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Ionin Y.J., Shrikhande M.S. — Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs
Ionin Y.J., Shrikhande M.S. — Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs

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Название: Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs

Авторы: Ionin Y.J., Shrikhande M.S.


A unified and comprehensive exposition of the theory of symmetric designs with emphasis on recent developments.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 520

Добавлена в каталог: 02.07.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Menon design      127
Menon difference set      321
Minimum distance      98
MOLS      64
Monomially equivalent BGW-matrices      326
Moore graphs      220
Multilinear polynomial      3
Mutually orthogonal Latin squares      64
Natural series      81 488
Nearfield, right nearfield      327
Nearly affine decomposition      276
Negacyclic matrix      366
Negative Latin square graph      215
Net      62
Net graph      214
Nondesarguesian plane      85
Nonedge      19
Nonembeddable quasi-derived design      443
Nonembeddable quasi-residual design      33
Nonprincipal character      297
Nonuniform Fisher's Inequality      2
Normal digraph      240
Normal matrix      240
Normal series      422
Normal subdesign      173 421
Normalized BGW-matrix      326
Normalized conference matrix      119
Normalized Hadamard matrix      114
Normally regular graph      240
Null graph      19
o      16
Orbit theorem      41
Orbit-stabilizer theorem      39
Order of design      25
Order of graph      19
Order of net      63
Order of projective plane      73
Orthogonal codewords      100
Orthogonal configuration over group      366
Orthogonal Latin squares      64
p-order function      467
p-rank      33
Pairwise balanced design      154
Paley graph      217
Paley matrix      118
Paley-Hadamard difference set      299
Parallel class      62 155
Parallel flats      78
Parallel lines      61 62
Parallelism      61 155
Parameters of association scheme      248
Parity check matrix      101
Partial geometry      244
PBD      154
Pencil      5
Perfect code      98
Permutation matrix      18
Petersen graph      213
PG(n,q)      80
Plane      78 87
Plotkin bound      185
Point      14 72
Point class      104
Point set      14
Point-derived substructure      16
Point-residual substructure      16
Polarity      233
Prime power conjecture      363
Primitive element      60
Principal character      297
Productive Hadamard matrix      377
Projective geometry      80
Projective graph      215
Projective hyperplane      80
Projective line      80
Projective plane      72 80
Projective space      80
Proper symmetric subdesign      369
Pseudo-Latin square graph      215
q-analogue of Johnson scheme      248
q-ary code      98
q-ary [n, k]-code      99
QR(q)      217
Quadrangle      72
Quadrangle criterion      105
Quadratic character      60
Quadratic reciprocity law      34
Quasi-3 for blocks      263
Quasi-3 for points      263
Quasi-3 symmetric design      263
Quasi-derived design      443
Quasi-regular collineation group      367
Quasi-residual design      33
Quasi-symmetric design      250
RDS with classical parameters      316
Regular automorphism group      40
Regular decomposition      369
Regular digraph      240
Regular graph      19
Regular Hadamard matrix      126
Regular M-partition      273
Regular n-simplex      12
Regular s-set of matrices      141
Relative difference set      314
Repetition code      99
Replication number      6 14
Residual design      32
Residual substructure      16
Resolution      155
Resolution class      154
Resolvable 2-design      163
Resolvable PBD      155
RG      292
Round robin tournament      164
Ryser design      8 447
Ryser — Woodall conjecture      456
Ryser — Woodall Theorem      6 447
s-class association scheme      248
s-fold incidence structure      17
S-matrix      216
SBIBD      57
Schlafli graph      231
SDP-design      263
Second Ray — Chaudhuri — Wilson Inequality      191
Seidel matrix      216
Self-dual code      100
Self-dual incidence structure      18
Self-orthogonal code      100
Self-orthogonal Latin square      105
Semilinear mapping      84
Sharply transitive action      39
Shrikhande graph      227
Siamese twin designs      151
Signed group      345
Simplex code      101
Singer difference set      299
Singer group      295
Skew-symmetric BGW matrix      345
Small Witt design      208
Smooth design      88
span      81
Spectrum of graph      21
Spence difference set      312
Splitting relative difference set      314
Spread of subgroups      107
Spread of subspaces      82
Square design      57
Square lattice graph      214
SRG$(v, k, \lambda, \mu)$      212
Stabilizer      39
Stanton — Sprott difference set      300
Steiner system      165
Strong graph      245
Strong subdesign      428
Strongly regular graph      212
Subdesign      443
Subgraph      19
Subplane      408
Subspace of projective space      80
Substructure      16
Support      292
Switching      223
Symmetric $(v, k, \lambda)$-design      28
Symmetric design      8
Symmetric difference property      263
Symmetric order      95
Symmetric subdesign      369 407
Symmetrical BIBD      57
Symmetry of order s      303
Symmetry of set of Hadamard matrices      377
T(n)      214
t-$(v, k, \lambda)$ design      186
Teirlinck's Theorem      191
Thirty-six officers problem      66
Tight partition      412
Tight subdesign      408
Tits Inequality      208
Tournament      243
Translation      107
Translation plane      107
Transversal      105
Transversal design      104
triangle      61 87
Triangular graph      214
Triple intersection number      263
Trivial design      25
Trivial t-design      186
Twin designs      151
Two-graph      224
Type-1 Ryser design      456
Uniform decomposition      369
Uniform subset      302
Unital      165
V(n,q)      76
Valency      19
Variance counting      26
Variety      57
Veblen — Young Axioms      111
Veblen — Young Theorem      86
Vertex      19 239
Walk      20
Weighing matrix      366
Weight of codeword      99
Word      97
Youden square      106
1 2
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