicharacter 70 73 76
Birman, M.S. 35 184 254
Blanchard, Ph. 185 254
Bogoliubov transformation 194 204 229
Bogoliubov, N.N. 185 254
Bohr, N. 10 254
Bongaarts, P.J.M. 185 208 254
Borchers, H.J. 12 13 254
Boson field 12 194 199 213
Bound states 35
Bounded 2 41
Braskamp, H.J. 184 265
Brenig, W. 183 254
Buslaev, V.S. 35 184 254
C*-algebra 2 7 8 10 13 51 56 57 64 66 146 147
C*-norm 2 7 8 51
Cannon, J.T. 123 185 227 229 232 254
Canonical Anticommutation Relations (CAR) 12 18 67 74 75 76 148 157 203 205
Canonical commutation relations (CCR) 4 6 18 67 68 74 81 82 157 193
CAP 57
Capri, A. 185 254
Carlemann, T. 30 254
Causality 11 147 149
Causality, Einstein 11 12
Causality, microscopic 11
Causality, primitive 13
Causality, relativistic 11
CCR, representations of 4 5 6 7 68 69 73 83 90 91 97 102 143 189 192 210 211 217 219 238 242 243
Chacon, R.V. 245 254
Chadam, J. 185 254
Charge 5
chemical potential 215
Chernoff, 254
Cistyakov, A.L. 185 254
Clifford algebra 203 204 205
Closable form 41 42 43 45 212 213 219
Closable operator 18 19 96
Closed form 41 42 43 44
Closed operator 18 19
Closure 18
Coddington, E. 19 254
Coester, F. 185 254
Coherent 4
Coherent state 214
Combes, J.M. 35 38 184 253 254
Commutant theorem 177 178
Commutative Banach algebra 48
Compact operator 33 34
Configuration space 79 87 97
Conjugation 23 24
Continuous singular space 32 35 38
Cook, J.M. 184 213 214 255
Corbett, J.V. 184 255
Core 21 26 28 29 124 131
Coulomb potential 28 34 35 38
Countably additive 88 89 143
Counter term 140 142
Courant, R. 34 35 255
Covariance 59 118
Creation operator 81 97 99 196 202 205 210 212
Critical density 209 210 213 224
Current group 237 238 248
Cut-off 101 102 139
Cyclic 53 54 131 172 174 212
Cylinder set 89 93 105
de Alfaro, V. 183 253
Degrees of freedom 5 8 79 82 145
Dell’Antonio, G.F. 157 255
Density matrix 3 65 66 128 146 171 4 157 192 215
Dimock, J. 255
Discrete spectrum 33
Dixmier, J. 56 61 63 132 175 177 178 255
Dollard, J.D. 35 183 184 255
Domain 18
Doplicher, S. 15 157 255
Duhamel formula 115
Dunford, N. 183 184 255
Dyson, F.J. 185 255
Eckmann, J.P. 138 143 185 255
Effimov, V. 37 255
Eigenvalue 32
Einstein, A. 209 255
Ekstein, H. 184 255
Energy spectrum 2 14 134
entropy 215
Epstein, H. 185 255
Equilibrium state 147 163 182 215
Ergodic 60 169
Essential spectrum 33 34 39 41
Essentially self-adjoint 19 20 23 24 28 29 30
expectation value 3 146 212
Extension 18
Extremal 2 14 58 146 169 170
Fabrey, J. 138 256
Factor 129 130 132 169
Factorizable 239 245 247 248
Faddeev, L.D. 35 38 184 185 186 253 256 259
Faithful 4 74 132 146 156 166 167 168 170 171 172 174 180
Federbush, P.G. 184 185 256
Fell, J.M.E. 5 69 256
Fermi fields 12 203
Field 10 25 90 192
Fierz, H. 185 256
Finkelberg, V.M. 185 254
Fock representation 83 91 97 109 148 150 213 214 217
Fock space 80 95 96 118 207
Fock vacuum 83 96 148
Form sum 44 45
Freudenthal, H. 256
Friedman, N. 245 254
Friedrichs graphs 138 139
Friedrichs, K. 46 143 183 185 256
Froehlich, J. 185 256
Fugacity 215
Garding, L. 10 256
Gauge transformations 148 150 152
Gaussian measure 79 86 87 88 90 100 143 212 243
Gel'fand transform 51
Gel’fand, I. 48 69 143 256
Generalized free field 13
Generating functional 197 212 213 219 220
Georey 223 256
Georgescu, V. 185 253
Gibbs state 162 163 172
Gibson, A.G. 184 258
Glaser, V. 185 186 255 256
Glimm, J. 30 39 60 66 133 134 135 137 138 256 257
| GNS construction 14 18 54 55 57 58 59 146 168 172 192 193 194
Goldberger, M.L. 183 257
grand canonical ensemble 215 216
Graph 18
Grawert, G. 184 257
Green, H.S. 12 257
Green, T.A. 184 257
Ground condition 160 159 161
Ground state 156 158 160 14 209
Haag, R. 3 11 13 15 16 129 147 175 183 186 246 253 254 255 257
Hack, M.N. 35 38 184 257
Hamilton's equations 22 87
