Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hunt B. — Geometry of Some Special Arithmetic Quotients |
Предметный указатель |
Picard group 77 243
Picard modular varieties 43—46
Picard modular varieties, groups 43 280
Picard modular varieties, modular subvarieties 46 52
Picard modular varieties, moduli interpretation 43
Picard number 47
polar 292 306
Polar -line 173 176
Polar hexagons 113
Polar variety 193 195 196 284 286
Polarization 15
Polarization (form) 283
Principal congruence subgroup 37 44
Principal equation 135
Problem of the 156
Problem of the Z 150
Projectively dual rings 61
Quartic surfaces 310—319
Quartic surfaces, desmic 171 179 219 311
Quartic surfaces, Heisenberg-invariant 101
Quartic surfaces, symmetroid 183 191 192 315
Quartic surfaces, Weddle 188 191 193 196 217 315 319
Quaternion algebra 259 260
Quaternion algebra, canonical involution 260
Quaternion algebra, totally definite 16 260
Quaternion algebra, totally indefinite 16 260
Quintangent planes 242
Quintic surface 20-nodal 242
Quintic threefold 247
Quintic threefold, nodal 242
Radical 133
Reflection group, projective 68
Reflections 289
Regular 24-cell 68
Relative proportionality 200
Relative proportionality factors 201
Resolvents 133 134
Resolvents, Galois 134 143
Riemann form 17
Riemann form, integrality of 18
Riemann Relations 87
Root forms 225
Root lattice 47
Root systems, restricted 273
Roots, simple 225
Segre plane 92 98 102 104 130
Segrecubic 74—75 105 162 163 192 195 197 236 246 302 319
Segrecubic , Hessian variety 94
Segrecubic , Jacobian ideal 78
Segrecubic , moduli interpretation 83
| Segrecubic , uniformization 78
Self-Steinerian 186 190
Semistable points 105
Shimura curve 35
Shimura varieties 28
Siegel modular varieties 37—43
Siegel modular varieties, groups 37 280
Siegel modular varieties, modular subvarieties 38—39 52
Siegel modular varieties, moduli interpetation 37
Siegel modular varieties, threefold of level 4 93
Sigma functions 314
Simultaneous invariants 158
Small resolution 243
solvable 133
Splitting field 30
Steiner prime 151 154 173 178 204
Steinerian variety 286
Steinerian variety, equation defining 286
Subball quotient 209
Sylvester pentahedron 113 175
Symbolic determinant 293 294 300
Symbolic method 191 192 195
Symbolic notation 290—297
Symbolic notation, as a differential calculus 294
Symmetroid 183
Synthemes 85
Tetrahedral group 153
tetrahedron 68 245
Theta constant 86
Theta function 209
Theta functions 86—87 149 186 195
Tits index 273
Totally geodesic 200
Trace 277
Trace, reduced 16 257
Transvectant (Uberschiebung) 295
Transvection 159
Triads 85
Triple points 237 246
Trope 183 195 221 311
Tschirnhaus transformation 134 163
Twisted cubic curve 113 196
Unitary reflection groups 149 289—290
Unitary reflection groups, invariants 289
Unitary reflection groups, of order 25 92 150 186
Varchenko bound 75
Weierstrass -function 314
Weierstrass equation 135
Weyl group 77 111 223—234
Yau inequality 200
Yau proportionality factor 201
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