Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Blessenohl D., Schocker M. — Noncommutative Character Theory of the Symmetric Group |
Предметный указатель |
Algebra, centre 128
Algebra, commutative 18
Algebra, connected 5
Algebra, coplactic see coplactic
Algebra, descent see descent
Algebra, dual see dual
Algebra, graded 5 31
Algebra, homomorphism 22 62
Algebra, Hopf see Hopf
Algebra, Joellenbeck see Jollenbeck
Algebra, opposite 129
Algebra, semi-simple 2 125 126
Algebra, sub- 18
Bialgebra 20
Bialgebra of class functions 4 25 31
Bialgebra of permutations 9 46 50 51
Bialgebra, dual 21
Bialgebra, homomorphism 22
Bialgebra, self-dual 21
Bialgebra, sub- 20
Bidigare 139
Bilinear form on 5 30
Bilinear form on 10 50
Bilinear form, regular 19
Branching rule 89 98
Carpet 151 152
cell 36 see
Centre see algebra
CHARACTER 2 130 136
Character, cyclic see cyclic
Character, degree 13 130
Character, descent see descent
Character, Foulkes see Foulkes
Character, induced 133
Character, irreducible 2 13 84 106 107 130 137
Character, noncommutative 13
Character, regular 13 86 131
Character, sign 87 102 110
Character, skew 86 91
Character, trivial 29 63 131
Character, Young see Young
Characteristic see Frobenius
Class function 2 132
Class function, bialgebra of see bialgebra
Class function, induced 133
Class, conjugacy see conjugacy class
Class, coplactic see coplactic
Class, descent see descent
Class, number 27 135 137
Class, plactic see plactic
Coalgebra 18
Coalgebra, cocommutative 18 31
Coalgebra, dual see dual
Coalgebra, homomorphism 22
Coalgebra, sub- 18
Cocommutative see coalgebra
column see frame
Column in 36
Completely reducible see module
composition 6
Concatenation 6
Conjugacy class 26 132
conjugate see partition
Connected see algebra frame
Content see word
Convex 53
Convolution product see product
Coplactic algebra 11 70 75
Coplactic class 12 67 72 76 144 151 152
Coplactic equivalence 67 143
Coplactic neighbour 67 143
Coproduct 4 18
Coproduct on 29 31
Coproduct on 46 50
Correspondence see Robinson
Coupling see frame
Crochet lemma 148
Cycle, product 3
Cycle, standard 117
Cycle, type 10 26
Cyclic character 117
Degree see character
Descent algebra 7
Descent character 113
Descent class 93 114
Descent number 93 111
Descent set 7 93 112
Dominance relation 103 104
Dual see bialgebra .19
Equivariant 140
Eulerian number 111
Foulkes character 111
Frame 53 71
Frame, column 54
Frame, connected 94
Frame, coupling 55 59 107
Frame, partition 54 72 84 144
Frame, row 54
Frame, semi-direct union see union
Free Lie algebra 122
Frobenius, characteristic 28
Frobenius, lemma 135
Frobenius, reciprocity law 4 8 30 133
Gale see Theorem
General linear group 123
Gessel 35 39
Graded see algebra bialgebra homomorphism
Greene cell 68 86 156
Greene invariant 156
Group algebra 1
Group algebra, centre 135
Homogeneous component 127
Homomorphism of algebras see algebra
Homomorphism of bialgebras 75 see
Homomorphism of coalgebras see coalgebra
Homomorphism of modules see module
Homomorphism, graded 75
Homomorphism, isometric 22 75
Hopf algebra 5
Horizontal strip 59 59 97
Ideal of a shape see shape
Idempotent 129
Idempotent, central 129 135
Idempotent, orthogonal 129
Induction 132
Induction, rule 45 56 59 114
Inductive method 4
Irreducible see character module
Isometric see homomorphism
Joellenbeck 9
Joellenbeck algebra 55 58 71
Joellenbeck epimorphism 13
Klyachko 118
Klyachko, idempotent 118
Knuth 66 143
Kostka matrix 98 100 104
Kostka number 98 110
Kraskiewicz see Theorem
Lattice permutation 109
Leclerc see Theorem
Leeuwen 153
Leg length 91
Lehmann 116
Length of a word 21.
