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Hazewinkel M. (ed.) — Handbook of Algebra, Volume 4
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Название: Handbook of Algebra, Volume 4
Автор: Hazewinkel M. (ed.)
Аннотация: Algebra, as we know it today, consists of many different ideas, concepts and results. A reasonable estimate of the number of these different items would be somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000. Many of these have been named and many more could (and perhaps should) have a name or a convenient designation. Even the nonspecialist is likely to encounter most of these, either somewhere in the literature, disguised as a definition or a theorem or to hear about them and feel the need for more information. If this happens, one should be able to find enough information in this Handbook to judge if it is worthwhile to pursue the quest.
In addition to the primary information given in the Handbook, there are references to relevant articles, books or lecture notes to help the reader. An excellent index has been included which is extensive and not limited to definitions, theorems etc.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 518
Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
Difference, ring 244
Difference, specialization 312
Difference, subring 245
Difference, transcendence basis 280
Difference, type 271 282
Difference, valuation 312
Difference, valuation, ring 312
Difference, vector space 268
Difference-differential dimension polynomial 285
Differential 284
Differential algebra 243
Differential dimension polynomial 285
Differential equation with delay 244
Differential field 284
Differential form 454
Differential Galois theory 243
Differential operator 80 86
Differential polynomial 253
Dihedral group 6 58 192 361 481 482
Dimension of a -algebra 290
Dimension of a variety 297
Dimension of an ideal 297
Dimension, polynomial 285
Dimension, theory of differential rings 243
Discrete G-module 36
Discrete orbit category 64
Discrete torsion group 40
Discrete valuation ring 27 46
Discrete-time nonlinear systems 244
Discriminant 365 429
Discriminant of a reflection group 365
Distinguished grouplike element 195
Division algebra 55
Divisor map 49
Doi — Hopf module 214
Domination 312
Double centralizer theorem for Lie color algebras 221
Double crossed product 193
Double crossproduct 200 216
Dress, A. 6 57
Drinfeld, double 190 193 213 216
Drinfeld, element 189 226
Drinfeld, generator 116 136
Drinfeld, map 189
Drinfeld, V.G. 158 188
Dual bases 209 217
Dual characteristic identity 132
Dual cocycle 202
Dual Hopf 2-cocycle 191
Dual Hopf algebra 184
Dual partition 370
Dual projection operator 132
Dual pseudo-cocycle 192
Dual representation 398
Dual root system 357
Dwyer and Friedlander 6
Dwyer, W. 46
Dynkin diagram 355
Effective order 296
Effective order of a -field extension 296
Effective order of a -polynomial 296
Effective order of a variety 297
Effective order of an ideal 297
EI category 6 63
Eichler order 6 61
Eichler, M. 61
Eilenberg — MacLane space 11 363
Eilenberg — MacLane spectrum 11
Elementary matrix 413
Enough injectives 37 39
Enright — Varadarajan module 137
Enveloping algebra 83 89 111 175 228
Enveloping algebra of a Lie color algebra 218
Enveloping algebra of a Lie superalgebra 218
Epimorphic images of triangle groups 391
Equalizer diagram 39
Equation in finite differences 286
Equivalent -field extensions 307
Equivalent filtrations 82
Equivalent realizations 295
Equivalent tuples 252
Equivariant higher algebraic K-theory 6
Equivariant higher K-theory 5 65
Equivariant homotopy equivalence 453
Equivariant Reidemeister torsion 63
Essential prime divisor 261 264 291
Essential separated components 265
Essential separated divisors 263
Essential strongly separated divisors 263
Etale, Chern character 46 51
Etale, cohomology 5 6 34 38 46
Etale, cohomology, group 6
Etale, hypercohomology 39
Etale, K-theory 6
Etale, mapping 39
Euclidean plane 389
Euclidean structure 444
Euclidean triangle 388
Euler totient function 414
Evaluation 209
Exact category 5 15 65
Exact category in the sense of Quillen 64 67
Exact connected sequence of functors 24
Exact filtration 269 273
Exact p-dimensional 277
Exact pairing 66
Exact sequence 66
Exact upper bound for the Gelfand — Kirillov dimension 104
Exceptional complex reflection group 372
Exceptional group 348 445
Exceptional Lie algebra 111
Exceptional Lie algebra, 136
Exceptional simple group of Lie type 397
Exceptional Weyl group 372
Exchange condition 350
Excision 32
Excision, ideal 33
Exhaustively and separately filtered module 269
Existence theorem 298
EXPONENT 226 341 343 369
Exponent of an irreducible character 343
Exponent of Hopf algebras 226
Ext functor 273
Extended Mickelsson algebra 122
Extension 193
Extension, axiom 21
Extension, of the twisted Yangian 138
Exterior algebra 44
