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Chu C.-H., Lau A.T.-M. — Harmonic Functions on Groups and Fourier Algebras
Chu C.-H., Lau A.T.-M. — Harmonic Functions on Groups and Fourier Algebras

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Название: Harmonic Functions on Groups and Fourier Algebras

Авторы: Chu C.-H., Lau A.T.-M.


This research monograph introduces some new aspects to the theory of harmonic functions and related topics. The authors study the analytic algebraic structures of the space of bounded harmonic functions on locally compact groups and its non-commutative analogue, the space of harmonic functionals on Fourier algebras. Both spaces are shown to be the range of a contractive projection on a von Neumann algebra and therefore admit Jordan algebraic structures. This provides a natural setting to apply recent results from non-associative analysis, semigroups and Fourier algebras. Topics discussed include Poisson representations, Poisson spaces, quotients of Fourier algebras and the Murray-von Neumann classification of harmonic functionals.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 100

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008

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Предметный указатель
$JBW^{*}$-algebra      68
$JBW^{*}$-triple      67
$JB^{*}$-algebra      68
$JB^{*}$-triple      67
$JC^{*}$-algebra      68
$\sigma$-admissible neighbourhood      49
$\sigma$-distal function      41
Abelian projection      83
Adapted measure      6
Affine connection      79
Affine symmetry      85
Almost periodic function      31
Amenable group      8
Amenable semitopological semigroup      34
Arens regularity      76
Banach manifold      68
Bounded symmetric domain      68
Cartan factor      76
Central group      9
Central projection      83
Central support      88
Choquet — Deny theorem      8 11 46 47
Completely positive map      64
Contractive projection      15 63
Distal function      39
Equicontinuous action      33
Equivariant homeomorphism      20
Factor      82
Fourier algebra      53
Fourier — Stieltjes algebra      53
Group von Neumann algebra      52
Harmonic function      8
Harmonic functional      55
Jordan triple product      67
Jordan triple system      67
Jordan triple system, $JW^*$-algebra      68
Jordan triple system, JW-algebra      82
Left (right) group      27
Left regular representation      52
Left topological semigroup      27
Left zero semigroup      27
Liouville property      8
Mackey — Arens theorem      15
Mean periodic function      47
Modular $JW^{*}$-algebra      83
Modular projection      83
Nondegenerate measure      6
Normal linear functional      84
Operator commute      82
Orthogonal tripotent      84
Paragroup      27
Peirce decomposition      78
Peirce k-projection      78
Peter — Weyl theorem      10
Poisson measure      20
Poisson representation      18
Poisson space      20
Positive definite function      52
Properly non-modular Jordan algebra      83
Reduced group $C^*$-algebra      52
Semitopological semigroup      27
Separating subset      86
Simple semigroup      27
Simplex (simplicial face)      87
Topological semigroup      27
Tpectral set      72
Tplit face      84
Tpread out measure      31
Trace      85
Transitive group action      43
Triple ideal      77
Triple isomorphism      69
Tripotent      68
Tubtriple      67
Tupport of an operator      54
Type I, II, $II_1$, $II_{\infty}$, III      83
Uniformly continuous function      12
Uniformly continuous harmonic functional      75
Unitary tripotent      68
Vector field      79
Weakly almost periodic function      31
[IN]-group      8
[SIN]-group      8
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