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Hirzebruch F. — Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry |
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Kernel of sheaf homomorphism 21
Kervaire, M. 183
Kodaira, K. 1 4 5 6 7 114 118 120 121 122 127 131 138—141 150 151 152 155 157 160 161 163 203 205 207 217
Koszul resolution 181
Kronecker product 48
Kundert, E.G. 64
L(D) 116
L-genus 77
Lamotke, K. 201
Lang, S. 24 47
Langlands, R.P. 165 201
Laplace operator 123
Laplace — Beltrami operator 121
Lefschetz, S. 72 127 161 196
Leray, J. 1 168 169 171
Lie groups 41—45
Lie, S. 103
Lifting 44
Line bundle 45
Linear complex 166
Linear differential operator 184 185
Linear equivalence of divisors 115
Linear genus 154
Local section 43
Locally compact 29
Locally finite covering 30
M(SO(k)) 83
m-sequence 9
Malgrange, B. 167
Manifold 24
Manifold with boundary 81
Manifold with Kahler metric 123
Maxwell — Todd relations 153
Mayer, K.H. 194 197 198 199 201
Meromorphic function 114
Milnor, J. 47 74 75 81 89 90 112 183 199 201
Monoidal transformation 175
Monomorphism of presheaves 19
Monomorphism of sheaves 18
Montgomery, D. 215
Morita, K. 30
Morse theory 183
Multiplicative properties of -genus 156 214
Multiplicative properties of index 85 157
Multiplicative properties of Todd genus 93 111 112 175
Multiplicative property of genus 2 77 93
Multiplicative sequence 9
Nakano, S. 2 140
Narasimhan, M.S. 166
Neighbourhood 16
Newton formula 11 92 182
Noether, M. 154
Non-embedding theorem 198
Non-immersion theorem 198
Non-oriented cobordism 89
Non-singular divisor 69 115
Non-singular variety 1
Norlund, N.E. 16
Normal bundle 68 69
Normal space 30
Normaliser 60
Novikov, S.P. 74 112
Obstruction theory 5 61
Oka, K. 167
Open covering 17
Open neighbourhood 16
Orientation of a complex manifold 2 125
Orientation of an almost complex manifold 67 112
Oriented differentiable manifold 66 76
Oriented homotopy type 90
Orthogonal 85
Palais, R. 186 188 192 193 198 201
Paracompact space 30 50
Parallelisability of spheres 183
Partition of unity 30
Periodicity theorem 182
Picard manifold 150 155
Place functions 114
Plucker coordinates 166
Plurigenus 151
Poincare duality 63 86
Poincare lemma 37 118
Poincare polynomial 127
Point finite covering 30
Pontrjagin classes of combinatorial manifold 74
Pontrjagin classes of differentiable manifold 66
Pontrjagin classes of O(q) -bundle 65
Pontrjagin classes of vector bundle 65
Pontrjagin numbers of 76
Pontrjagin, L. 41 82
Porteous, I.R. 175 176
Positive 115 138
Positive complex analytic line bundle 139
Postulation formula 1 151
Presheaf 18
Principal fibre bundle 41
Product of two oriented manifolds 76
Projection map 40
Projective space 3 8 58 73 165
Projective variety 1
Projectively induced 139
Proper covering 17
Proper map 170
Properly discontinuous 161
Quotient bundle 53 54
Quotient presheaf 19
Quotient sheaf 22
R(X) 95
R-R 155
Rational variety 2 3 163
Real Laplace operator A 123
Reduction of structure group 44
Refinement of a covering 17
Remmert, R. 16 167 169
Resolution of a sheaf 35
Restriction of a sheaf 23
Riemann sphere 62
Riemann surface 2
Riemann — Roch problem 4 116 140
Riemann — Roch theorem for algebraic curve 143 144
Riemann — Roch theorem for algebraic manifold 148 149 155 174
Riemann — Roch theorem for algebraic surface 153 154
Riemann — Roch theorem for complex analytic line bundle 149
Riemann — Roch theorem for complex analytic vector bundle 155
Riemann — Roch theorem for differentiable manifold 200
Riemann — Roch theorem for embedding 173 174
