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Borchers H.J., Sen R.N. — Mathematical Implications of Einstein-Weyl Causality |
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-boundary of 27
-interior of 27
Affine 8
Antisymmetric, relation 16
Assumption, dimensionality 80
Assumption, first countability 76
Assumption, local precompactness 72
Assumption, overlapping cover 61
Assumption, total boundedness 72
Axiom, cone 25
Axiom, convexity 34
Axiom, density 17
Axiom, identification 21
Axiom, local structure 45
Axiom, order 17
Bundle, coordinate transformations on 169
Bundle, fibre 169
Bundle, reduction of the group 171
Bundle, tangent 171
Cardinal, nonmeasurable 165
Causality 4 5
Completeness, for uniform spaces 68
Completion, order 73
Condition, local triviality 170
Cone 23
Cone, backward 23
Cone, double 2 5
Cone, forward 23
Cone, future 23
Cone, local 74
Cone, past 23
Continuity, uniform 162
Coordinates, cylindrical, on D-intervals 114—115
Coordinates, radar 144
Curve, spacelike 109
Curve, timelike 103
Cushion 129
Cushion, problem 129
D-interval 34
d-set 32—33
echo 144
Equivalence, order 49
Equivalence, uniform 162
Event 144
Form, Minkowski 8
G-structure 172
Gage 160
Gaufi 150
Group, 8
Group, affine 8
Group, conformal 11
Group, euclidean 8
Group, Lorentz 8
Group, O(n) 8
Group, orthogonal 8
Group, Poincare 8
Group, translation 8
Homogeneity property, first 61
Homogeneity property, second 65
Homogeneity property, third 116
Hypersphere, separating 117
Hypersphere, spacelike in 75
Hypersphere, spacelike in D 61
Interval, 75
Interval, D- 34
l-complete 18
l-connected 20
l-convex 34
l-polygon 21
l-polygon ascending 23
l-polygon descending 23
Lemma, polygon 23
Lemma, relativization 71
Light ray, backward 26
Light ray, forward 26
Light ray, inner 38
Light rays 16
Light rays, new 81—90
Light rays, space-time paths of 16
Local commutativity 4
Local cones 74
Manifold, differentiable 9n 10 172n
Manifold, smooth 10
Manifold, topological 10
Mantle operator 75
Map, 112
Map, fibre-preserving 171
Map, standard 54
Message 144
Metric in general relativity 10
Metric, Euclidean 8
Metric, pseudo-Riemannian 10
Metric, Riemannian 9 10 172
Microcausality 4
Missing sets 71
Notations, 76
Notations, 76
| Notations, except x, y, z 76
Notations, special to chap. 6
Notations, x, y, z 76
Operator, mantle 75
Order interval closed 28
Order interval open 28
Order isomorphism 125n
Order, causal 16
Order, completion 73
Order, equivalence 49
Order, isomorphism 125
Order, partial 16
Order, strict partial 16
Order, terminology 16
Order, total 16
Order, uniformity, Hausdorff Order, uniformity, property 70
Order, uniformity, on D-sets 70
Order, uniformity, topology of 71
Order-convex 32
Particle 144
Point, timelike 27
Points, pair of lightlike 30
Points, pair of spacelike 30
Points, pair of timelike 30
Polygon, ascending 23
Polygon, descending 23
Property S 30
Property S, global 98
Quotation, Cantor 154
Quotation, Dauben 154—155
Quotation, Ehlers, Pirani and Schild 138
Quotation, Hilbert 137
Quotation, Kronheimer and Penrose 138
Quotation, Weyl 4 8—9 12n
Quotation, Wigner 155
Relation, antisymmetric 16
S-space 30
Segment, boundary 54
Segments of light rays, closed 21
Segments of light rays, open 21
Separation, property, Jordan — Brouwer 109
Sets, D- 32—33
Sets, missing 71
Space, anti-de Sitter 22n
Space, completely regular 48
Space, cushion-free 129—132
Space, de Sitter 22n
Space, regular 48
Space, topological, completely uniformizable 164
Space, topological, disconnection of 58
Space, topological, discrete 58
Space, topological, separation of 58
Space, topological, totally disconnected 58
Space, Tychonoff 48
Space, uniformizable 68
Structure, (Weyl) projective 12
Structure, conformal 10 173
Structure, conformal, on Riemannian manifolds 173
Structure, differentiable, of D-intervals 120
Structure, Euclidean 8
Structure, G- 172
Structure, Lorentz 10 172
Structure, Minkowski 8
Structure, O(1, n-1) see “Structure Lorentz”
Structure, O(n) see “Metric Riemannian”
Subset, decreasing 22
Subset, increasing 22
Tensor, conformal 11
Tensor, projective 12
Tensor, Weyl 11
Theorem, generalized Jordan curve 109
Theorem, timelike points 43
Topology, Alexandrov 139
Topology, on M 73
Topology, order 46
Topology, uniform 68 161
Transformations, affine 8
Transformations, conformal 11
Transformations, conformal on Minkowski space 11
Transformations, coordinate on base space 169
Transformations, Lorentz 8
Uniform space, complete 164
Uniform space, precompact 165
Uniform space, sequentially complete 164
Uniform space, totally bounded 165
Uniform space, uniform completion of 164
Uniformity covering 160
Uniformity diagonal 159
Uniformity on ordered spaces, terminological convention 68
Uniformity order, Hausdorff property 70
Uniformity order, on D-sets 70
Uniformity order, topology of 71
Uniformity pseudometric 158
Uniformity relative 162
Uniformizability theorem for ordered spaces 68
Uniformizability, complete of ordered spaces 69
Uniformizability, complete, Shirota's theorem 69
ZFC 165n
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