Extraordinary cohomology theory 10
Extremal projector 112 116 121—123 139 159
Extreme group 477
F*-condition 473
F*-group 474
F-group 474
Face map 7
Factorizable 217
Factorizable Hopf algebra 190
Factorization theorem for matrices 404
Faddeev, L.D. 115 158
Fadell, E. 430 446 452 453
Faithfully flat H-Galois extension 201
Fake degree 342 369 372
Fenn, R. 431 448 450
Fiber 211
Fiber, bundle 8 452
Fibration 364 452
Field of invariants 375
Filter dimension 79 81 83 87
Filter dimension of a polynomial algebra 83
Filter inequality 80 97
Filtered -module 268
Filtered -R-module 268
Filtration 273
Finite complex reflection group 368 374
Finite Coxeter group 356 373
Finite Coxeter system 349
Finite difference 270
Finite filtration 25
Finite fusion category 231
Finite general linear group 373
Finite generation of Gn (?) 29
Finite generation of K-groups 44
Finite group of Lie type 343
Finite groups generated by reflections 339
Finite length 93
Finite reductive group 343
Finite simple group 387
Finite tor-dimension 24
Finite type Coxeter group 349
Finite Weyl group 361 373
Finite-dimensional Kac-Moody algebra 360
Finite-dual 184
Finitely approximate 474
Finitely embedded 488
Finitely embedded involution 488
Finitely generated -ideal 246
Finitely generated -module 268
Finitely generated -overring 247
Finitely generated -ring extension 247
Finitely generated -ideal 246
Finitely generated difference algebra 290
Finitely generated difference overring 247
Finitely generated difference ring extension 247
Finitely generated inversive -overring 247
Finitely generated inversive -ring extension 247
Finitely generated inversive difference overring 247
Finitely generated inversive difference ring extension 247
Finitely generated type 290
Finitely partitive 85 95
Finitely partitive algebra 100
Finitely partitive K-algebra 89
Finiteness conditions 469
Finiteness results 6
First filter inequality 79
Flasque category 25
Flat 39
Flat, A-module 24
Flip 178 210
Formal series 122
Fox, R. 430 444
Franke, C 321
free 249
Free -K-module 277
Free Burnside group 484 487
Free filtered -R-module 274
Free group 364 413 429 434
Free join 294
Free left D-module 277
Free simplicial ring 10
Friedlander, E. 46
Frobenius, algebra 195—197
Frobenius, automorphism 34
Frobenius, F.G. 400
Frobenius, formula 408
Frobenius, group 481 484 488 490 491
Frobenius, map 343
Frobenius, pair 490
Frobenius, property 219
Frobenius, theorem 224 490
Frobenius, theory 373
Frobenius, type 224 226
FRT construction 212 213
Fuchsian group 389 390 394
Fuks, D.B. 430 455
Full difference Galois group 318
Full Galois group 320
Full group 317
Functional equation 244
Fundamental domain 390
Fundamental Galois theorem for PVE 317
Fundamental group 429
Fundamental matrix 324
Fundamental representation 158
Fundamental system of solutions 316
Fundamental theorem for G-theory 31
Fundamental theorem for Hopf modules 197 219
Fundamental theorem of higher K-theory 30
Fusion category 177 231
G-graded algebra 204
G-space 8
G-spectrum 6
G-theory 5 31 56 58
G-torsor 327
G/G exact 67
G/H -exact 67
Gabriel, P. 79 102
Galois, closed 317 319
Galois, closed field 317
Galois, closed subgroup 317
Galois, cohomology 5 34
Galois, cohomology, group 40
Galois, correspondence 318
Galois, correspondence for total Picard — Vessiot rings 329
Galois, extension 203
Galois, map 201 203
Galois, object 201 204
Galois, theorem for PVE 317
Galois, theory 197 201 401
Galois, theory of difference equations 323
Galois, type correspondence theory 208
Garside left normal form 440
Garside right normal form 440
Garside, F.A. 429 430 440
Gauge equivalence 224
Gauss, C.-F. 429
Gelfand — Kirillov dimension 79 81 86 97 98 102
Gelfand — Kirillov transcendence degree 102
Gelfand — Tsetlin, basis 116 118 131 134 164
Gelfand — Tsetlin, formula 111 112
Gelfand — Tsetlin, integrable system 158
Gelfand — Tsetlin, module 137
Gelfand — Tsetlin, module over the orthogonal Lie algebras 164
Gelfand — Tsetlin, pattern 114 118 136
Gelfand — Tsetlin, pattern for the B,C and D types 142
Gelfand — Tsetlin, subalgebra 135—137
Gelfand — Tsetlin, type basis 115 136 148
Gelfand — Weyl — Zetlin basis 165
Gelfand — Zetlin module 165
Gelfand, I.M. 111
General linear group 373
General linear group over a finite field 372
General linear Lie algebra 111 116
General polynomial 429
General position 147
Generalized braid group 430 444
Generalized Chernikov group 479 480
Generalized Chernikov periodic part 481
Generalized cohomology theory 10
Generalized Liouvillian extension 321
Generalized Picard — Vessiot extension 319
Generalized quaternion algebra 411
Generalized quaternion group 59 485
Generating subspace 93 94
Generator of the monodromy around H 362
Generic prolongation 291—295
Generic representation 136
Generic solution field 319 321
Generic specialization 293 297
Generic zero 252 265 291 297