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Woods F.S., Bailey F.H. — Elementary Calculus |
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Abscissa 28
Acceleration 9 21 186
Algebraic functions 79
Amplitude 128
Angle between curve and radius vector 146
Angle between curves 104
Angle between straight lines 35
Angle, vectorial 142
Angular velocity and acceleration 135
Anti-sine 130
Approximations 53 187
Arc, differential of 106 146
Archimedes, spiral of 145
Area as double integral 246
Area by summation 60
Area in polar coordinates 230
Area of ellipse 225
Area of plane curve 47 225
Area of surface of revolution 259
Asymptote of any curve 89 92
Asymptote of hyperbola 90
Average value See "Mean value"
Axis of coordinates 28
Axis of ellipse 86
Axis of hyperbola 90
Axis of parabola 82
Cardioid 145
Cartesian equation 109
Cartesian space coordinates 269
Catenary 157
Center of gravity of any solid 282
Center of gravity of circular arc 253
Center of gravity of composite area 255
Center of gravity of half a parabolic segment 251
Center of gravity of plane area 251
Center of gravity of plane curve 250
Center of gravity of quarter circumference 250
Center of gravity of right circular cone 253
Center of gravity of sextant of circle 252
Center of gravity of solid of revolution 252
circle 79 148
Circle of curvature 140
Circular measure 119
Cissoid 93
Compound-interest law 160
Cone, circular 272
Cone, elliptic 275
Constant of integration 45 194
coordinates 27
Coordinates, cylindrical 270
Coordinates, polar 142
Coordinates, space 269
Curvature 139
Cycloid 137
Cylinder 273
Cylindrical coordinates 270
Definite integral 62 194
Derivative 15
Derivative, higher 40
Derivative, partial 181
Derivative, second 39
Derivative, sign of 20 40
Differential 50
Differential coefficient 51
Differential of arc 106 146
Differential of area 64
Differential, total 185
Differentiation 15
Differentiation of algebraic functions 94
Differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions 163
Differentiation of implicit functions 102
Differentiation of inverse trigonometric functions 131
Differentiation of polynomial 18
Differentiation of trigonometric functions 124
Differentiation, partial 181
Directrix of parabola 81
Distance between two points 79
Double integration 244
e, the number 155
Eccentricity of ellipse 87
Eccentricity of hyperbola 90
Element of integration 64
ellipse 85
Ellipse, area of 225
Ellipsoid 274
Ellipsoid, volume of 280
Elliptic cone 275
Elliptic paraboloid 275
Equation of a curve 29
Equations, empirical 159
Equations, parametric 109
Equations, roots of 30
Equilateral hyperbola 90 92
Exponential functions 154
Falling body 6 8
Focus of ellipse 85
Focus of hyperbola 87
Focus of parabola 81
force 128
Formulas of differentiation 101 124 131 163
Formulas of integration 195 199 202 205 207 217
Fractions, partial 216
Functions 15
Functions, algebraic 79
Functions, exponential 154
Functions, implicit 102
Functions, inverse trigonometric 130
Functions, logarithmic 154
Functions, trigonometric 119
graphs 27
Graphs in polar coordinates 142
Graphs of exponential functions 157
Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions 130
Graphs of logarithmic functions 157
Graphs of trigonometric functions 121
Hyperbola 87
Implicit functions 102
Increment 16
Indefinite integral 63 194
Infinite integrand 229
| Infinite limits 229
integral 45 194
Integral, definite 62 194
Integral, double 244
Integral, indefinite 63 194
Integrals, table of 217
integrand 194
Integration 45 194
Integration by partial fractions 216
Integration by parts 212
Integration by substitution 208
Integration of a polynomial 45
Integration, collected formulas 217
Integration, constant of 45 194
Integration, repeated 244
Inverse sine 130
Inverse trigonometric functions 130
Lemniscate 144
Length of curve 286
Limit of 156
Limit of 121
Limit of 120
Limit, theorems on 93
Limits of definite integral 63
Line, straight 31
Linear velocity 135
Logarithm 154
Logarithm, Napierian 156
Logarithm, natural 156
Logarithmic spiral 158
Maclaurin's series 173
Maxima and minima 41
Mean value 233
Measure, circular 119
Moment of circle 264
Moment of inertia 260
Moment of quadrant of ellipse 262
Moment of rectangle 261
Moment of solid 283
Moment of solid of revolution 265
Moment, polar 262
Moments of inertia about parallel axes 266
Motion in a curve 107
Motion, simple harmonic 127
Napierian logarithm 156
Ordinate 28
Origin 27 142
Pappus, theorems of 259
parabola 81 145
Parabolic segment 83
Paraboloid 275
Parallel lines 33
Parametric representation 109
Partial differentiation 181
Partial fractions 216
Parts, integration by 212
Period 128
Perpendicular lines 34
Plane 276
Polar coordinates 142
Polar moment of inertia 262
Pole 142
Polynomial, derivative of 18
Polynomial, integral of 45
Power series 172
Pressure 68
Pressure, theorem on 257
Projectile 110
Radian 119
Radius of curvature 139
Radius vector 142
Rate of change 11 189
Revolution, solid of 73
Revolution, surface of 259 273
Roots of an equation 30
Rose of three leaves 144
Second derivative 39
Second derivative, sign of 40
Segment, parabolic 83
Series 172
Series, MacLaurin's 173
Series, power 172
Series, Taylor's 177
Sign of derivative 20 40
simple harmonic motion 127
Slope of curve 36
Slope of straight line 31
Solid of revolution 73
Space coordinates 269
Speed, average 3
Speed, true 5
Sphere 271 272
Spiral of Archimedes 145
Spiral, logarithmic 158
Straight line 31
Substitution, integration by 208
Summation 66
Surfaces 271
Surfaces of revolution 273
Table of integrals 217
Tangent line 88 104
Taylor's series 177
Total differential 185
Trigonometric functions 119
Trochoid 138
Turning-point 37
Value, mean 233
Vector, radius 142
Vectorial angle 142
Velocities, related 111
Velocity 21 107
Velocity, angular 135
Vertex of ellipse 86
Vertex of hyperbola 90
Vertex of parabola 82
Vertex of parabolic segment 84
Volume of any solid 277
Volume of solid of revolution 73
Volume of solid with parallel bases 71
Work 237
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