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Courant R. — Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. 1 |
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44 152
, numerical calculation of 352—353
, series for 319
, Wallis's product for 223—225 363 445
Absolute convergence 369
Absolute convergence of integrals 418
Absolute value 6 74
Acceleration 100 292
Accumulation, point of 58—60
Accumulation, upper and lower points of 62
Addition theorem for hyperbolic junctions 185 189
Addition theorem for logarithm 169
Algebraic functions 23 460 485
Almost periodic functions 437
Amplitude of complex number 74
Amplitude of vibration 296 427 432
Analytic functions 413
Angle between two curves 264
Approximation by polynomials 321 423
Approximation by trigonometric expressions 437—456
Approximation, linear 349
Approximation, practical methods of 342—364
Ar sinh see "Inverse Hyperbolic Functions"
Arc of curve 276—280
Arc of curve as parameter 260 282
Arc of curve in parametric representation 278 279
Arc of curve in polar co-ordinates 280
Arc sine see "Inverse Trigonometric Functions"
Archimedean spiral 290
Area 77—79
Area of closed curve 269—275 311—314
Area of surface 499
Area, extending to infinity 247
Area, orientation of 268 312—314
Arithmetic progression 29
Arithmetic-geometric mean 46
Astroid 267 290 311
Atmospheric pressure 181
Attraction 298 306
Axes, change of 265
Axiomatic method 56
Beats 432
Bernoulli's equation 521
Bernoulli's equation, numbers 422—423 446
Bernoulli's equation, polynomials 446
Bessel's inequality 451
Bimolecular reaction 231
Binomial coefficients 23 28 329
Binomial coefficients, series 329 336 406
Binomial coefficients, theorem 201
Bounded sequence 38 45 60
Bounds, upper and lower 61
Boyle's law 14 181
Calculus, applications to scientific phenomena 107—109 124—126
Cardioid 267 290
Catenary 280 288 291
Catenoid 288 297
Cauchy's convergence for series 367
Cauchy's convergence test 39 60
Cauchy's form of remainder of Taylor's series 324
Cauchy's notation for derivatives 90 467
Centre of curvature 283 307—311
Centre of mass 201 283—284 497 498
Chain rule for differentiation 153—155 202
Chain rule with several variables 474 475
Change of axes 265
Change of variable 477—479 see "Substitution"
Circle of convergence 413
Circle of curvature 282 333—334
Circle, centre of mass of arc of 291
Circle, involute of 310
Circle, moment of 497
Circle, parametric representation of 258
Circle, pedal curve of 267 290
Circular frequency 427
Closed interval 15 64
Comparison of series 377—380 392
Comparison of series with an integral 380—381
Complementary function 509
Complete integral 502
Complex notation for vibrations 433 435
complex numbers 73—75
Complex variable 410—414
Compound function 153—156 472—485
Compound function, differentiation of 154 474 475
Condenser, charging of 307
Conditional convergence see "Convergence"
Constants, integration 110 114 115 502
Contact of curves 331—333
Continuity 16 49—51 54 63 244—245
Continuity and differentiability 79
Continuity of functions of two variables 463—465
Continuity of limit 393
Continuity, sectional 438
Continuity, uniform 51 65
Contour lines 461—462
Convergence of Fourier series 439 447—455
Convergence of improper integrals 247 250 418
Convergence of infinite products 420—422
Convergence of integrated series 394—396
Convergence of power series 399—401
Convergence of sequences 38
Convergence tests 367 368 377—381
Convergence tests for infinite products 421
Convergence tests for integrals 248 250
Convergence tests for uniform convergence 391—392 398
Convergence tests, Cauchy's 39 60 367
Convergence tests, Leibnitz's 370
Convergence, absolute and conditional 369—375
Convergence, circle of 413
Convergence, interval or 400
Convergence, uniform 386—397
Cooling of hot body 180
Cosine 24—25 see
Cosine series 440
Cosine, derivative of 96 99
Cosine, infinite series for 327—328 411
Cosine, integral of 87 143
Cotangent 24—25 see
Cotangent, derivative of 141
Cotangent, integral of 208 214
Cotangent, resolution into partial functions 444
Cube, moment of inertia of 498
Current, alternating 433—435 503
Curvature in polar co-ordinates 280 291
Curvature, centre of 283 307—311
Curvature, circle of 282 333—334
Curvature, radius of 282 308
Curve, area of 269—275 311—314
Curve, concavity or convexity of 158—159
Curve, curvature of see "Curvature"
Curve, derived 90 99
Curve, equation of normal to 263
Curve, equation of tangent to 263
Curve, evolute of 283 307—311
Curve, involute of 309 310
Curve, length of arc of 276—280
Curve, parallel 291
Curve, pedal 267
Curves, angle between 264
Curves, contact of 331—333
Cycloid, common 261 262 287—288 290
Cycloid, evolute of 310
Cycloidal pendulum 303
Cylindroid 465
De Moivre's theorem 74 411
Decimals 8 55
Definite integral see "Integrals"
density 122
Derivative of compound function 154 474 475
| Derivative of implicit function 483
