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Holmes M.H. — Introduction to Perturbation Methods |
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Projectile problem, Maple commands for 45
Pseudo-inverse of matrix 26
Quadratic equations 18—22
Quantization condition 181
Quantum jump equation 116
Rankin — Hugoniot condition 92
Ray 199
Ray methods, WKB method and 197—202
Ray-tracing problem 201
Rayleigh oscillator, equation for 122 270
Rayleigh — Schrodinger series 26
Reduced wave equation 198
Reduction using method of homogenization 242—243
Relaxation dynamics 264—268
Relaxation oscillation 269
Resonance, forced motion near 123—127
Reynolds equation 66
Reynolds transport theorem 244
Riccati equation 267
Rotating wave approximation 116
Routh — Hurwitz criterion 291
Saddle-node bifurcation 255
Scale functions 9
Scaling variables 2 34 36 211
Schlogl model 280
Schrodinger equation 34 180 182
Secondary bifurcation 255
Secular term 106 107
Secular term, avoiding 110
Sel'kov model 292
Self-sustained oscillation 281
Semiconvergent series 13
Shock solution 72
Singular perturbation problems 48
Sinh-Poisson equation 29
Slender annulus approximation 36
Slender body approximations, scaling and 36
Slender body approximations, wave propagation and 190—196
Slow scale 225
Slowly varying coefficients 117—120
Small disturbance theory 36—37 98
Solvability condition 192 273
Sommerfeld radiation condition 208
Spikes 72 73
Stability analysis, linearized 274—275
Stability theory, linear 249
Stability, asymptotic 257
Stability, exchange of 257
Stability, global asymptotic 257
Stability, linearized 255—259
Stability, of branches bifurcating from zero solution 276—277
Stability, of zero solution 275—276
Stable solutions 258
Stationary phase approximation 306—307
Steady-state bifurcation 249
Steady-state solutions 272—274
Stick-slip problem 130—131
Stirling numbers 221
Stirling series 171
Stokes problem, forced 242
Strained coordinates, method of 111
Stretched variables 78
Stretching transformation 50
String equation, damped 134 137 139
String equation, energy 136 279
String equation, nonlinear 137 151
Subcritical bifurcation 255
Subharmonic oscillation 127
Substructure, homogenized coefficients and 237
Substructure, periodic 231 234—239
Supercritical bifurcation 255
Superharmonic oscillation 127
Supersonic air flow 49
| Switchbacking 56
Switching mechanism, biological 270
SWKB method 184
Symbolic computing 43—45
Tangency points 87
Tangent bifurcation 255
Taylor polynomials 10
Taylor's theorem 3
Terms, balancing 19
Thermometer, acoustic 207
Time scales, fast 117
Time scales, possible 111—112
Time scales, slow 109
Time scales, three 110—111
Time scales, two 108
Transcendental equations, asymptotic approximations of 21—22
Transcendentally small 5 11
Transformation, stretching 50
Transition layers, nonmonotone 72 73
Transition layers, solutions in 174—175
Transition region, between inner and Transition region, outer layers 52—53
Transition region, matching and 175—176
Transition region, solution in 193—194
Transition-layer coordinate 193
Transition-layer equations, solution and properties of 297—303
Transport equation 163
Transversality condition 284
Traveling waves, multiple scales for 139—141
Triode circuits 282
Tunneling, phenomenon of 182
Turning point interval 214
Turning points 77 164 173—180 215—218
Turning points, higher-order 302—303
Two-timing method 111
Ultraharmonic oscillation 127
Unbuckled state 278
Uniform asymptotic approximations 37—42
Uniformly valid asymptotic approximations 38
van der Pol equation 129 269 281
Variables, hidden 239
Variables, intermediate 53
Variables, scalar 40
Variables, scaling 2
Variables, stretched 78
Variables, vector 40
Vibrations, maintained 269—270
Viscoelasticity, nonlinear 280—281
Volterra delay equation 286
Watson's lemma 306
Wave approximations, parabolic 207—211
Wave approximations, rotating 116
Wave fronts 198
Wave propagation, energy methods and 185—188
Wave propagation, slender body approximations and 190—196
Wave solutions 186—187
Waves, nonlinear 142—148
Waves, traveling, multiple scales for 139—141
Webster horn equation 188
Well-ordered functions 9
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin method see “WKB method”
Westervelt equation 153
Wigner function 142
WKB method 120 161—218
WKB method, application of 185
WKB method, characteristic of 167
WKB method, discrete 212—218
WKB method, history of 162
WKB method, introductory example 162—167
WKB method, nonlinear 167
WKB method, physical interpretation of 188
WKB method, quantization condition 181
WKB method, ray methods and 197—202
WKBJ method 161
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