Hamiltonian 30 34 47 79 80 102 108 134 150 152 160 161 188 198
harmonic oscillator 80 84 198
Heisenberg, W. 143 257
Heitler, W. 1 257
Helium 39 40
Hepp, K. 38 138 183 185 186 256 257 258
Herman, R.H. 182 258
hermite 80 81 82 84 85 93 95
Hilbert, D. 34 35 255
Hilbert—Schmidt 27 34 45 94 230 231 232 174
Hille, E. 164 258
Hoegh-Krohn, R. 30 39 185 227 258
Hugenholtz, N.M. 175 257
Hunziker, W. 22 37 38 40 183 184 185 253 258
Hypercontractive semigroup 30 227
Ikebe, T. 30 35 185 258
Implements 10 174
Impure states 3 4
Infinitesimal generator 20 21 134
Infinitesimal symplectic 230 231
Inner automorphisms 10 152 172
Interaction 101 102
Involution 171
Irreducible 4 10 57 59
Ising model 153
Isotony 118 147 151
Jaffe, A.M. 30 39 60 66 123 133 134 135 137 138 227 229 232 254 256 257 258
Jauch, J.M. 184 185 253 258
Jordan, P. 12 258
Jordan—Wigner theorem 76
Jost, R. 183 186 259
Kac, M. 210 220 222 223 259
Kadison, R. 61 129 257 259
Kastler, D. 3 13 129 147 246 257
Kato class 28 45
Kato, T. 26 28 30 34 35 36 37 41 46 113 124 183 184 185 235 236 258 259
Kato, Y. 39 185 259
Klein, A. 123 259
Klein—Gordon equation 87 110 111 199
KMS condition 147 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 177 178 179
Knight, J.M. 15 259
Konrady, J. 259
Krein, M. 26 259
Kubo, R. 147 259
Kulish, P.P. 186 259
Kupsch, J. 184 259
Kuroda, S.T. 35 183 184 185 259 260
Lanford III, O.E. 61 184 185 257 260
Lavine, J.R. 35 38 184 260
Lax, P. 46 183 260
Lebowitz, J. 46 260
Lehmann, H. 186 256 260
Levinson, N. 19 245
Levy-Leblond, J.M. 185 260
Lewis, J.T. 210 225 260
Licht, A.L. 15 260
Lieb, E. 46 260
Lions, J. 46 260
Liouville operator 22 30 40 41
Local algebras 118 120 124 127 151
Local state 14 15 66
Locality 2 10 13 118
Locally normal 127 129 132 133 157
London, F. 209 210 260
Lorentz 11 118 120 121 123 124 132 133 202 227 234
Lovelace, C. 185 260
Mackey, G.W. 72 260
Manoukian, E.B. 184 260
Martin, P.C, 147, 260
Martin, Ph. 35 184 253
Mass spectrum 134
Masson, D. 25 260
Matveev, V.B. 35 184 254
McClary, W. 25 260
Milgram, A. 46 260
Min max principle 47
Minlos, R.A. 143 184 253 260
Misra, B. 35 184 253 258 260
Modular automorphism 179 180 182
Moment problem 25
Momentum 2 6 14 134
Morawetz, C. 185 260
Mugibayashi, N. 39 185 259
Muhlerin, D. 184 260
Multiplicative linear functional 50
Multiplicity 40 47
Multiplier 68 69 71 72 73 238 239 241
n-body Hamiltonian 36
Naimark, M.A. 161 260
Nearest neighbour 153
Nelson, E. 21 24 28 30 46 184 185 260 261
Newton, R. 183 185 261
Newton—Wigner localization 136 137
Non-separable 7 8 18
Norm compact 134 137
normal 4 65 128 129 134 146 147 174 180 182
Number operator 96 213 216
Nussbaum 24 25 26 261
Observable 2 3 10 11 12 13 118 145 146 147 149 152 191
Off-diagonal 210 220
Onsager 210 220 261
Operator 18
Operator-valued distribution 10 11
Osterwalder, K. 138 255
Parthasarathy, K.R. 240 241 244 245 247 250 251 261
Partition function 216
Pauli, W. 143 257
Penrose, O. 210 220 261
Permanence of spectrum 53
Perturbation theorem 26 29
Perturbation theory 137
Petzold, J. 184 257
Phase space 189
Phillips, R.S. 164 183 258 260
Physical vacuum 133 134 193
Pohil, G.P. 185 254
Poincare 2 9 10 14 16 18
Polar decomposition 181
Positive form 3 41 42 45 55 57 54 146
Positive operator 46
Povzner, A.Ya. 185 261
Preclosed 181
Primary 168 169 170 174
primitive 118
Primitive, causality 13
Projective representation 69 75
Propagation speed 108 119 120
Prosser, R. 40 184 185 261
Prugovecki, E. 184 185 260 261
Pule, J.V. 210 225 260
Pure point 32
Pure state 2 4 14 57 58 59 146 193
Quadratic form 17 41 87 212 219 96 99 100 212
Quantum lattice 151
Quasi-analytic 25
Quasi-equivalent 68 70 147 72 157
Quasi-free 198 204 205
Quasi-local 147 151 237 245 148
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