Derivative of infinite series 396—397
Derivative of inverse function 145
Derivative of limit 156
Derivative of product 137 202
Derivative of quotient 138 139
Derivative, parametric expression for 262
Derivatives, higher 99
Derivatives, partial 466
Derivatives, partial, equality of "mixed" 471
Derivatives, table of 206
Derived curve 90 99
Difference function 26
Difference quotient 90 102
Differentiability 79 91 97 109 199—201 244—245 471
Differential coefficient see "Derivative"
Differential equation for elastic vibration 296 502
Differential equation for exponential function 178
Differential equation for motion on curve 294 524—525
Differential equation, homogeneous 503 504—508 519—521
Differential equation, non-homogeneous 509—512
Differentials 107
Differentiation see "Derivative"
Direction cosines 263
Dirichlet integral 251—253 418—419 450
Discontinuity 51 71
Discontinuity of derivative 197
Discontinuity of functions of two variables 464—465
Discontinuity of integral 245—249
Distortion 511 518
Divergence 39 45 see
Double integral see "Multiple Integral"
e 43 172 175 327 336
Elastic vibrations 295—298 502
Electric circuit 182 433—435 503
Ellipse, area of 274
Ellipse, evolute of 310
Ellipse, length of arc of 289
Ellipse, moments of 500
Ellipse, parametric representation of 258
Ellipse, pedal curve of 267 290
Ellipse, radius of curvature of 290
Ellipsoid 485
Ellipsoid, volume of 493—494
Elliptic integrals 243—244 249 255 289 409
Envelope 308
Epicycloid 267 311
Epoch 427
Errors, calculus of 349—352
Euler's constant 381
Euler's formula 411 412
Even functions 20
Evolute 283 307—311
Expansion of rod 14 351
Exponential function 25 69 171—177 195
Exponential function as inverse of logarithm 25—26 171
Exponential function as limit 175
Exponential function of complex variable 411—414
Exponential function, continuity of 69
Exponential function, derivative of 173
Exponential function, differential equation for 178
Exponential function, multiplication theorem for 171
Exponential function, order of magnitude of 191 195
Exponential function, power series for 326—327 399 405
extreme values 160 see
Factorial 251 361—364
Fall of body on curve 299—304
Fall of body with resistance 294
Fall of body, free 94
False position, rule of 357
Fejer kernel 437
Fermat's principle 165 166
Folium of Descartes 267 290
Force, concept of 293
Forced vibrations 510—516
Fourier coefficients 438
Fourier series 437—456
Fourier series, convergence of 439 447—456
Fourier series, integration of 455
Free vibrations 503 507
frequency 296 427
Frequency, circular 427
Frequency, exciting 513
Frequency, natural 507
Frequency, resonance 514
Fresnel integrals 253
Friction 294 502 507
Function 14
Function of a function see "Function" "Compound"
Function of integral variable 27
Function of several variables 458
Function of several variables, continuity of 463—465
Function of several variables, derivatives 466
Function of several variables, geometrical representations of 460—462
Function of several variables, implicit 480—485
Function with no Taylor series 336
Function, algebraic 23 460 485
Function, almost periodic 437
Function, analytic 413
Function, compound 153—156 472—485
Function, continuous 63 65 67 68 70
Function, differentiable 91 97 109 199 244
Function, elementary 68 205
Function, even 20
Function, geometrical representations of 16 71 258
Function, inverse 21 67 145
Function, monotonic 19 20 106 135
Function, periodic 425
Function, rational 22 55 69
Function, sectionally smooth 438 439
Function, transcendental 24 485
Functional determinant 479 480
Fundamental theorem of algebra 73
Fundamental theorem of the differential and integral calculus 114
Fundamental vibration 429
Gamma function 250—251 418
Geometric series 34 315 392 400 407
Gradient 90
Graphical integration 119—121
Gravity 293
Gregory's series 319 352 440 443
Guldin's rule 285
Half-value period 180
Harmonic series 368 381—382
Harmonics 429—431
Hyperbola 23
Hyperbolic functions 183—189
Hyperbolic functions, addition theorem for 185 189
Hyperbolic functions, connexion with trigonometric functions 411
Hyperbolic functions, definition 184
Hyperbolic functions, derivatives of 186
Hyperbolic functions, geometrical representation of 188
Hyperbolic functions, integration of 214
Hyperbolic functions, inverse 186—187 318 408
Hyperbolic functions, Power series for 328
Hyperbolic functions, rational representation of 235—236
Hyperbolic paraboloid 460
Hypocycloid 267 311
Implicit functions 480—485
Improper integrals 245—255 417—419
Indefinite integral 110—117
Indeterminate expressions 338—341
Indicator diagram 305
Inequality 12
Inequality, Bessel's 451
Inequality, Schwarz's 12 130 451
Inertia, moment of 286 498 499
Infinite discontinuities 52 464
Infinite discontinuities of integrand 246—249
Infinite interval of integration 249—250
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