Riemann — Roch theorem for map of algebraic manifolds 172
Roberts, R.S. 199
| Rohlin, V.A. 74 199
Roots of a Lie group 104
Rothenberg, M. 60 65
S 129
S(E), S(W), S(X) 179 181 184
Sampson, J.H. 169 176
Sanderson, B.J. 198
Scalar product 121
Schwartz, L. 188 193
Section extension property 51
Section of a fibre bundle 41
Section of a sheaf 20
Seeley, R. 193 196
Segal, G.B. 195 201
Segre, B. 176
Selberg, A. 165
Serre, J.-P. 1 4 5 7 16 20 31 32 57 83 85 114 118 119 122 123 124 125 150 151 153 155 158 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 175 206
Seshadri, C.S. 166
Severi, F. 1 2 151 152
Shapiro, A. 199
Sheaf 17
Sheaf constructed from presheaf 19
Sheaf of germs of local functions 23 24 25
Sheaf of germs of local sections 46
Sheaf, analytic coherent 167
Shrinking theorem 30
Simplicial cohomology 57 62
Singer, I.M. 90 158 184 187 188 193 194 195 196 198 199 201
Solovay, R. 201
Spectral sequence 157 168 169 171 204
Spencer, D.C. 1 4 5 6 7 114 121 127 131 150 151 155 157 203 205 207 217
Spin (2n) 198
Split manifold 105
Splitting method 59 72 74 100
Stalk 17
Stasheff, J. 75
Steenrod approximation theorem 52
Steenrod cohomology operations 73 74 83
Steenrod, N. 19 43 45 51 52 57 58 60 61 65 67 70 74 83 178
Stein manifold 168
Stiefel manifold 58 61
Stiefel — Whitney class of manifold 73
Stiefel — Whitney numbers 89
Strongly elliptic 186
Structure group 40 44
Structure sheaf 42
Subbundle 53 54
Submanifold, almost complex 70
Submanifold, complex 69
Submanifold, differentiable 68
Subpresheaf 19
Subsheaf 20
Sum of two oriented manifolds 78
Superabundance sup(F) 154
Support 30
Svarc, A.S. 74
Symbol of a differential operator 184 185
Symmetric bounded domain 162
Symmetric manifold 162
T-characteristic of a GL(q, C)-bundle 96
Tangent GL(w, C)-bundle 0 67
Tangent GL(w, R)-bundle r0 66
td, 91 177
Tensor product of bundles 48
Tensor product of vector bundles 47
Thom algebra see “Cobordism ring”
Thom Isomorphism 63 71 180 182 188
Thom, R. 1 6 7 63 69 71 74 81—89 147 180
Todd class of U(q)-bundle 91
Todd genus of manifold 3 93 184
Todd polynomials 3 13—16
Todd, J.A. 2 14 91 153 176
Topological group 39
Topological index 187 196
Topological space 16
Torus 50
Triangular matrices 50
Trivial extension of a sheaf 23
Trivial fibre bundle 41
Trivial line bundle 1 114
Tubular neighbourhood 69
Turin, A.N. 166
Type(F) 63
Type(p, q) 68 118
Uniqueness of Chern classes 59
Universal -bundle 58
Universal principal bundle 74
van de Ven, A.J.H.M. 176
Van der Waerden, B.L. 2
Vandermonde determinants 80 109
Vector bundle 45
Vector bundle of p-vectors 47
Vector bundle of p-forms 47
Vector bundles over projective space 59 165
Vekua, I.N. 186
Virtual -characteristic 98
Virtual -characteristic 135
Virtual -characteristic for algebraic manifolds 142
Virtual almost complex submanifold 95
Virtual arithmetic genus 135
Virtual Euler — Poincare characteristic 96
Virtual index 88
Virtual Todd genus 95
Volpert, A.I. 186
Volume element 2 162
Wall, C.T.C. 90
Washnitzer, G. 158 169 176
Weak complex structure 112
Weakly almost complex manifold 112
Weil, A. 5 24 123 125 155 156 203
Weyl, H. 4 164
Whitney class of differentiable manifold 73
Whitney class of O(q)-bundle 73
Whitney class of topological manifold 74
Whitney multiplication formula 64
Whitney sum of bundles 48
Whitney sum of vector bundles 47
Wood, R. 182
Wu, Wen-Tsun 7
Z 24
Zappa, G. 164
Zariski topology 172
Zariski, O. 139 141 154
Zero presheaf 28
Zero sheaf 21
Zeuthen — Segre invariant 154
Z{y}, Z[y] 132
|D| 116
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