| Lie algebra see free Lie algebra
Lie module 123
Littlewood — Richardson rule 5 110
Mackey formula 7
MacMahon mapping 100 109
Main Theorem 12 75
Major index 118
Malvenuto 9 43
Maschke's Theorem 2 125
Matrix representation 4
Method, inductive see inductive
Module, completely reducible 2
Module, homomorphism 126
Module, irreducible 2
Module, isomorphism 126
Module, multiplicity of an irreducible 129
Module, regular 2
Module, semi-simple 2
Module, Specht 4
Module, sub- 1
Module, trivial 131
Module, unital 1
Multiplicity see module
Murnaghan-Nakayama Rule 93
Nakayama see Murnaghan
Natural labeling see shape
Noncommutative character see character
Noncommutative cyclic character 121
Noncommutative irreducible character 13 72 107
Noncommutative orthogonality relations 12 72 145
Noncommutative regular character 13 86
Noncommutative symmetric functions 8
Opposite algebra see algebra
Orthogonality relations 136
Orthogonality relations, noncommutative see noncommutative
Outer product see product
P-symbol 11 66
Partition 6
Partition conjugate 73 87 104
Partition frame see frame
Permutation 3
Permutation, bialgebra of see bialgebra
Picture 110
Plactic class 65 151 152
Plactic equivalence 65 143
Plactic monoid 66
Plactic neighbour 65 143
Polya action 45
Primitive element 10 61 75 77
Product, convolution 45
Product, outer on 26
Product, outer on 43 45
Q-symbol 11 66
Radical 72
Rearrangement 21
Reciprocity law 31 51
Reciprocity law, Frobenius' see Frobenius
Reducible see module
Regular see character module bilinear
Representation 1 130
Representation matrix 4
Representation unital 1
Restriction 132
Restriction rule 48 58 59 108
Reutenauer 9 43 44 117
Rim hook 91 91 113
Robinson — Schensted correspondence 11 66 155
Row see frame
Row in 36
Ruch see Theorem
Ryser see Theorem
Scalar product 3
Scharf see Theorem
Schensted see Theorem Robinson
Schonhofer see Theorem
schur 28 123
Schur lemma 126
Schutzenberger see Theorem
Self-dual see bialgebra
Self-duality of 5 31
Self-duality of 10 51
Semi-direct see union
Semi-simple see algebra module
Set partition, ordered 139
Set partition, semigroup 140
Set partition, type 139
Shape, - 36 38 41 43 46
Shape, ideal 41 48 91
Shape, isomorphism 35
Shape, natural labeling 35
Shape, sub- 41.
Skew character see character
Solomon 6 7 58
Solomon epimorphism 7 63 78
Specht module see module
Splitting field 3 85 137
Springer 121
Standard tableau see tableau
Standard Young tableau see tableau
Stanley 10 35
Sub-bialgebra see bialgebra
Sub-coalgebra see coalgebra
Sub-shape see shape
Subalgebra see algebra
Submodule see module
Symmetric functions 28
Symmetric functions, noncommutative 8
Symmetric group 3
Tableau, standard 98 100 104
Tableau, standard Young 11 38 38 54 72 84 144 145 152 155
Tensor algebra 123
Theorem of Gale — Ryser 104
Theorem of Greene 156
Theorem of Klyachko 118
Theorem of Kraskiewicz — Weyman 121
Theorem of Leclerc — Scharf — Thibon 120
Theorem of Littlewood — Richardson 5 110
Theorem of Maschke 2 125
Theorem of Ruch — Schonhofer 104
Theorem of Schensted 73 157
Theorem of Schuetzenberger 12 66
Theorem of Wedderburn 129
Thibon see Theorem
Thrall 123
Trace 2
Trivial character see character
Trivial module see module
TYPE see set partition
Union, semi-direct 40 55
Unital see representation module
Valley permutation 93
Wedderburn see Theorem
Weyman see Theorem
Word 6
Word, content 99
Word, permutation viewed as 3
Young 53
Young character 6 26 29 100 103 139
Young lattice 58
Young Rule 97
Young subgroup 6 26
Young tableau see tableau
Zelevinski 5 110
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